When the contestants at a way-cool snowboarding contest are suspiciously sidelined, Scooby-Doo and the kids investigate - and discover the chilling fact that There's No Creature Like Snow Creature! Then, there's dino-sized mystery afoot in Costa Rica when a fearsome Giganotosaurus jumps off a movie screen and goes on a rampage of 3-D Struction! Next, in Space Ape at the Cape the gang tangles with an extra-scary extraterrestrial who's monkeying around with an important rocket launch. And there's a Big Scare in the Big Easy when the Mystery Inc. crew unearths spooky doings at a haunted New Orleans cemetery!

Witness a remarkable coming-of-age story as we track a young leopard's journey from rookie to royalty in South Africa's lethal Big Five landscape. When we first meet Jack, he's clumsy, fearful, and weak, but he's a fast learner - and he'll need to be. He's destined for a showdown with the area's current leopard monarch, an alpha male with a real mean streak. We follow Jack as he hones his skills and builds up muscle for the ultimate catfight. It's a battle where only the winner will walk out alive.

With unprecedented access, this program reveals the humour, chaos and passion that went into bringing the Flying Circus to the stage cumulating in the legendary One Down, Five To Go.

Gordon discovers that his girlfriend's dog isn't quite what she says it is.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.

A local council worker inspects three homes.

Two Minions are busy at work in the mailroom. One of them, bored, decides to throw a box of expired PX-41 samples into its designated chute.

When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has disappeared without a trace - and that nobody seems too concerned about it. As Simon probes deeper into the disappearance, the inhabitants of a forbidding estate called "Summerfield" take on more and more significance.

Daniel e Emilien sono ancora in azione, questa volta impegnati nel difficile compito di ritrovare il ministro della difesa giapponese rapito da una banda di Yakusas..

Piedino, Tricki, Pitrie, Spike e Ducky, sempre a caccia di novità, superano i confini della loro valle e inaspettatamente, si trovano di fronte alla spettacolare vastità dell'oceano ricco di meravigliose creature. Tra queste uno straordinario delfino preistorico chiamato Mo, che con le sue mirabolanti evoluzioni acquatiche saprà catturare l'amicizia e la simpatia di tutto il gruppo.

Kim and Pie are in love, but after graduation they have to travel into two different directions for their internship; Kim is going to work in a farm in the northern province of Nan, while Pie is going South to work in a fishery center. Their love is being tested by the distance between them.

Nel film, dopo un fatidico incontro con un misterioso estraneo, Pee-wee Herman decide di prendere la prima vacanza della sua vita, in questa storia epica sull’amicizia e sul destino.

Una comitiva di ragazzi decide di trascorrere il weekend in una baita di campagna che, due anni prima, era stata teatro di una sanguinosa vicenda. Un maniaco con una maschera da portiere di hockey aveva assalito una ragazza e la padrona dell'abitazione. Costei credeva di averlo ucciso, ma il killer è ancora vivo e vaga nelle vicinanze. I componenti del gruppo di adolescenti vengono uccisi nei modi più impensati e più feroci così come un gruppo di malcapitati teppisti.

Dopo 3 anni, Stuart ormai si è integrato nella sua nuova vita, ma si sente solo e vorrebbe la compagnia dei suoi simili. Quindi è felice quando incontra la simpatica uccellina Margalo, bisognosa di aiuto e accolta affettuosamente dai Little. Ma Stuart scoprirà che non tutto è come sembra.

Canadian scientist, Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden in order to contribute to their most important project—a human regeneration gene—that also has the potential to make something miraculous out of a personal tragedy that has haunted him for years.

The story is about a fugitive who lives apart from society in a jungle area with the company of his grandson

On TV a new reality show, "Pionerlager", has started. Following the results of a casting, five young men and five girls, led by young TV presenter Alice Ten, go to the thrown pioneer camp. The rules state that every week someone would be eliminated from the show. The last one remaining will win the main prize: one million roubles. But suddenly game rules change: the invisible observer declares that it is life, not money, that will be the award for the winner. The maniac hiding behind the mask of a horse, begins a hunt for the participants. Children's horror stories which he once listened to in pioneer camp, revive and become a plot of its own murders.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.