Koris yra patyręs, aristokratiškas vagis, išleistas iš kalėjimo tą pačią dieną kurią Vogelis, žudikas, pasprunka nuo teisingumo rankos – kantriojo Matėjo, kačių mylėtojo policijos seklio. Kartu šie vyrai užmano nusikaltimą, kuriam įvykdyti reikia trečio dalyvio – snaiperio. Jų planą lydi sėkmė, bet ar ilgam?

Shinji and Masaru spend most of their school days harassing fellow classmates and playing pranks. They drop out and Shinji becomes a small-time boxer, while Masaru joins up with a local yakuza gang. However, the world is a tough place.

1901 m. Čilėje trys raiteliai gauna algą už didelės valdos apsaugą. Britų kareivio ir amerikiečio samdinio draugijoje dirbantis maišytos rasės snaiperis pradeda galvoti, kad tikroji jo misija – žudyti vietinių žmonių bendruomenę.

Kai amerikiečių šeima yra pakviečiama praleisti savaitgalį idiliškame užmiesčio dvare su žavinga britų šeima, su kuria jie susidraugavo atostogų metu, svajonių poilsis greitai virsta siaubingu psichologiniu košmaru.

Jacques is a writer living in Paris. He hasn't turned 40 but already mistrusts that the best in life is yet to come. Arthur is a student living in Brittany. He reads and smiles a lot and refuses to think that everything in life might not be possible. Jacques and Arthur will like each other. Just like in a lovely dream. Just like in a sad story.

A bounty hunter trying to bring a murderer to justice is forced to accept the help of two less-than-trustworthy strangers.

Ex-championship diver Victoras whiles away his days on the Greek coast, toiling away at a factory with only his dreams, medals and grandmother for company. When a phone call summons him to Germany, a simple road trip is the answer - that is until he crosses paths with the handsome Mathias - a free-spirited hitchhiker who tempts Victoras to take the road not taken.

1947. On a beach, Madeleine, a waitress in a hotel restaurant, mother of a little boy, meets François, a rich and cultivated student. The force of attraction that pushes them towards each other is commensurate with the secrecy that each carries. If we know what Madeleine wants to leave behind by following this young man, we discover over time, what François is desperately trying to flee by mixing Madeleine's fate with his.

Texas Ranger Jake Cutter arrests gambler Paul Regret, but soon finds himself teamed with his prisoner in an undercover effort to defeat a band of renegade arms merchants and thieves known as Comancheros.

After a perverted impulse drives them to kill, Alice and her boyfriend, Luc, drag the body into the woods, only to find themselves hopelessly lost – much like the fairy-tale plight of Hansel and Gretel. Starving and with no hope of being found, they chance upon a dilapidated cottage where a hulking man takes them prisoner and proceeds to feed Luc's sexual appetite.

Michele relocates from capital to remote village Rupe in Abruzzo park. Challenges emerge as she aims to keep local school with few students open, set against idyllic winter and summer backdrops.

Ming Wang is an impoverished Chinese prodigy who flees Communist China to become a pioneering eye surgeon in America. When tasked with restoring the sight of an orphan in India, who was blinded by her stepmother, Wang must confront the trauma of living through the violent uprising in his youth, the Cultural Revolution.

Back from the hospital where he has been treated after a heart attack, Lorenzo is on his way upstairs to his top-floor apartment in Naples when he meets Michela. The charming young woman, who has just moved to the facing apartment, has forgotten her keys and finds herself locked out. Cynical and grumpy, the retired lawyer who has been living estranged from the rest of the world, should normally leave her to her fate but he mellows under her spontaneous charm. He helps her, becomes friends not only with her but with her husband Fabio and their two children. For once, the self-declared misanthropist seems to be experiencing the long forgotten feeling of empathy.

XIX a. vidurys. Po vyro mirties, Sara, kartu su metų dukra Lili, grįžta iš Taičio į San Franciską. Tačiau laive įsisiautėjusi šiltinė dar labiau pakeičia Saros gyvenimą. Vienintelis būdas išsigelbėti – palikti mirtiną ligą nešantį laivą. Moteris su dukra ir dar vienu laive buvusiu vienišu berniuku įsodinama į gelbėjimo valtį ir paleidžiama į atvirą vandenyną. Vienintelis likimo pasiųstas šansas – negyvenama sala. Sara, kupina nepalaužiamo ryžto ir išradingumo, sugebėjo išgyventi ir įsikurti. Ji augino ir mokė vaikus, kol pneumonija pakirto ir jos gyvybę. Vaikai liko vieni su daugybe neatsakytų klausimų apie lyčių skirtumus, vyro ir moters tarpusavio santykius ir meilės jausmą. Po daugelio metų atplaukęs laivas, sudrumsčia jų ramybę ir skausmingai keičia iki šiol turėtą pasaulio įsivaizdavimą.

Return to the Class of Nuke 'Em High follows a young couple that are up against the school glee club. Unfortunately, the glee club has mutated into a gang called The Cretins. When the other students begin to undergo mutations, our couple must solve the mystery and save Tromaville High School

Inspektorius Kriušo išplaukia į tarpplanetinius vandenis - jo prižiūrimame rajone nusileidžia skraidanti lėkštė. Bet tai tik nepaprastų nuotykių pradžia. Netrukus žandaras ir jo prietrankų komanda, gaudydami ateivius, atsiduria vienuolyne. Niekur nedingsi, dabar teks apsirengti vienuolėmis ir giedoti giesmes. Ateiviai iš kosmoso nežinojo, kad turės reikalų su dar didesniais ufonautais.

A brother and sister return to their family home in search of their world famous parents who have disappeared.

Alain, a successful Parisian publisher struggling to adapt to the digital revolution, has major doubts about the new manuscript of Léonard, one of his long-time authors — another work of auto-fiction recycling his love affair with a minor celebrity. Selena, Alain’s wife, a famous stage actress, is of the opposite opinion.

Schools out, and Fred Figglehorn's dream of water slides, horseback riding and monkey butlers during the summer turns into a nightmare of gruel and poisonous berries when his mom signs him up to an unsanitary camp.

Set one year after the events of Hell House LLC II, the hotel is on the verge of being torn down when it is purchased by billionaire Russell Wynn as the new home for his popular interactive show, Insomnia. He invites journalist Venessa Sheppard and her crew to record everything happening inside the hotel leading up to the performance - but they soon encounter a more nefarious plot, one that threatens to unleash a veritable hell on earth.