Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

Po visuotinio susinaikinimo dykuma virtęs pasaulis paniręs į chaosą. Vienoje iš nedaugelio vis dar žaliuojančių ir apie ateitį galvojančių oazių gyvena „Daugybės Motinų“ bendruomenė. Jos tiki, kad pasaulio ateitis – vaikai ir pasiryžusios padaryti viską, kad juos apsaugotų. Deja, tai padaryti pavyksta ne visuomet. Didžiulė baikerių gauja užpuola „Daugybę Motinų“ ir pagrobia keliasdešimt vaikų, tarp jų – ir Furiosą. Žiauraus karo vado Demento vadovaujami plėšikai netrukus atvyksta į Citadelę, kurią valdo vėliau tikra legenda tapsiantis piktadarys, pulkininkas Džozefas Mūras, išgarsėsiantis „Nemirtingojo Džo“ vardu. Dviem piktadariams susikovus dėl valdžios, jaunajai Furiosai teks pasitelkti visą savo drąsą, išmintį ir įgūdžius, kad išgyventų. Bet būsimoji imperatorė nenusiteikusi vien tik išgyventi – ji tvirtai pasiryžusi padaryti viską, kad sugrįžtų namo.

Buvęs super-piktadarys Gru, dabar - prieš pasaulio blogį kovojančios Superslaptos organizacijos agentas, kviečia įžengti į naują „Bjaurusis aš“ franšizės ir pakalikų chaoso erą.

Set in a world of magical realism, "Wind" sees a grandmother and her grandson trapped down an endless chasm, scavenging debris that surrounds them to realize their dream of escaping to a better life.

Laikai, kai studijuodama koledže Keitė Kuper kartu su bendraminčiais vaikydavosi tornadus, jau praeityje – dabar mergina šį gamtos fenomeną tyrinėja iš saugaus atstumo pažangioje Niujorko laboratorijoje. Sugrįžti prie ankstesnio užsiėmimo ją paskatina artimas bičiulis Chavis, su mokslininkų komanda besirengiantis natūraliomis sąlygomis išbandyti itin pažangią tornadų sekimo sistemą. Ruošdamasi savo pirmajai medžioklei po keliolikos metų pertraukos, Keitė susipažįsta su Taileriu Ovensu – tornadus besivaikančiu adrenalino fanatiku, dėl savo nufilmuotų pavojingų nuotykių tapusiu tikra interneto žvaigžde. Vaikinas tornadus medžioja „senoviniu“ būdu – be jokių naujų technologijų ir pažangių sistemų. Iš pradžių su Keite jie yra skirtingose stovyklose, tačiau audroms vis labiau intensyvėjant ir imant grasinti dar nematyto stiprumo viesulais, Keitės ir Tailerio komandoms teks suvienyti jėgas. Ir ne tik dėl to, kad sumedžiotų vieną ar kelis tornadus, tačiau ir tam, kad išliktų gyvi.

Aurora Teagarden and her boyfriend Martin are thrilled when they get an unexpected visit from his niece and her new baby. Their excitement is short lived when his niece disappears and the baby is left behind. Once again, Aurora finds herself drawn into a deadly investigation as she risks it all to help Martin reunite with his family.

A romantic comedy set on Christmas Eve in Warsaw and centered around a series of characters.

Aurora Teagarden is a beautiful young librarian with a passion for solving murders. After an exhaustive search for the perfect home, Aurora finally purchases her dream house, unaware of its murky history. As she prepares to move in, Aurora discovers that the family who once lived there mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

An army major goes undercover as a college student. His mission is both professional and personal: to protect his general's daughter from a radical militant, and to find his estranged half-brother.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

A documentary about unemployed people who bought fruit and vegetables at moderate prices at the wholesale market and sold these in the streets of Frankfurt. Since they had no permits they were constantly with their bulky carts on the run from the police. One part of the film was shot at the fairgrounds in front of the wholesale market. Newspaper and lottery ticket vendors, propagandists offering their ware for a few pfennigs, all convey the mood of a time when need made people inventive.

Marcy and her husband Johnson, an elderly couple, live together in a constant state of disarray. Johnson continually demands Marcy make him sandwiches, ad nauseam, but how long can she withstand his abuse before she finally cracks?

A man is painting a landscape. A woman is holding two cups. What can go wrong? A nightmare in pink.

After Suman's father leaves her in the care of another family while he travels abroad, she falls in love with Prem. However, in order to for them to marry, Prem has to prove to Suman's father that he is not the same as his own dad.

Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.

Rahul and Riana meet each other for the first time, get drunk, and awake the next morning to find that they have gotten legally married to each other.

A seemingly perfect romance turns dark when a mother becomes convinced her daughter’s new boyfriend has a sinister connection to her own past.

Gauja terorizuoja miestą, apiplėšinėja bankus ir parduotuves. Kovoti su nusikaltėliais skiriami Policijos akademijos studentai. Linksmoji kompanija, kurios patikimiausias ginklas mėlyna uniforma ir sėkmingai susiklosčiusios aplinkybės, nepalieka jokių šansų patiems talentingiausiems vagims.

Three people, each having different aspirations from life, are caught in a tangle of emotions and don’t know the way out. There’s a husband and wife with love eroding from their life. And there’s a single, happy-go-lucky dude who falls in love with the wife.

Nedumaaran Rajangam "Maara" sets out to make the common man fly and in the process takes on the world's most capital intensive industry and several enemies who stand in his way.