A vacationing entomologist suffers extreme physical and psychological trauma after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village and made to live with a woman whose life task is shoveling sand for them.

Ko nekega večera v njegov dom vdreta tatova, Hutch Mansell noče braniti sebe ali svoje družine, saj tako upa, da bo tako preprečil resno nasilje. Posledice incidenta se ujemajo s Hutchevim dolgotrajnim besom, ki bo sprožil instinkte in ga pognal na brutalno pot, ki bo razkrila temne skrivnosti in smrtonosne veščine. Med pestmi, streljanjem in cvilečimi pnevmatiki bo moral Hutch rešiti svojo družino pred nevarnim nasprotnikom, ter si zagotoviti, da ga nikoli več ne bodo podcenjevali.

In order to help bring Nazis to justice, U.S. government agent T.R. Devlin recruits Alicia Huberman, the American daughter of a convicted German war criminal, as a spy. As they begin to fall for one another, Alicia is instructed to win the affections of Alexander Sebastian, a Nazi hiding out in Brazil. When Sebastian becomes serious about his relationship with Alicia, the stakes get higher, and Devlin must watch her slip further undercover.

Mika is a fresh high school student who starts texting a mysterious boy. She is shocked when he reveals who he is - Hiro, a delinquent attending her school. What she doesn't know is that Hiro isn't as bad as he seems.

Film se vrti okoli globoko zakopanih skrivnostih o preteklosti neke družine in malega mesteca. To je zgodba o materi samohranilki, ki pride z otrokoma v mestece, kjer se začnejo dogajati nenavadne stvari. Družina kmalu začne odkrivati lastne vezi s prvotnimi izganjalci duhov in skrivno zapuščino, ki jo je zapustil dedek.

A depiction of the conflict between King Henry VIII of England and his Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas More, who refuses to swear the Oath of Supremacy declaring Henry Supreme Head of the Church in England.

Tommaso goes incredible lengths to win back the love of his former girlfriend Cecilia, but sometimes things change in the most unexpected way.

Jessica je nekdanja odvisnica od mamil in mati samohranilka. Med pripravami na selitev iz hiše njene pokojne matere jo obišče nasilni bivši partner s svojim pedofilskim kolegom in jo zaklene v shrambo. Jessica je zdaj prisiljena v krut boj za preživetje, da bi zavarovala sebe in še posebej svoja otroka.

Memo lives on a remote Chilean sheep farm, hiding a beautiful singing voice from the outside world. A recluse with a glittery flair, he can't stop dwelling on the past, but what will happen once someone finally listens?

The famous Pink Panther jewel has once again been stolen and Inspector Clouseau is called in to catch the thief. The Inspector is convinced that 'The Phantom' has returned and utilises all of his resources – himself and his Asian manservant – to reveal the identity of 'The Phantom'.

Podgane! Povsod so... V pekačih za kruh, plešejo po mizah, kradejo pite izpod kuharjevih nosov.... Torej, kaj potrebuje vsako mesto? Dobrega piskača, da jih zvabi stran. Tu nastopi Enkratni Mare, ulični maček spopolno prevaro za služenje denarja. Enkratni Mare je našel čisto svojega piskača in nadlogo podgan, da bi lahkoverne meščane pretental, da mu plačajo veliko denarja. Vse gre dobro, dokler ne prispeta v oddaljeno vasico Bad Blintz, kjer srečata s knjigo obsedeno dekle Malicijo, ki ju prosi za pomoč pri razrešitvi skrivnosti svojega mesta ...

Edee, in the aftermath of an unfathomable event, finds herself unable to stay connected to the world she once knew and in the face of that uncertainty, retreats to the magnificent, but unforgiving, wilds of the Rockies. After a local hunter brings her back from the brink of death, she must find a way to live again.

A young man returns from Rome to his sister's satanic New York apartment house.

Drama spremlja družino Graff, njeno globoko osebno zgodbo, moč, ki jo ima ter odraščanje in generacijsko iskanje ameriških sanj.

In 1998, an auction of the estate of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor causes great excitement. For one woman, Wally Winthrop, it has much more meaning. Wally becomes obsessed by their historic love story. As she learns more about the sacrifices involved, Wally gains her own courage to find happiness.

After Jodi Kreyman gains popularity, her miscommunications start causing rifts with those around her and now she really needs to "stand tall".

A new couple and their families reckon with modern love amid culture clashes, societal expectations and generational differences.

An ex-NYPD officer-turned-sheriff of a small rural Georgia town has to contend with a gang of thieves who have taken a wealthy doctor hostage.

One year later, Michael Myers' traumatized young niece is horrified to discover she has a telepathic bond with her evil uncle... and that he is on the way back to Haddonfield to begin the carnage again.

When a helpful family invites two lost couples in for a good ol' down-home massacre, the prom night teens find themselves all dressed up... with no place to escape.