Unaired special of “Himouto! Umaru-chan” included with the manga’s seventh compiled volume. After being tempted by a pillow on the television shopping channel, Umaru has a dream reminding her to appreciate the pillow she has. The next day, Umaru goes with Sylphnford to the convenience store where she tries to win a lottery prize. Later, Umaru and Taihei go wild at a yakiniku restaurant, unaware that Nana is at the next table over. At the start of October, Umaru and Kirie get into the Halloween spirit early, dressing up in costume and trying various pumpkin-based snacks. Afterwards, Umaru decides to fake a fever in order to skip school, only to be overcome by guilt.

Violet Evergarden, grįžusi iš karo, ateina dėstyti į moterų akademiją ir pakeičia jaunos mergaitės gyvenimą.

A young couple's love is tested when Sun-jin is diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer's disease.

Samuelio gyvenimas buvo lengvas ir nerūpestingas, kol vieną rytą ant slenksčio pasirodžiusi moteris su kūdikiu ant rankų nepareiškia, kad čia esąs jo vaikas. Nusprendęs, kad tokia problema jam visai nereikalinga, Samuelis leidžiasi ieškoti vaiko mamos. Tačia viskas krypsta netikėta linkme.

Takao, who is training to become a shoemaker, skipped school and is sketching shoes in a Japanese-style garden. He meets a mysterious woman, Yukino, who is older than him. Then, without arranging the times, the two start to see each other again and again, but only on rainy days. They deepen their relationship and open up to each other. But the end of the rainy season soon approaches.

20 years after his escape from Impel Down, the legendary pirate Shiki, the Golden Lion, reappears causing massive upheaval to the Marines. During his long seclusion, he was able to come up with a scheme to bring the World Government to his knees. On his way to execute the plan, Shiki crosses paths with the Straw Hat Pirates and becomes so impressed with Nami's knowledge of meteorology that he abducts her to forcedly enlist her into his crew. Luffy and the gang end up on a strange land populated with monstrous beasts as they desperately search for Shiki and Nami.

Shiro Emiya is a young magus who attends Homurahara Academy in Fuyuki City. One day after cleaning the Archery Dojo in his school, he catches a glimpse of a fight between superhuman beings, and he gets involved in the Holy Grail War, a ritual where magi called Masters fight each other with their Servants to win the Holy Grail. Shiro joins the battle to stop an evildoer from winning the Grail and to save innocent people, but everything goes wrong when a mysterious "Shadow" begins to indiscriminately kill people in Fuyuki...

Šio filmo įvykiai pasakoja istoriją, nutikusią tarp pirmosios ir antrosios „Pjūklo“ dalies. Sužinojęs apie negailestingą vėžio diagnozę, pagrindinis filmo blogiukas Džonas Kreimeris pasiryžęs padaryti viską, kad išgytų. Išgirdęs apie rizikingą (bet, rodos, veiksmingą) eksperimentinę medicininę procedūrą Meksikoje, Džonas nedvejodamas leidžiasi į kelią. Tačiau jo laukia nusivylimas: netrukus paaiškėja, kad tai – tiesiog apgaulė, besinaudojanti tokių žmonių kaip jis bejėgiškumu, pažeidžiamumu ir viltim. Žinoma, Džonas nėra toks, kaip kiti žmonės. Supratęs, kad buvo apgautas, vyras tiesiog įsiunta. Dabar, nepaisant ligos, jis turi naują tikslą - atkeršyti ir tai bus nepakartojama.

Tohru Fujisawa's popular manga about a wildly irreverent high school teacher comes to the screen in this live-action comedy drama. Eikichi Onizuka (Takashi Sorimachi), who barely earned his teaching degree at a second-rate college, rolls into Horobonai, a small rural town in Northern Japan on his motorcycle to take a job as a substitute instructor. Ever since the closing of the local theme park, Horobonai has fallen into an economic tailspin, and many of the town's teenagers have sunk into a deep depression. Onizuka, however, isn't the sort of person who respects the town's newly somber personality; willing to mouth off to both his students and his superiors, Onizuka isn't much of a teacher, but he knows how to get people interested, and soon his brash style (and willingness to kick a few butts) brings new life to Horobonai.

Shoma Mihara, a freshman in high school, receives a sudden message from his friend Atsushi inviting him to meet again at a mysterious festival. Having been unable to contact Atsushi for three and a half years, Shoma jumps at the chance and heads to join the Starlight Festival, held in a deserted mountain village. Once there, Shoma searches for Atsushi but finds no trace of him. Instead Shoma meets Shiori, a young woman who’s also looking for someone. Kana, the director of the Starlight Festival, assures Shoma that he’ll be able to reunite with Atsushi before the festivities end. Both Shoma and Shiori end up helping with preparations, only to find themselves pulled deeper and deeper into a series of strange happenings. Will Shoma be able to meet his dear friend...?

Kas būtų, jei tavo gyvenimas priklausytų nuo nepažįstamojo? Nepavykus gauti bilietų į skrydį du labai skubantys, bet vienas kito visiškai nepažįstantys žmonės sumano gudrybę - kartu išsinuomoti mažytį lėktuvėlį. Planas pavyksta - jiedu jau skrenda virš vaizdingų kalnų ir, staiga lėktuvas it akmuo sminga žemyn. Lėktuvo pilotas žūsta, tačiau abu keleiviai lieka gyvi. Gyvi, bet vienui vieni snieguotojoje ir atšiaurioje kalnų apsuptyje. Supratę, kad niekas nežino, kur jiedu pradingo ir, kad pagalbos jie nesulauks, du nepažįstamieji - vyras ir moteris, leidžiasi į sudėtingą kelionę speigo kaustomais kalno pakraščiais. Nepakeliamas šaltis, avarijos traumos, laukiniai žvėrys ir senkančios jėgos - kova už išlikimą bus itin nuožmi.

Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man, so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living.

Superherojus Hankokas – nelaimingas vienišius, ištvirkęs sekso maniakas ir konfliktiško charakterio alkoholikas, kuriam patinka gelbėti žmones ir būti dėmesio centre. Tik štai kiekviena gelbėjimo operacija atneša dar didesnių nuostolių eiliniams piliečiams. Ir jam visai nesvarbu, ką apie jį galvoja kiti.

The story follows a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps, who is ordered to travel to a remote village and sort out a recently deceased client’s papers. As he works alone in the client’s isolated house, Kipps begins to uncover tragic secrets, his unease growing when he glimpses a mysterious woman dressed only in black. Receiving only silence from the locals, Kipps is forced to uncover the true identity of the Woman in Black on his own, leading to a desperate race against time when he discovers her true identity.

Žurnalistas Irake susipažįsta su vyru, kuris tvirtina, kad tarnavo JAV kariuomenės Naujosios Žemės armijoje, dalinyje, kuriame dirba žmonės, turintys paranormalių sugebėjimų. Tai gali tapti sensacinga istorija, kuri pasitaiko tik kartą gyvenime...

After swearing off music due to an incident at the middle school regional brass band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae enters high school hoping for a fresh start. As fate would have it, she ends up being surrounded by people with an interest in the high school brass band. Kumiko finds the motivation she needs to make music once more with the help of her bandmates, some of whom are new like novice tubist Hazuki Katou; veteran contrabassist Sapphire Kawashima; and band vice president and fellow euphonist Asuka Tanaka. Others are old friends, like Kumiko's childhood friend and hornist-turned-trombonist Shuuichi Tsukamoto, and trumpeter and bandmate from middle school, Reina Kousaka. However, in the band itself, chaos reigns supreme. Despite their intention to qualify for the national band competition, as they currently are, just competing in the local festival will be a challenge—unless the new band advisor Noboru Taki does something about it.

Nuo tada, kai jis buvo pastatytas prieš 130 metų, „Casa de La Colina“ - gotikinis, bet ir šešėlinis - pastatas stovėjo vienas, apsuptas daugybės legendų ir gandų apie tragiškas mirtis. Suintriguotas dėl dvaro praeities, daktaras Davidas Marlowas susitiko su dar trim: Theo - sodriu biseksualu, Nell - jautria moterimi, kuri ką tik išvengė šeimos kontrolės, ir Luke'u Sannersonu, grupės ciniku, vykti į negyvenamus namus ir vesti. baimės pobūdžio tyrimas. O namas pasirūpins pažadindamas nuomininkų baimę ...

The search for her vanished brother Tsuyoshi leads Kaoru to the lonesome village Kozukata in the Japanese back-land. The locals react repelling to her, which the exception of the Chinese girl Sally. As her car breaks down Kaoru is trapped in the village; will she have to repay for something she has done in the past?

JAV Specialiųjų pajėgų būrys atvyksta į Paryžių dalyvauti slaptoje operacijoje. Tačiau jau patį pirmą vakarą įvyksta tragedija – trys geriausi būrio vyrai rasti nužudyti viešbučio kambaryje.Gerkles jiems perrėžė prostitutė, su kuria kovotojai susipažino nakties linksmybių metu striptizo klube. Būrio vadai netrunka suprasti, kad šis nusikaltimas toli gražu nėra atsitiktinis kriminalinis incidentas. Greičiau atvirkščiai – kruopščiai suplanuota užsakyta žmogžudystė.