Struggling to find his place in the world while juggling school and family, Brooklyn teenager Miles Morales is unexpectedly bitten by a radioactive spider and develops unfathomable powers just like the one and only Spider-Man. While wrestling with the implications of his new abilities, Miles discovers a super collider created by the madman Wilson "Kingpin" Fisk, causing others from across the Spider-Verse to be inadvertently transported to his dimension.

Jauns vīrietis bez ilūzijām cīnās pret savu bezmiegu, kas, iespējams, ir viņa garlaicības un pelēkās ikdienas dzīves sekas. Lidojumā ar lidmašīnu viņš tiekas ar Taileru Durdenu, harizmātisku ziepju pārdevēju, kuram ir ļoti īpaša filozofija: perfekcionisms ir vāju cilvēku darbs; tā vietā sevis iznīcināšana ir vienīgā lieta, kas padara dzīvi patiešām dzīvošanas vērtu. Abi nolemj izveidot slepenu cīņas klubu, kur varētu atbrīvoties no neapmierinātības un dusmām, kas būs pārliecinoši panākumi.

At an elite, old-fashioned boarding school in New England, a passionate English teacher inspires his students to rebel against convention and seize the potential of every day, courting the disdain of the stern headmaster.

Tonijs Lips, mazizglītots bāra apsargs itāļu apdzīvotā rajonā Ņujorkā, saņem piedāvājumu kļūt par melnādainā pasaules līmeņa pianista doktora Dona Šērlija šoferi koncertturnejā no Manhatanas līdz pat Dienvidu štatiem. Viņi dodas braucienā, ņemot līdzi ceļvedi, kurā atzīmēti tie retie iestādījumi, kas ir droši afroamerikāņiem. Ceļojuma laikā viņi saskarsies gan ar rasismu, gan ar negaidītu cilvēcību, un, par spīti abu atšķirīgumam, abu starpā uzplauks patiesa draudzība.

A mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran works as a night-time taxi driver in New York City where the perceived decadence and sleaze feed his urge for violent action.

Ir radīts jauns kiborgs – slepkava, identisks tam, kurš reiz mēģināja nogalināt Sāru Konoru, bet viņam tas neizdevās. Šoreiz terminatora jaunāka versija no nākotnes atsūtīta nogalināt Sāras desmit gadus veco dēlu Džonu, lai viņš nekļūtu par cilvēces pretošanās vadītāju. Tomēr Sāra nebūs vienīgā, kas sargās dēlu – viņai palīgā atsūtīts vēl viens terminators ar misiju – aizsargāt Sāru un Džonu par jebkādu cenu. Un cīņa par nākotni var sākties.

Ārzemēs dzīvojošs amerikānis cenšas pārdot savu marihuānas impēriju, un te valda viss, kas vien var būt saistīts ar narkobiznesu: šantāža, kukuļdošana, izspiešana un dažnedažādas viltīgas shēmas.

A woman is suspected of her husband's murder, and their blind son faces a moral dilemma as the sole witness.

With nuclear war looming, a military expert in underwater acoustics strives to prove things aren't as they seem—or sound—using only his ears.

18. gadsimta pirmajā pusē Anglijas troni pārņem karaliene Anna, bet valdīšanu uzņēmusies tuva Annas draudzene Sāra. Kad galmā ienāk jauna kalpone, Abigeila, viņas šarms pilnībā apbur Sāru.

Exactly one year after young rock guitarist Eric Draven and his fiancée are brutally killed by a ruthless gang of criminals, Draven—watched over by a hypnotic crow—returns from the grave to exact revenge.

A bank teller discovers he is actually a background player in an open-world video game, and decides to become the hero of his own story. Now, in a world where there are no limits, he is determined to be the guy who saves his world his way before it's too late.

Postapokaliptiska šausmu filma par ģimeni, kura dzīvo noslēgtu dzīvi pilnīgā klusumā - nāves bailēs no kāda nezināma ļaunuma, kas uzglūn tiem un uzbrūk pie mazākās skaņas.

William Thacker is a London bookstore owner whose humdrum existence is thrown into romantic turmoil when famous American actress Anna Scott appears in his shop. A chance encounter over spilled orange juice leads to a kiss that blossoms into a full-blown affair. As the average bloke and glamorous movie star draw closer and closer together, they struggle to reconcile their radically different lifestyles in the name of love.

After Rocky goes the distance with champ Apollo Creed, both try to put the fight behind them and move on. Rocky settles down with Adrian but can't put his life together outside the ring, while Creed seeks a rematch to restore his reputation. Soon enough, the "Master of Disaster" and the "Italian Stallion" are set on a collision course for a climactic battle that is brutal and unforgettable.

Five years after meeting her three fathers, Sophie Sheridan prepares to open her mother’s hotel. In 1979, young Donna Sheridan meets the men who each could be Sophie’s biological father.

Dr. Steven Murphy is a renowned cardiovascular surgeon who presides over a spotless household with his wife and two children. Lurking at the margins of his idyllic suburban existence is Martin, a fatherless teen who insinuates himself into the doctor's life in gradually unsettling ways.

Caught in a bizarre and terrifying time warp, college student Tree finds herself repeatedly reliving the day of her murder, ultimately realizing that she must identify the killer and the reason for her death before her chances of survival run out.

Pēc pārdzīvotās zemestrīces zemūdens zinātniskā stacija sastopas ar vēl līdz šim nezināmu organismu, kurš kļūst par apdraudējumu visai stacijas apkalpei.

On a prom-night dare, a trio of high school friends chant an incantation, unleashing an evil spirit from the past with deadly consequences.