Čtyři francouzští vojáci zůstanou na poušti se zničeným vozem, vysílačkou a bez vody. Po krátké hádce zvítězí touha po životě a tak se vydávájí na 700 kilometrů dlouhou cestu. Záhy se jim naskytne šance, aby se mohli dostat zpět na základnu do Tobruku, ke své jednotce. Objeví německé vozidlo, zastřelí posádku a chystají se vyrazit na cestu. Zjistí, že zbyl ještě jeden člen posádky německého vozu, kapitán von Stegel. 4 Francouzi a jeden Němec se vydájí společně na cestu pouští.

A documentary on the making of "Pumping Iron" to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Aired on Cinemax.

Aziz Ansari channels his crude side taking on topics like watching porn and the struggles of dating in New York City.

Now a member of Anteiku, Ken Kaneki grows closer to the ghouls around him. Determined to protect his new home against anti-ghoul forces, he trains his powers in secret. But when the infamous gourmet, Shū Tsukiyama, wishes to savour some half-ghoul flavour, Kaneki's training is put to test of a lifetime.

Four friends meet an underworld don who, on his deathbed, clues them in on hidden treasure buried in Goa. The group race towards Goa, not knowing that their plans will soon be foiled, albeit hilariously, by a police officer, who is also after the money.

Uptight French chef, Sara Westbrook, gets fired up when her upscale café, Chez Varenne, is suddenly overshadowed by a new restaurant moving in next door run by a group of rowdy firemen. Led by handsome former fire fighter Gill Callahan and his friend Danny, The Five Alarm Grill is soon a big success while Sara and Patsy, her pastry chef, struggle to bring in customers. Sara suddenly softens when she meets Gill's ten-year-old daughter Hannah. Ignoring the obvious tension between her dad and Sara, Hannah is soon playing matchmaker. Can Gill and Sara's burgeoning romance survive the temptation to compete with each other, or will the heat of competition drive them apart?

Jack McKee is a doctor with it all: he's successful, he's rich, and he has no problems.... until he is diagnosed with throat cancer. Now that he has seen medicine, hospitals, and doctors from a patient's perspective, he realises that there is more to being a doctor than surgery and prescriptions.

Snímek sleduje neúprosný vzestup Carltona Leache, jednoho z nejobávanějších fotbalových chuligánů, který se dostane až na místo samotného člena známého gangu kriminálníků, kteří jsou jedni z nejobávanějších od Londýna až po Essex od začátku osmdesátých let až po konec devadesátých.

This documentary takes the viewer on a deeply personal journey into the everyday lives of families struggling to fight Goliath. From a family business owner in the Midwest to a preacher in California, from workers in Florida to a poet in Mexico, dozens of film crews on three continents bring the intensely personal stories of an assault on families and American values.

Inspector for a major insurance company, Clint de La Roche, known as "le vicomte", is enjoying a pleasant vacation on the Spanish coast with a few pretty girls and his assistant, Billette, when he is urgently called back to Paris to investigate a bank robbery. The bank manager has had the key to the security system stolen by a certain Tania. But Tania is killed in a car bomb attack. However, Clint soon discovers that behind this case lies a rivalry between the gangs of Rico Barone and Marco Demoygne, who are fighting for control of the drug market.

Kovboj Handsome Stranger (Krasný Cizinec) má doprovodit slečnu Charming Jonesovou (Okouzlující Jonesová), na cestě pro peníze od jejího otce Parody Jonese. Bohatý Avery Jones se však chce těchto peněz zmocnit a tak najímá starého kovboje Kaktusového Jacka, aby Strangera a Jonesovou na zpáteční cestě okradl. Problém je v tom, že Kaktusový Jack zrovna v okrádání není moc dobrý ..

Dodger, a criminal monkey, belongs to a crooked street performer but escapes his life of crime only to end up in the arms of Eva, an innocent little girl whose mother has no idea that her daughter is harboring a fugitive.

V L.A. řádí brutální sériový vrah známý díky své zálibě v satanistické symbolice jako Pentagram killer. Detektiv Logan (Lou Diamond Phillips) se v případu nemá čeho chytit, dokud se neozve tajemná Tess (Tracy Griffith), jíž však za informace vedoucí k vrahově dopadení musí slíbit, že zločinec nepřijde za žádnou cenu o život. Záhy dopadený Patrick Channing (Jeff Kober) je snadno usvědčen a odsouzen k trestu smrti. Logan již na podivný slib daný neznámé ženě dávno zapomněl a oslavuje s kolegy svůj další úspěch, aniž by tušil, že pravé drama teprve začíná…

Bohatý a mocný Goddart Bolt se vsadil, že dokáže třicet dní žít na ulici a přežít. Bez střechy nad hlavou, vařený zaživa v zeleninové polévce, sražen k zemi taškou zapáchající stařenky, považovaný za toaletu místním tulákem... Vydrží?

Doktor David Banner pracuje pod smyšleným jménem v laboratoři doktora Pratta. Doufá, že zde najde způsob, jak se konečně zbavit proměn v Hulka. Jednoho dne prozradí doktoru Prattovi své tajemství a snahu najít způsob, jak utlumit působení Gamma paprsků. Doktor Pratt slíbí, že mu pomůže. Při experimentu, který má Bannerovi pomoci, vniknou do laboratoře neznámí vetřelci. Unesou doktora Pratta a jeho ženu. Mají v plánu zneužít jejich výzkum pro své vlastní účely. Doktor Banner se zamiluje do Jasmin, členky bandy únosců. Jasmin se k nim přidala z donucení, protože šéf bandy drží jako rukojmí její sestru. Také se do Bannera zamiluje a oběma se navíc podaří doktora Pratta s manželkou osvobodit. Doktor Banner se opět promění v Hulka a vydá se po stopách únosců...

The story of Aleksandra and Cyrille, a prominent, trendy, and very well-off Parisian couple, whose life is not quite the same after seven-year-old Alekseï from Russia suddenly pops up in their 100% cashmere, childless home. Aleksandra soon realises that this little boy they have adopted is not quite what she had been hoping for...

Claudio is a selfish 40 year-old man who enjoys all the pleasures in life. With a limitless bank account at his disposal and a charming appearance, he jumps from one girl to the next . . . until he falls in love with Luisa.

Armando Andreoli, a well-known engineer of almost 80 years, is approached by Federica, an assistant nurse who then invites him to his hotel room. In the morning, Federica's boyfriend arrives in the room, suspecting a relationship that has never existed.

A young fashion blogger and an aspiring songwriter seem to have not that much in common, but when Cupid’s arrow hits them, every difference fades away and overnight they decide to get married. Even their fathers do not have anything in common: Gaetano is a strict mayor from Southern Italy, while Diego is a rich entrepreneur from the North. Between the two forthcoming in-laws, instead, is hate at first sight. They seem to agree on one single common goal: prevent this marriage at any cost! After fighting by any means in a struggle that will also involve their two bizarre families, will they manage to say no to the wedding?

When the heiress of a luxury hotel chain is kidnapped at her dingy motel outside Detroit by a band of ruthless sex traffickers, her downtrodden assistant must figure out a way to rescue her.