The O'Dell farm is on the rocks. A non-traditional accountant comes with a variety of ways to save the farm.
Four out-of-shape car mechanics decide to participate in the Rotterdam marathon. If they reach the finish in time, they will be able to pay off their debt — if they don't, they will lose their garage.
In an English boys' boarding school, social hierarchy reigns supreme and power remains in the hands of distanced and ineffectual teachers and callously vicious prefects in the Upper Sixth. Three Lower Sixth students, Wallace, Johnny and leader Mick Travis decide on a shocking course of action to redress the balance of privilege once and for all.
Chris is a once promising high school athlete whose life is turned upside down following a tragic accident. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he ultimately finds himself caught up in a planned heist.
Raimund Gregorius, după ce a salvat o frumoasă portugheză de la sinucidere, dă peste o carte fascinantă a unui autor portughez, care îl obligă să abandoneze brusc viața plictisitoare pe care a dus-o de ani de zile și să se îmbarce într-o aventură captivantă. În căutarea autorului, Gregorius acționează ca detectiv, strângând piese dintr-un puzzle care implică intrigi politice și emoționale și mize cât mai mari. Călătoria lui este una care transcende timpul și spațiul, adâncindu-se în tărâmurile istoriei, medicinei și iubirii, toate în căutarea adevăratului sens al vieții sale.
Jim Davis is an ex-Army Ranger who finds himself slipping back into his old life of petty crime after a job offer from the LAPD evaporates. His best friend is pressured by his girlfriend Sylvia to find a job, but Jim is more interested in hanging out and making cash from small heists, while trying to get a law enforcement job so he can marry his Mexican girlfriend.
On a particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food restaurant, manager Sandra receives a phone call from a police officer saying that an employee has stolen money from a customer.
Wes Block is a detective who's put on the case of a serial killer whose victims are young and pretty women. The murders are getting personal when the killer chooses victims who are acquaintances of Block. Even his daughters are threatened.
When a young soldier in Vietnam gets dumped by his hometown girl, he and his best friend decide to go AWOL and return to the States to win her back.
The story of an idealist's rise to power in the world of Louisiana politics and the corruption that leads to his ultimate downfall. Based on the 1946 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel written by Robert Penn Warren, loosely based on the story of real-life politician Huey Long.
A group of Cockneys arm themselves to rescue their elderly relative and his retirement home friends who are trapped and fighting off a zombie attack during a zombie apocalypse in the East End of London.
A provincial chemist in the throes of a mid-life crisis must choose between burying his dearly departed grandmother and cremating her in this quirky comedy of manners starring Valerie Lemercier, Denis Podalydes, and Isabelle Candelier.
When a young Dutch tourist gets stranded at the start of his US vacation, he finds help from an unlikely stranger.
Joe Tyler nu are chiar cea mai grozavã slujbã din lume, dar nu se dã în lãturi de la nimic ca sã o îndeplineascã. Treaba lui este sã facã rost de documente legale în diferite procese, iar printre clientii sãi se numãrã si oameni obisnuiti, si milionari.Sara Moore este urmãtoarea victimã a lui Joe. Sotul ei, un fermier viclean alãturi de care a fãcut o avere uriasã, îl angajeazã pe Joe sã facã rost de documente prin care sã divorteze de Sara si sã-i ia toti banii. La început, Sara este uluitã, dar odatã socul trecut, ea se redreseazã si se pregãteste sã contra-atace pentru a câstiga ceea ce meritã – banii sotului, umilirea acestuia, … si poate o sansã la dragostea adevãratã.
Jacob, un manager de bancă bântuit de un jaf violent care a luat viața unui colaborator, se aliază cu vecinul său fost polițist, James, pentru a da de urmă atacatorului. În timp ce cei doi bărbați lucrează împreună pentru a descoperi următoarea mișcare a hoțului, Gabriel, un criminal foarte bine instruit, este cu un pas înainte. Când Gabriel le răpește pe soția lui și fiica lui Jacob, acesta pornește pe calea vărsării de sânge care inițiază un contraatac exploziv și îi aduce pe toți cei trei bărbați într-un punct limită.
On a family trip in the African desert, a research scientist unintentionally travels off course and is brutally murdered by an arms dealer. His girlfriend is put to the ultimate survival test as she attempts to evade the killers and protect his teenage daughter.
Ageing hit man, Harry, has just botched a job and is now the target. His daughter is also in the assassin trade and is now a target too. A young hit man called Billy is sent to take Harry out but they form an uneasy alliance...
Sherlock Holmes and Watson are on the trail of a criminal and scientific mastermind who seems to control monsters and creations which defy belief.
Un transportator specialist este angajat să livreze o valiză misterioasă celui mai periculos asasin din lumea interlopă.
Aladdin the adventurer and his friend Ali accidentally uncover a lamp that contains a genie. But unlike the story we know, this genie does not grant three wonderful wishes. This genie destroys everything in its way by turning the keeper’s thoughts into living nightmares. After witnessing the death of his fellow adventurers when the genie is released, Aladdin and surviving friend Ali turn to the village elder to uncover the history of the lamp, only to find the evil Shahir has been following them, hoping to take hold of the lamp and fulfill his own diabolical plans to have unlimited power. destroy their friend along with the ring.