A tribute to the controversial black activist and leader of the struggle for black liberation. He hit bottom during his imprisonment in the '50s, he became a Black Muslim and then a leader in the Nation of Islam. His assassination in 1965 left a legacy of self-determination and racial pride.

Big Enos Burdette, ambiciozni političar iz Georgije, organizira reli u vlastitu čast, za koji su mu potrebne goleme količine piva s američke zapadne obale. Kako je doprema piva istočno od Mississippija ilegalna, Burdette angažira Boa Darvillea zvanog Bandit da prokrijumčari pivo iz Teksasa u Georgiju. Uz pomoć prijatelja Cledusa Snowa zvanog Snjegović, vlasnika velikog kamiona i simpatičnog psa, Bandit se zaputi u Teksas. Tamo ukrcaju ilegalni tovar i krenu nazad u Georgiju. Kako bi izbjegli policijske patrole, Bandit u svom terenskom automobilu vozi kilometrima ispred Snjegovića kontrolirajući stanje na cesti, a u kontaktu su radio-vezom. No stvari se kompliciraju kad Bandit poveze odbjeglu nevjestu Carrie zvanu Žabica.

When a congressional aide is killed, a Washington, D.C. journalist starts investigating the case involving the Representative, his old college friend.

A basketball player's father must try to convince him to go to a college so he can get a shorter prison sentence.

In a rural town in Louisiana, a black Master Sergeant is found shot to death just outside the local Army Base. Military lawyer, Captain Davenport—also a black man—is sent from Washington to conduct an investigation. Facing an uncooperative chain of command and fearful black troops, Davenport must battle with deceit and prejudice in order to find out exactly who really did kill the Master Sergeant.

Teorija studentice prava o nedavnoj smrti dvoje sudaca Vrhovnog suda upliće je u dalekosežnu mrežu ubojstava, korupcije i pohlepe.

Years after her Indian family was forced to flee their home in Uganda, twentysomething Mina finds herself helping to run a motel in the faraway land of Mississippi. It's there that a passionate romance with the charming Black carpet cleaner Demetrius challenges the prejudices of their conservative families and exposes the rifts between the region's Indian and African American communities.

Residents of a coastal town learn, with deadly consequences, the secret shared by the two mysterious women who have sought refuge at a local resort.

Jericho Stewart je nestabilna osoba sumnjive prošlosti. Njega podvrgavaju eksperimentalnom postupku u kojem su mu usađena sjećanja, tajne i vještine pokojnog operativca CIA-e u njegov um. Svrha toga jest kako bi saznali gdje se nalazi osoba ključna za misiju koja uključuje zaustavljanje luđaka od zavijanja svijeta u tamu.

Tri mjeseca poslije Chev se budi da bi otkrio da je njegovo gotovo neuništivo srce kirurški odstranjeno i zamijenjeno uređajem koji radi na baterije i kojem trebaju redoviti elektrošokovi da bi radio. Nakon opasna bijega od svojih otmičara, Chev ponovno bježi, ovaj put od karizmatična šefa meksičke bande El Hurona (Clifton Collins, Jr.) i kineskih Trijada, koje predvodi opasni 100 godina star Poon Dong (David Carradine). Ponovno se obraćajući Docu Milesu (Dwight Yoakam) za zdravstveni savjet, primajući pomoć od Venusa (Efren Ramirez), brata blizanca svog prijatelja Kayla, i ponovno se spajajući sa svojom djevojkom Eve (Amy Smart), koja sad zna kako on zarađuje za život, Chev je odlučan da vrati svoje srce i osveti se onomu tko ga je ukrao te kreće na napetu potjeru kroz Los Angeles gdje sve prolazi da bi preživio.

When neighborhood kids begin vanishing, Jenny suspects her child psychologist husband, Carter, may be resuming the deranged experiments his father performed on Carter when he was young. Now, it falls to Jenny to unravel the mystery. And as more children disappear, she fears for her own child's safety.

Paul is agonising over his interpretation of 'Uncle Vanya' and, paralysed by anxiety, stumbles upon a solution via a New Yorker article about a high-tech company promising to alleviate suffering by extracting souls. He enlists their services—only to discover that his soul is the shape and size of a chickpea.

Nakon što su iskopali dragulj koji kontrolira zlo čudovište koje želi uništiti Univerzum, mlada djevojka i njen brat koriste ga da natjeraju čudovište da izvršava njihove naredbe …

Nakon što opaki virus u Velikoj Britaniji uništi tisuće života, zidom se ogradi cijela Škotska iz koje je zaraza krenula. Svi koji pokušaju bijeg ubijeni su na mjestu. Škotska je odsječena od svijeta, čini se zauvijek. 25 godina poslije, virus je zaboravljen sve do novog slučaja u Londonu. Vlada šalje specijalnu jedinicu preko zida u zaboravljenu zemlju Škotsku. Čeka ih razrješenje velike misterije…

Anthony Stowe is a dirty cop who is hooked on heroin—and everyone hates him. After a serious accident, he is placed into an induced coma, but emerges from it a better person who wants to put things right.

The accidental shooting of a boy in New York leads to an investigation by the Deputy Mayor, and unexpectedly far-reaching consequences.

A middle-aged married wealthy white corporate executive is surprised to discover that he has a working-class black teen-age son who wants to be adopted into the almost-exclusively-white upper-middle-class community of San Marino, California.

A vengeful spirit has taken the form of the Tooth Fairy to exact vengeance on the town that lynched her 150 years earlier. Her only opposition is the only child, now grown up, who has survived her before.

Racist police officer Jack Moony has a vendetta against Napoleon Stone, a charismatic black lawyer who is sleeping with Jack's old flame Crystal Gerrity. Jack has a heart attack, but his life is saved when he receives Stone's heart, since Stone died mysteriously the same night as Jack was stricken. Stone is not completely gone, however, and as a ghost he is all too happy to give Jack advice on how he should do his job and live his life.

A man tries to explain to his psychiatrist that the Boogeyman is real and has been killing his children.