After being blinded in a coup against the king, Joseon's greatest swordsman goes into hiding, far removed from his city's anguish. But when traffickers kidnap his daughter, he has no choice but to unsheathe his sword once more.

Dokument o dospievaní Daniela Radcliffa a jeho filmového dvojníka Davida Holmesa. Ich priateľstvo prežije nehodu, ktorá im zmení život.

Bryon v dětství skončil na ulici poté, co mu zemřela matka a otec alkoholik ho opustil. Život mu zachránil muž jménem Pa, který se ho ujal a vychoval z něj řadového vojáka ve své neonacistické organizaci. Když se Bryon zamiluje, rozhodne se z gangu odejít, i přestože si tím podepisuje rozsudek smrti. Jediná jeho šance na přežití i odčinění zločinů, které spáchal, je spolupráce s FBI a odstranění tetování, které bylo součástí jeho identity.

Recently returned to South Korea, an actress in her forties is staying with her friend and her cat. Meanwhile, an aging poet in declining health lives alone after the death of his own cat. One day, each receives a visit from a different young aspiring artist, who come equipped with questions about their careers and life itself.

When a troupe of showgirls with their impresario and press agent vacation at a Malibu Beach resort, two of them are garroted. Charlie takes on the case assisted by Number Two Son Jimmy and faithful chauffeur Birmingham Brown.

She’s a young pianist preparing for an audition. He is a games inventor who can only concentrate in complete silence. Separated by only a paper-thin wall in conjoined apartments, will they learn to live in harmony with one another? Will romance blossom through the wall?

Desperate for money and running out of options, Marine veteran Brian Brown-Easley holds several people hostage inside a bank, setting the stage for a tense confrontation with police.

In a remote Irish village, a damaged Finbar is forced to fight for redemption after a lifetime of sins, but what price is he willing to pay? In the land of saints and sinners, some sins can't be buried.

Helena žije idylický život. Má milujúceho manžela, krásnu dcéru, domov, stabilnú prácu. Ale má aj tajomstvo. Ako dieťa vyrastala v divočine, úplne odrezaná od sveta, vychovaná drsným otcom, aby dokázala prežiť v tých najťažších podmienkach. Ale práve otec, ktorý jej bol najbližší, ju a jej matku v skutočnosti držal v lese násilím.

When event planner Chloe is hired to plan the local Christmas Festival, she is beyond thrilled to embrace the challenge. Professionally, everything is going great, but much to the dismay of her mother, Chloe confesses she has given up on ever finding Mr. Right. That all changes the night of the opening of the festival when she meets Evan. The two begin a whirlwind romance, but as Christmas Day nears, Chloe learns that Evan is being transferred overseas for work. What follows is three more Christmases where Chloe and Evan cross paths at the annual festival, but each year something - or someone - stands in the way of true love. Will a touch of Santa's magic on their fourth Christmas Eve finally bring them together?

Vo vysokých zasnežených horách americký satelit fotografuje presun sovietskej rakety. Veliaci generál dá príkaz, že sa rozdelia na dva tímy: jeden bude plniť úlohu a druhý bude slúžiť ako návnada. Najskôr absolvujú špeciálny výcvik, a potom sú vysadení nad Pakistanom, odkiaľ sa po strastiplnej ceste, plnej nebezpečenstva a kurióznych situácií, na príkaz špionážneho centra dostanú cez Pamir až do Dušanbe. Na hraniciach stretnú doktorku Karen Boyerovú, ktorá je tiež špiónkou. Rozhodnú sa teda zjednotiť sily a ďalej pokračovať spoločne. Pokiaľ by sa misia nepodarila, hrozí vypuknutie tretej svetovej vojny...

Seven black friends go away for the weekend, only to find themselves trapped in a cabin with a killer who has a vendetta. They must pit their street smarts and knowledge of horror movies against the murderer to stay alive.

The comedy plot unfolds around two totally different families: the Drahomanov working in culture and the Nalyvaychenko who are local businessmen. On a spring weekend they decide to go for a traditional open-air barbecue and by virtue of destiny arrive at the same clearing each family considers theirs. A quarrel starts between them, quickly transforming into a grotesque war for a barbecue spot. Unexpectedly, a third claimant for the territory arrives; this is a bribe taker on the run who hid his money in this same clearing and takes the youngest children from both family's hostage, demanding to give back the money that disappeared from the hideout. Tricks, frame ups and oppositions, adventures, unexpected guests and crazy money, different views not only on barbecue marinade recipes but also on the right ways to live. This is a story telling us that no matter how different we are and how much we quarrel, we are always a united, powerful force in the face of a common threat.

In the lawless West, The Cowboys, a notorious brotherhood of killers and thieves, reigned over the land with brutal fists and fast guns. Fate had finally caught up with them and now the merciless gang has but a single surviving member. When a deputized gunslinger takes up the call to hunt down the last Cowboy, the chase is on and the bullets fly, and only one of these hardened men can survive.

V živote každého mladého muža nastáva raz trýznivý okamih, kedy začína premýšľať o sexe a než sa začne niečo reálne diať. Deacon sa zoznámi s Mattom a Fredom - traja typickí americkí tínedžeri - sú uprostred najhoršej fázy, majú pocit, že ak sa nestane niečo kľúčového ich život zostane na mŕtvom bode. Urobia čokoľvek pre zhliadnutie aspoň kúsku pornofilmu, ich rána sú vyplnené sledovaním načierno požičanými pornokazetami z Fredovej práce. Keď však Freda vyhodia z práce a traja priatelia si nemôžu porno požičať sami, prichádza spásna myšlienka: natočiť svoje vlastné...

Obchodník sa zobudí vedľa prastarého šrotovacieho mlynu uprostred nekrytej väzenskej cely a netuší, ako sa tam dostal. Je prinútený pracovať ako mulica, aby ostal nažive. Než sa mu narodí dieťa, musí prísť na to, ako utiecť.

When Liv moves to London, she meets the mysterious Henry and his group of friends, who pull her into the enthralling world of dream-travel. She and her newfound band of dream-wanderers conduct a ritual to make their biggest dream come true, but it demands the gravest sacrifice.

Two peanut vendors at a rodeo show get in trouble with their boss and hide out on a railroad train heading west. They get jobs as cowboys on a dude ranch, despite the fact that neither of them knows anything about cowboys, horses, or anything else.

Nemotorný, ale dobrácky policajt Rayane zistí, že jeho babičku uniesol mexický drogový kartel. Teraz má tri dni na doručenie astronomického výkupného. So svojimi parťákmi sa ako neohrozený pomstiteľ, akurát že ním vôbec nie je, vydáva na šialenú misiu naprieč Francúzskom, Abú Zabí aj mexickou džungľou, aby ju zachránil. Nemilosrdný boj s časom sa začína.