Durante os anos de 1920, nas terras ricas em petróleo da Nação Osage, no estado norte-americano do Oklahoma, uma sucessão de assassinatos brutais, que ficou conhecida como o Reino do Terror, desencadeia uma investigação em grande escala por parte do recém-formado FBI.

In a youth correctional facility, Joe is preparing his return to society. But William’s arrival turns his desire for freedom into desire of another kind. Behind fences and cell walls, passions begin to play havoc with the need for liberty.

Dog and Mirales have been friends since childhood, and live in a small village in the south of France. They spend most of the day hanging around in the streets. To kill time, Mirales has got into the habit of teasing Dog, to the extent that he has become a sort of whipping boy. But one summer, Dog meets Elsa, and they fall in love. Eaten away with jealousy, Mirales will have to get over his past to be able to grow and find his place…

Cédric Kahn, recorda o controverso caso de Pierre Goldman, o ativista de extrema-esquerda acusado de assassinar dois farmacêuticos no Boulevard Richard Lenoir, em Paris, em 1969. Sete anos e um primeiro julgamento que o condenou a prisão perpétua, Cédric Kahn abriu a sala de audiências para o segundo julgamento de Pierre Goldman, que tinha sido remetido para o tribunal de Amiens por razões processuais. Simone Signoret e Régis Debray vieram dar o seu apoio influente a um homem que consideravam injustamente acusado, mas que, apoiado por uma grande parte da intelectualidade de esquerda, proclamava efetivamente a sua inocência.

The future of Marguerite, a brilliant student in Mathematics at the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure, seems all planned out. The only woman from her year, Marguerite is finishing a thesis she has to present to an audience of researchers. On the big day, a mistake shakes all her certainties and all her foundations collapse.

Vanessa Springora tells how she found herself under the influence of a famous writer. In 1986, she was 13; him, almost 50. She explains how she was the victim of a triple predation: sexual, literary and psychic. But beyond her individual story, she also questions the excesses of an era, and the complacency of an environment blinded by talent and celebrity.

Lydia, a midwife very invested in her work, is in the middle of a breakup. At the same time, her best friend, Salomé, announces to her that she is pregnant and asks her to follow her pregnancy. The day Lydia meets Milos, a one-night stand, while she is holding her friend's baby in her arms, she sinks into a lie, at the risk of losing everything.

Nascido em uma família burguesa, Henri Grouès foi um combatente da Resistência, membro do parlamento, defensor dos sem-teto, revolucionário e iconoclasta. Dos bancos da Assembleia Nacional às favelas dos subúrbios de Paris, seu compromisso com os mais vulneráveis lhe rendeu renome internacional. No entanto, todos os dias, ele duvidava de suas ações. Sua vida íntima era desconhecida e pouco crível. Indignado com a pobreza, a desigualdade e a injustiça, frequentemente criticado, às vezes traído, Henri Grouès viveu mil vidas e lutou mil batalhas. Ele deixou sua marca na história com o nome que escolheu para si mesmo: Abbé Pierre.

Youssef Salem, 45, has always managed to miss his writing career. But the trouble begins when his new novel becomes a success because Youssef couldn't help but be inspired by his own, for better or worse. He must now avoid at all costs that his book falls into the hands of his family.

François Marsault, a war veteran, makes the most of his retirement alongside his wife Annie. Authoritarian and ruthless, François rules his family with an iron fist — but when he discovers that his esteemed wife cheated on him 40 years ago, he files for divorce and confronts her former lover, who lives in the French Riviera.

Cercado dos amigos e da família, o verão de Arnaud (Kevin Hazaïs) parece tranquilo...Até a chegada da bela e frágil Madeleine (Adèle Haenel), cheia de profecias catastróficas e músculos tensionados. Ele nunca espera por nada, ela sempre espera o pior. Ele se deixa levar e ri constantemente, ela bate, corre, nada, aguça. Esta é uma história de amor. Ou de sobrevivência.

Pierre, a famous explorer and writer, travels regularly through the world. Someday, climbing a hotel frontage while drunk, he falls from high and into a deep coma. When he awakes, he has difficulties walking but, against everyone's advices, he decides to walk through France, following forgotten pathways...

A disgraced political journalist placed in the soccer section, Miss Pove is asked to follow the presidential campaign in progress. The front-runner is a fifty-year-old heir to a powerful French family and a political novice. Troubled by this candidate, whom she has known to be less smooth in the past, Miss Pove embarks on an investigation that is as surprising as it is jubilant.

Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.

Happy and accomplished, Ellias becomes the new artistic director of a famous French Haute Couture house. When he learns that his father, whom he has not seen for many years, has just died of a heart attack, Ellias goes to Quebec to settle the estate. The young creator will discover that he has inherited much worse than his father's fragile heart.

Bernadette (Catherine Deneuve) é esquecida e considerada antiquada para muitos dentro do palácio Eliseu. Bernadette espera finalmente ser reconhecida após trabalhar durante anos à sombra do seu marido, para que ele se tornasse presidente. No entanto, o seu sonhado reconhecimento não veio e Bernadette decide se vingar, tornando-se uma figura pública famosa. Ela esperava finalmente obter a posição que merecia quando chegasse ao Palácio do Eliseu, porque sempre havia trabalhado pelas costas do marido para elegê-lo presidente. Ela se vingou tornando-se uma grande figura da mídia.

Sophie is a brilliant student. Encouraged by her maths teacher, she leaves the family farm to attend a science preparatory class. Between new encounters, successes and failures, and faced with fierce competition, Sophie realizes that her dream of joining the Polytechnique represents more than an entrance examination but a true challenge of social climbing.

As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!

Compulsive spenders Albert and Bruno are in debt up to their necks. While seeking help from community workers to get their lives back on track, they run into a group of young green activists. Lured by the free beer and snacks rather than by the ideals of eco-activists, Albert and Bruno find themselves joining the movement without much conviction.

Tomorrow is Christmas at Vincent and Beatrice Barand's house. Vincent is happy, it's his favorite day. Unfortunately, the whole family cancels at the last minute. Result: no children, no grandchildren... While Beatrice is looking forward to this intimate evening, he is overwhelmed and can't imagine a Christmas together. So he decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to join them and share the Christmas spirit. Monique, 85 years old and obsessed with death, arrives... soon followed by Jeanne, a former prison guard with no filter. For all four of them, this December 24th promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected!