Video installation showing the film "A Clockwork Orange", reduced to its colour.

After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.

A boy paralyzed as a child grows into an athletic man. The colossal strength that allowed him to become a fit man will prove to be his undoing. Convicted of a murder in a fight, he loses the chance to return to his beloved girl.

The frustrating adventures of a humble employee who all the time has to fullfill the wishes and desires of his bosses.

Louis Theroux travels to Johannesburg, where the residents find themselves increasingly besieged by crime as he looks at the issue of law and disorder.

A group of people are standing along the platform of a railway station in La Ciotat, waiting for a train. One is seen coming, at some distance, and eventually stops at the platform. Doors of the railway-cars open and attendants help passengers off and on. Popular legend has it that, when this film was shown, the first-night audience fled the café in terror, fearing being run over by the "approaching" train. This legend has since been identified as promotional embellishment, though there is evidence to suggest that people were astounded at the capabilities of the Lumières' cinématographe.

Rita, a witty 26-year-old hairdresser, wants to 'discover' herself, so she joins the Open University where she meets the disillusioned professor of literature, Dr. Frank Bryant. His marriage has failed, his new girlfriend is having an affair with his best friend and he can't get through the day without downing a bottle or two of whisky. What Frank needs is a challenge... and along comes Rita.

FotoKem gives in-depth tour of the new scientific and artistic workflows that had to be invented in order to realize Christopher Nolan's unique vision of using both color and black & white 65mm film in the same motion picture

Na njegovu putu za Veliku Britaniju, space shuttle Moonraker, koji je izgradila ugledna tvrtka Drax, usred leta je ukraden, a posada aviona koji ga je nosio je ubijena. Kako bi čim prije pronašla odgovorne, Britanija na zadatak šalje agenta Jamesa Bonda, kojemu će pomoći osobno Hugo Drax. U Draxovim laboratorijima Bond upoznaje briljantnu znanstvenicu i astronautkinju Holly Goodhead, koja je zapravo agentica CIA-e, te iznutra istražuje moguće nepravilnosti tvrtke Drax. Bond i Holly će u potrazi za odgovorom na pitanje što se stvarno dogodilo i tko je sve organizirao saznati kako Drax na umu ima strahovit plan koji ni američka ni sovjetska vlada nisu mogle ni naslutiti.

After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.

The band "Techno Brothers" played by Watanabe, brother Watanabe Yuji and pal Kurosaki Takanori, go to find fame and fortune in Tôkyô. It’s more accurate, though, to call it their manager’s plan. Named Himuro, she channels the look and attitude of famed Vogue editor Anna Wintour, from her bobbed hair and ever-present sunglasses to her commanding air and iron will.

J. Robert Oppenheimer was a national hero, the brilliant scientist who during WWII led the scientific team that created the atomic bomb. But after the bomb brought the war to an end, in spite of his renown and his enormous achievement, America turned on him - humiliated and cast him aside. The question the film asks is, "Why?"

U sunčanoj južnoj Kaliforniji i na tragu dvojice ubojica, Axel Foley ponovno se udružuje s policajcem iz LA-a Billyjem Rosewoodom. Ubrzo otkrivaju da se zabavni park koristi kao paravan masivnog prstena za krivotvorenje - a njime upravlja ista banda koja je pucala u Billyjeva šefa.

In this last episode princess Fantaghirò ends up in a parallel dimension fairy land full of kids. Here the princess must fight against a villain called "Nameless".

A father, a mother and a baby are sitting at a table, on a patio outside. Dad is feeding baby his lunch, while mum is serving tea.

A brutal Los Angeles police lieutenant is determined to bust up an organization that forces underage girls into prostitution.

Tommy Jarvis, dječak koji je ubio Jasona Voorheesa, poslan je na selo u dom za mentalno bolesnu djecu, no kad se počnu događati jeziva ubojstva, on shvati da ga njegova nasilna prošlost progoni na više od jednog načina.

Najpoznatiji istražitelj na svijetu, inspektor Jacques Clouseau, još uvijek se smatra nestalim. Francuska policija želi uz pomoć super računala pronaći drugog najboljeg svjetskog detektiva, koji bi ušao u trag nestalom inspektoru. Ali inspektor Dreyfuss (H. Lom), koji mrzi Clouseaua, izmjeni program, koji sada umjesto najboljeg traži najgoreg svjetskog detektiva.