Kábul pod tálibánskou nadvládou. Dvě sousední čtvrti a dva páry. Jeden je konzervativní - Atiq a Mussarat jsou manželé už 20 let a mají v sobě hluboce zakořeněné tradice afghánského života. Atiq pracuje jako hlavní dozorce v ženské věznici. Mussarat je těžce nemocná a snaží se zůstat silná až do samého konce. Druhý je moderní – mladí a zamilovaní, Zunaira s Mohsenem se staví proti všem těmto tradicím. Za Tálibánu přišli o práci právníka a profesorky na univerzitě a jen stěží se uživí. Jsou nuceni prodat všechen svůj skromný majetek, aby měli na jídlo. Přesto jsou odhodláni nadále vyznávat novodobé hodnoty. Jeden den dojde k ukamenování. Poté k ponižujícímu zacházení. A následně k boji... a jejich životy se navždy změní. Když se cesty těchto diametrálně odlišných párů navzájem protnou, za lásku bude třeba přinést oběti.
When her mother disappears while on vacation in Colombia with her new boyfriend, June’s search for answers is hindered by international red tape. Stuck thousands of miles away in Los Angeles, June creatively uses all the latest technology at her fingertips to try and find her before it’s too late. But as she digs deeper, her digital sleuthing raises more questions than answers... and when June unravels secrets about her mom, she discovers that she never really knew her at all.
Gus Van Sant tells the story of a young African American man named Jamal who confronts his talents while living on the streets of the Bronx. He accidentally runs into an old writer named Forrester who discovers his passion for writing. With help from his new mentor Jamal receives a scholarship to a private school.
Camille a 16 years old pregnant girl was placed in a maternal center by the Judge. She became friends with Alison, an immature young mother, and fought against the authority of Nadine, an educator as passionate as she was disillusioned.
Jake Huard, from a shipbuilders family, promised his dying mother he'ld make it to Anapolis Naval Academy. Thanks to tenaciously bugging a Congressman, he's selected despite dubious grades. Once inside, Jake soon proves sub-standard academically. Constantly challenged to his limits, repeatedly made the 'over-cocky' reason for the entire class to suffer, Jake nearly quits, but after facing his utterly un-supportive father's gloating returns just in time. Stubborn Jake finds support withs mates as well as Senor Ali, his lover-to-be, and a discipline he may excel in: the 'brigade' boxing tournament, open to all ranks.
Léo, a 22-year-old homeless sex worker searches for genuine love on the streets of Strasbourg.
Nie je tomu tak dávno, čo vojenský expert CIA, Jack Ryan, prežil dramatický záver plavby ponorky. Honbu za ponorkou síce prežil v zdraví, ale riskantné podmorské manévre kapitána Raimusa mu dali poriadne zabrať. Preto nebezpečnú kariéru aktívnej služby vymenil radšej za pokojnejšie závetrie školskej katedry. Pohodu a pokojný život v okamihu zmení jeden Ryanov prednáškový výlet do Londýna. Teroristické komando IRA nečakane a bleskove zaútočí na vybraného člena kráľovskej rodiny. Nikto z tvrdých profesionálov však ani len vo sne netuší, že Ryanovi práve skončila prednáška - a to, že sa práve nachádza v blízkosti akcie, je pre páchateľov útoku osudné. Ryanovi sa podarí atentát prekaziť, čím sa z neho stáva hrdina, ktorý si na svoj účet pripisuje smrť mladého teroristu Patricka Millera. Ryan však netuší, že jeho pomstychtivý brat Sean Miller nerád zostáva niekomu niečo dlžný. Ryan musí teraz čeliť ešte nebezpečnejšej situácii.
The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal. EO, a grey donkey with melancholic eyes, meets good and bad people on his life’s path, experiences joy and pain, endures the wheel of fortune randomly turn his luck into disaster and his despair into unexpected bliss. But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence.
A single mother signs up for self-defense classes from a handsome instructor. But he develops a frightening obsession with her and orchestrates an increasing deadly array of "tests" to see if she has truly learned from his lessons.
Gina pracuje v salóne krásy a už má dosť svojho despotického, namysleného šéfa Jorgeho. Rozhodne sa pre svoj vlastný podnik. Dcéra nastupuje do platenej umeleckej školy, ona opravuje salón, ktorý kupuje a do tohto všetkého Jorge upláca inšpektorov a snaží sa zničiť Ginin podnik. Lenže zákazníci sa len tak hrnú, nielen práce je dosť, ale aj rôznych babských tém, o ktorých môžu dievčatá v salóne klebetiť.
After an unexpected break up, a travel executive accepts an assignment to go undercover and learn about the tourist industry in Vietnam. Along the way, she finds adventure and romance with her Vietnamese expat tour guide and they decide to hijack the tour bus in order to explore life and love off the beaten path.
Lincoln and his best friend, Clyde, struggle to decide whether to participate in the Loud family Spooktacular, attend their friend, Xander's, party, or go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
Liam, an aspiring and ambitious young writer, eagerly accepts a tutoring position at the family estate of his idol, renowned author J.M. Sinclair. But soon, Liam realizes that he is ensnared in a web of family secrets, resentment, and retribution. Sinclair, his wife Hélène, and their son Bertie all guard a dark past, one that threatens Liam’s future as well as their own.
A boy, a girl, and the worst football team in Britain. You can't choose who you're going to fall in love with.
Two old friends reconnect at their friend's funeral, and decide to exact revenge on the widower who wronged all three of them decades earlier.
A deep-sea salvage expert enacts an elaborate plan to infiltrate and take revenge on a criminal organization that dealt him a foul misdeed.
1916. Julien Delaunay is reported missing in action during the Great War. His wife, Julie, refuses to believe he is dead. 1919. When a photo of an amnesic drifter appears in the press, Julie immediately recognizes him as her beloved husband. They are reunited and, little by little, she helps him to fall in love with her again. Until another woman claims to be the man’s real wife…
Michelle and Allen, who have reached the point in their relationship where they are considering next steps, decide to invite their parents to finally meet and to offer some understanding of why marriage works. Except the parents already know each other quite well, which leads to some very distinct opinions about the value of marriage.
Carl Nargle, Vermont’s #1 public television painter, is convinced he has it all: a signature perm, custom van, and fans hanging on his every stroke… until a younger, better artist steals everything (and everyone) Carl loves.