Five years after giving up his powers and separating from his friends, Leo San Juan has started a new life trying to focus on his family and their bakery, staying away from danger and adventures. However, Leo knows that his plans are rarely fulfilled and this time is no exception: while traveling with Nando to Veracruz, things start to get weird, and from the depths of the Tuxtlas jungle, an ancient curse has returned and only Leo can face it.

Dvaja podnikatelia v 60. rokoch zosnujú plán, s ktorým chcú bojovať za integrované bývanie a americký sen pre všetkých.

This incisive, urgent documentary examines the history of anti-Black racism in hockey, from the segregated leagues of the 19th century to today’s NHL, where Black athletes continue to struggle against bigotry.

Šampióni sa rodia všade. Veľký talent a silná vôľa dokážu zdolať nepriazeň osudu aj všetky zdanlivo neprekonateľné prekážky. Učiteľ a futbalový tréner Jim White príde o svoju prácu a musí sa s celou svojou rodinou presťahovať do nového pôsobiska, malého mestečka McFarland v Kalifornii, jedného z najchudobnejších miest USA, kde žijú len prisťahovalci z Južnej Ameriky, ktorí tvrdo pracujú na svojich farmách a denne zápasia o živobytie aj vlastné prežitie. Jeho noví žiaci pochádzajú z najchudobnejších hispánskych rodín a nemajú žiadnu budúcnosť. Učiteľ telesnej výchovy však čoskoro odhalí športový potenciál siedmich hispánskych tínedžerov, ich neuveriteľnú fyzickú výdrž, vytrvalosť, výnimočné bežecké schopnosti a vlohy pre cezpoľný beh.

Former P.O.W. Jack Calgrove moves Heaven and Earth to be reunited with his children following the Civil War. After returning home, Jack discovers that his wife has tragically died and his children, presumed to be orphans, are heading deep into the West on a train crossing enemy lines, with the intent of being placed into new homes. Calgrove and another soldier team up with a troop of Native American sharpshooters and a freed slave as they try to stop the train.

At work, she's a renowned assassin. At home, she's a single mom to a teenage daughter. Killing? That's easy. It's parenting that's the hard part.

After an attack renders her blind, Ellen withdraws from the world to recover. But soon she plunges into paranoia, unable to convince anyone that her assailant has returned to terrorize her by hiding in plain sight.

Paul and Sophie, interns at a mysterious London firm, become steadily aware their employers Humphrey and Dennis are anything but conventional – they are disrupting the world of magic by bringing modern corporate strategy to ancient magical practices.

An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate.

A powerful biotech company has breakthrough technology allowing them to clone history’s most influential people with just a few fragments of DNA. Behind this company is a cabal of Satanists that steals the shroud of Christ, putting them in possession of Jesus’ DNA. The clone will serve as the ultimate offering to the devil. The Archangel Michael comes to earth and will stop at nothing to end the devil’s conspiracy.

Two sisters go diving at a beautiful, remote location. One of the sisters is struck by a rock, leaving her trapped 28 meters below. With dangerously low levels of oxygen and cold temperatures, it is up to her sister to fight for her life.

A young Abigale Archer is left friendless and alone in a brutal Montana winter during the 1870s—fighting for survival and to retrieve her one earthly possession, her family’s horse, from a gang of bloodthirsty bandits.

Bývalý špeciálny agent a vojnový veterán Eddie Deacon poznal aj lepšie časy, ale v súčasnosti nemá na výber, a tak sa zamestná ako strážnik v obchodnom dome. Netuší, že už v prvý večer sa nudná služba zmení na boj o prežitie. V noci do budovy vnikne rozrušená 11-ročná dievčina, ktorú polícia eskortovala na súdny proces, aby vypovedala ako dôležitá svedkyňa pred súdom. Konvoj vozidiel však prepadli ozbrojení zločinci. Aj keď sa jej podarilo utiecť, neustále ju prenasledujú. Ostrieľaný gangster a jeho spojenci sú pripravení ísť aj do extrémov, len aby splnili svoj cieľ a zabránili jej vypovedať pred súdom. Eddie a jeho kolegovia zo strážnej služby poskytnú ochranu vystrašenému dievčaťu, ktoré má v pätách ozbrojený gang zabijakov. Ich psychopatický vodca predloží ochranke ponuku. Buď im vydajú dievča, za ktoré dostanú slušnú finančnú odmenu, alebo onedlho zomrú. V budove sa rozpúta boj na život a na smrť. Bude to dlhá noc...

Ben Archer, an ex-mob enforcer, seeks revenge against a ruthless Chinese kingpin responsible for his wife's brutal murder. When Archer joins forces with his old underworld friends, an all-out war is waged against the Chinese Triad.

Rivalries, dark secrets, and sexual tension emerge when three best friends find themselves stranded on a yacht in the middle of the ocean under suspicious circumstances.

When Mia, a social media star, becomes the target of an online terror campaign, she has to solve a series of games to prevent people she cares about from getting murdered.

In 1978 Oregon, Ben and Jules inherit an abandoned coastal property from Ben's late mother, who's never mentioned it. The untouched house has been kept a secret for 40 years and comes with a beautiful private cove and beach. Jules searches for answers while Ben unwittingly awakens a fiercely protective creature.

What starts out as girls weekend away in the Mojave desert becomes a tale of horror, death and alien invasion.

Follows a father who seeks a fresh start with his son after the loss of his wife, and purchased a storage unit facility sight unseen, but secrets buried behind the metal doors become a parent's worst nightmare.