Thanasis, a rising movie star is excited about the new movie he is starring in. This movie is called FILM. The excessive ambitions and artistic vision of the director that will lead Thanasis to madness. He himself is determined to discover the secret of filming and ultimately the secret of life. In a film shooting nothing is as it seems.

Join Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the Mystery Inc. crew as they head to Chicago for Talent Star, a hit talent show in which Fred and Daphne are finalists with some high hopes. Unlucky for them, the competition is frightful as the show is being broadcast from an opera house with a history of horrors and a particularly vengeful phantom that has cursed the show's production.

A woman is taking an old elevator up to her new apartment that she has just moved into. The oddly old and ringing phone inside the cabin is freaking her out. Over the line she is told about nightmares that are about to become true.

Danny Krueger is a twenty-year old drag racer who plays by his own rules. After winning a scholarship to the prestigious Fast Lane Racing Academy, Danny finds himself competing against some of the fiercest young drivers in the world. Tension soars on and off the track, and a terrible incident leaves Danny without a racing partner. Facing dismissal from the academy, Danny is forced to team up with an old rival. The pair must learn to set aside their differences as they vie for rookie spots on a professional racing team.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.

  在布莱尼•凯茜•卡勒里(米歇尔•崔切伯格饰)心中,有一片比哈佛大学更神圣的地方,那就是镁光灯聚焦的闪闪发光的冰上舞台。   凯茜天姿聪颖,被保送到哈佛大学,但入学之前她必须独立完成一个物理实验。一直以来都对花样滑冰有着莫名情愫的她,选择了这项运动作为实验主题。而正是这次实验激发了凯茜内心对花样滑冰的潜在渴望。一次次尝试中,凯西过人的天赋慢慢显露。是做一名高校的天之骄女,还是放弃机会走向专业的运动生涯?无疑,单身母亲(琼•库萨克饰)殷切的希望女儿选择前者。可冰上自由的旋转跳跃,曼妙的舞姿和偶然而至的爱情,着实令她难以割舍。

  此次,传奇舞者哈尼·丹尼尔斯的故事发生在17岁的玛丽娅(卡特琳娜饰)身上。刚被少管所释放的玛丽娅回到了生她养她的布朗克斯,重新开始新生活。安分守己的她除了会跳街舞什么都不会,只能靠着微薄的工资养活自己。急于证明自己能力的她在市内体育馆找到了一个能让她发光发热的地方,正是当年哈尼·丹尼尔斯教授Hip-Pop的工作室。   一次在舞蹈俱乐部的特别经历让玛丽娅找回了曾经逝去的快乐和能力,她的舞蹈必杀技引起了体育馆志愿者布兰顿(Randy饰)的关注,他邀请玛丽娅帮他一起训练一群才华横溢却散漫不羁的舞者HD。这同样也让她的前男友路易斯(克里斯托弗饰)对她刮目相看,他希望玛丽娅加入她一直在避开的街舞圈子。但是玛丽娅希望自己过上有意义的新生活,她全身心投入到舞蹈中,训练HD舞群参加电视舞蹈大赛,而他们的对手正是玛丽娅前男友路易斯带领的718舞群。在这个过程中,玛丽娅重新找回了舞蹈的激情,也找到了真正的自我和真正的价值所在。

喧哗东京,同年出生的大崎娜娜(中岛美嘉 饰)和小松奈奈(市川由衣 饰)同住一起,各自经历着激荡绚烂的青春。娜娜和乐队BlackStone同心协力,携手朝着目标奋勇前进。虽然娜娜曾经发出警告,但是因失业而烦闷的奈奈还是未能抵挡Trapnest的队长一之濑巧(玉山铁二 饰)的诱惑,而与之陷入热恋。一向将工作放在首位而在男女之事上表现随便的巧,其作为自然引起周围人的不满,尤其是对奈奈心存爱恋的寺岛伸夫(市川由衣 饰)。伸夫的赤诚与执着,对比巧的冷漠轻浮,终于让痛苦的奈奈做出了决定。全新的恋情,全新的道路,这群年轻人还将经历更多的考验……

鲸鱼威利回到了属于自己的家园,而杰西(杰森·詹姆斯·里希特 Jason James Richter 饰)亦已经长大,成为了一名海岸科考队队员,可是,他们之间的故事并没有完结。男孩麦克斯(Vincent Berry 饰)的父亲约翰(帕特里克·基尔帕特里克 Patrick Kilpatrick 饰)是一名非法捕鲸手,有时候,当他穿梭在惊涛骇浪之中追随着鲸鱼的身影之时,会将麦克斯带在身边,这令麦克斯对鲸鱼的感情十分矛盾。

In the 9th century, Emma, a 17-year-old girl, is named Abbess in order to repopulate and Christianize border territories in conflict with the Moors. Upon arriving at the Abbey she will have to overcome the mistrust aroused by a woman determined to fulfill her mission, which will lead her to confront nobles, peasants and the nuns themselves. Despite everything, Emma will show that it is possible to challenge established power structures. Although she will pay a high price to get it...


A beautiful blonde joins a small group of men running an oil station in the Sahara Desert and starts the emotions soaring.

Zenon Kar, a teenager living on a space station in the year 2054, competes in the first ever Galactic Teen Supreme contest.

The horrifying yet delicious and chewy Gingerdead Man causes murder and mayhem on the set of a horrible low budget movie set. It will take the determination of the studio's young new owner to save both his company and well as the lives of his young new friends. Including a terminally ill young boy whose final wish it was to meet the studios stars - The Tiny Terrors.


This documentary explores the history of treasure hunting and the pirates of Caribbean Let the games begin with Treasure Hunting.