Za vrijeme noćne provale, Hutch odbija braniti sebe, ali i svoju obitelj iako njegov sin napada provalnike sa željom da se izbjegne ozbiljno nasilje. Provala pokreće u Hutchu dugo potiskivani bijes te postaje okidač koji ga usmjerava na brutalan put osvete na kojem se otkriva njegova mračna strana, ali i smrtonosne vještine koje posjeduje. Hutch mora obraniti obitelj od opasnog neprijatelja, vođe ruske mafije.

101-godišnja Rose DeWitt Bukater priča priču o svom životu na Titanicu, 84 godine kasnije. Mlada Rose ukrca se na brod s majkom i zaručnikom. U međuvremenu Jack Dawson i Fabrizio De Rossi osvajaju trećerazredne karte na brodu. Rose priča cijelu priču od polaska Titanica do njegova potonuća - na njegovom prvom i posljednjem putovanju - 15. travnja 1912. godine.

Ikaros is an Angeloid and falls out of the sky. Tomoki Sakurai is a boy who believes the most important thing is to live a peaceful life. The two live tougher. Tomoki Sakurai has never seen Ikaros smile. Tomoki Sakurai sees Nymph and Astraea laugh after they got free from the master’s rule. He hopes Ikaros can laugh like an ordinary girl. This movie wraps up the story of Tomoki Sakurai and his relationship with the Angeloid from the sky, Ikaros.

Due to an error the male student Kagami Yuuki is registered for a room in the girls dormitory of his new co-ed high school. Since no male rooms are available he is left with no other option than to sleep in the girls dormitory in the same room as the teacher that made the mistak in the first place, Ayane-sensei. To avoid getting kicked out of the school for being a boy in a girls dormitory he has to cross-dress whenever he is leaving his room. Needless to say that this brings him a lot of trouble.

The film's story begins when Arata inadvertently touches "Hermes Apocrypha," Lilith's Grimoire. Suddenly, he is enveloped by a bright white light, and a girl appears before him. She calls herself Lilim, and treats both Arata and Lilith as her parents. At the same time she appears, something changes in the world. The forbidden Eternal Library awakens. In the Library is sealed the ultimate culmination of Alchemy, the White Demon Lord. The White Demon Lord plots to eliminate Arata and the Trinity Seven to usurp the position of Demon Lord. Bristling with untold power, the White Demon Lord attacks Arata, and triggers a desperate crisis where Arata and the Trinity Seven must save the world in this last battle.

Priča o neurokirurgu svjetskog glasa dr. Stephenu Strangeu dobila je svoj samostalni nastavak. Doktor Strange otključava Multiverzum i pomiče njegove granice dalje nego ikad prije. Putovanjem u nepoznato, uz pomoć mističnih saveznika, prolazi kroz zapanjujuće i opasne alternativne realnosti Multiverzuma kako bi se suprotstavio misterioznom novom protivniku.

Nakon što aktivisti za prava životinja iz londonskog laboratorija za istraživanje primata oslobode nekoliko majmuna na kojima se testira nepoznati virus, Velikom Britanijom se vrlo brzo proširi smrtonosna zaraza koja ljude smjesta pretvara u tjelesno deformirane i krvoločne zombije. Četiri tjedna kasnije cijela zemlja je poharana, a među rijetkim preživjelim i nezaraženim ljudima je i mladi Jim (C. Murphy), gradski dostavljač koji se probudi iz kome uzrokovane prometnom nesrećom. Shvativši da se nalazi u posve opustjeloj bolnici, te postupno otkrivajući razmjere apokalipse, Jim lutajući podjednako zastrašujuće pustim gradom naiđe na odvažnu Selenu (N. Harris) i njezinog prijatelja Marka (N. Huntley), s kojima odluči pobjeći iz grada. No to je lakše reći nego učiniti, jer zaraženi ljudi vrebaju na svakom uglu, a u gradu nema električne energije ni bilo kakvih organiziranih oblika života.

Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan who one day decides to become a super-hero, even though he has no powers, training or meaningful reason to do so.

Svjetski poznat detektiv Benoit Blanc u Grčkoj ljušti slojeve misterija u čijem su središtu tehnološki milijarder i njegovi eklektični prijatelji.

Contains footage of the "Precure All Stars DX 3D Theater" (プリキュアオールスターズDX 3Dシアター) events that were held throughout Japan. Released on DVD/BD on 25.11.2011.

Pripremite se za rock! U ovom veselom mjuziklu upoznajemo Barbie kao Courtney, modernu princezu čiji se svijet okrene naglavačke kada zamijeni mjesto u kampu s Erikom, poznatom rock-zvijezdom. Dva vrlo različita svijeta sudare se kada princezu Courtney zabunom pošalju u Pop-kamp, a Eriku u Royalty kamp. Dok vođe suparničkih tabora pokušavaju ispraviti zabunu, i Courtney i Erika uče se prilagoditi različitim svjetovima i zabavljaju se dok sklapaju nova, neočekivana prijateljstva. Kada djevojke saznaju da su oba tabora u opasnosti od zatvaranja, moraju prigrliti svoje razlike, pronaći svoje prave glasove i okupiti se za epsko pjevanje koje pokazuje da je sve moguće kada se usudite sanjati velike snove!

Peter Parker is an outcast high schooler abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.

The governor of a small Caribbean island is about to be visited by his European nephews, so he decides to treat them with the celebration a traditional Christmas day. This includes eating turkey for dinner, decorating the Christmas tree, and watching the snow fall. His subjects are willing to fullfil this task in order to improve the distribution and protection of drinking water that comes from a spring.

Before WWII: Dr. Hasenbein lives with his son Peter in a small town. Aunt Uschi's orphanage houses many children and a hamster. When the hamster falls ill, Dr. Hasenbein is given something to do. The tailor, Mr. Voss, is also treated by Dr. Hasenbein: for tendinitis. During the war, Dr. Hasenbein has to go away. When he comes back after 30 years, everything has changed...

Kada teroristi uzmu američkog potpredsjednika za taoca i zaprijete da će raznijeti prepunu sportsku dvoranu tijekom bitne hokejaške utakmice, usamljeni zaštitar, majstor borilačkih vještina, nastoji spasiti situaciju.

Žena iz Meksika, očajna i bez dokumenata, useli se u ruševni pansion u Clevelandu. Uskoro krenu uznemirujući krikovi i jezive vizije.

Daleka postaja Federacije Fort Casey je na udaru buba. Jedan tim na brzom napadačkom brodu 'Alesia' dodijeljen je da pomogne zvjezdanom brodu 'John A. Warden' stacioniranom u Fort Caseyju u evakuaciji preživjelih. Carl Jenkins, sada ministar paranormalnog ratovanja, vodi zvjezdani brod u tajnu misiju prije susreta s Alesijom i nestaje u maglici. Sada su vojnici zaduženi za misiju spašavanja koja može dovesti do mnogo zlokobnijih posljedica nego što su ikada mogli zamisliti...

Alain Moreau's investigation into the death of his identical twin brother leads him from the beauty of the south of France to the mean streets of New York City and into the arms of his brother's beautiful girlfriend. Pursued by ruthless Russian mobsters and renegade FBI agents, the duo race against time to solve his brother's murder and expose an international conspiracy.

When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on – his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with the daughter's older brother, who's on the run from local drug dealers.

Kad su najljepši ljudi na svijetu u opasnosti, bivši modeli Derek i Hansel regrutirani su za tajnu misiju da poraze kriminalni veleum Mugatua.