This documentary follows Phillip Noyce as he tries to find three aboriginal girls able to act in his film Rabbit Proof Fence. The film sees a cast of 100's whittled down to the eventual three girls and follows them through workshops and into the difficult shoot.

In the middle of a Texas summer, plans for a babysitter fall through and six-year-old Caroline is left in charge of her two younger siblings.

Behind the Hollywood Bowl stage which is playing the opera The Barber of Seville, Bugs Bunny flees into the backstage area with Elmer Fudd in close pursuit. Seeing his opportunity to fight on his terms, Bugs raises the curtain on Elmer, trapping him on stage. As the orchestra begins playing, Bugs comes into play as the barber who is going to make sure that Elmer is going to get a grooming he will never forget.

The little nomad girl, Nansal, finds a baby dog in the Mongolian veld, who becomes her best friend - against all rejections of her parents. A story about a Mongolian family of nomads - their traditional way of life and the rising call of the City.

Η κλασσική αυτή ταινία βασίζεται στο αληθινό ημερολόγιο της Αννα Φράνκ (Millie Perkins), ενος 13χρονου κοριτσιού που περιγράφει την ζωή δύο εβραϊκών οικογενειών που κρύβονται απο τους Ναζί. Για δύο χρόνια σε μιά σοφίτα στο Αμστερνταμ, η Αννα και 7 άλλα άτομα προσπαθούν να επιβιώσουν, ενώ γνωρίζουν οτι ο στρατός του Χίτλερ πάντα παραμονεύει.

Based on a true story. Two fighters of 'Donbas' Volunteer Battalion get locked inside city of Ilovaysk after regular Russian army enters Ukraine and shells the surrounded divisions of Ukrainian Army in the infamous would-be 'green corridor'. The fighters survive thanks to the help of the locals and manage to break out through the front line to reach the freed territory. Taras Kostanchuk who is playing himself as 'Beshoot' is that same Donbas commander who is the prototype of the story. Half of the actors and extras are real 'Donbas' volunteers who survived the battle.

One unlucky evening, Louis Cropa, a part-time bookmaker, discovers that his restaurant has become a hotbed of conflicting characters. In addition to having to please a whiny food critic, Louis must fend off a hostile takeover from a pair of gangsters, to whom his sous-chef is in debt. Further, Louis has an argument with his son, the star chef, whose culinary creativity has brought success to the business.

Η Σανκ είναι μια 11χρονη διαβητική, αλλά αρκετά άνετη με όλα. Μόλις ξεκίνησαν οι καλοκαιρινές διακοπές κι όλα είναι μπροστά της. Τότε, ο Κος Όσβαλντ, ο άσχημος άντρας που ζει απέναντι, δέρνει τον Ρικ, ένα γλυκό αλλά ασταθές αγόρι που ζει δίπλα, όταν η κόρη του τον κατηγορεί για βιασμό. Από αυτή τη στιγμή, η αθωότητα της Σανκ ξεκινάει να χάνεται με έναν τρόπο που δεν μπορεί να ελέγξει. Και τη φιλία θα τη βρει στο μέρος που περίμενε λιγότερο: κοντά στον Ρικ.

Αριστουργηματική μεταφορά του μυθιστορήματος του Κούντερα στην οθόνη. Οι ανάλαφρες περιπέτειες ενός Τσέχου γιατρού με τις δυο ερωμένες του, διακόπτονται από την εισβολή των ρωσικών τανκ.

Στην Αυστραλία των αρχών του αιώνα, η απελπισμένη εξέγερση ενός ιθαγενή καταλήγει στη σύλληψη και τον απαγχονισμό του από τη δικαιοσύνη των λευκών.

These children live in the four corners of the earth, but share the same thirst for learning. They understand that only education will allow them a better future and that is why, every day, they must set out on the long and perilous journey that will lead them to knowledge. Jackson and his younger sister from Kenya walk 15 kilometres each way through a savannah populated by wild animals; Carlito rides more than 18 kilometres twice a day with his younger sister, across the plains of Argentina; Zahira lives in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains who has an exhausting 22 kilometres walk along punishing mountain paths before she reaches her boarding school; Samuel from India sits in a clumsy DIY wheelchair and the 4 kilometres journey is an ordeal each day, as his two younger brothers have to push him all the way to school…

A kid on a bike on a country road. It's Lionel, the Legrands' adopted son. Later the same teenager, helmet and yellow leather jacket on a motorcycle, a gift from his mother Colette. In the meantime, there will have been handball matches, the installation of windmills, visits to the construction site with the German engineer, Colette's madness, the gossip of the workers at the factory, the ardor of the young Lucie. And for all of them, leaning against this lavender countryside as far as the eye can see, the search for an elsewhere that is either appropriate or inaccessible.

Η ζωή ενός ζευγαριού αλλάζει απότομα όταν το παιδί τους σκοτώνεται σε τραγικό ατύχημα. Στην τρίτη του κινηματογραφική εξόρμηση ο John Cameron Mitchell πατά σε πιο mainstream μονοπάτια και για πρώτη φορά σκηνοθετεί σενάριο κάποιου άλλου. Το ζευγάρι υποδύονται οι Nicole Kidman και Aaron Echart ενώ το σενάριο υπογράφει ο Danny Lindsay- Abbaire, διασκευάζοντας ένα δικό του θεατρικό. Τη μουσική της ταινίας υπογράφει ο Abel Korzeniowski, ο άνθρωπος πίσω από το αριστουργηματικό score που συνόδευε το «A Single Man» του Tom Ford.

A group of friends travel to a cabin in the Norwegian forest. It's a rumour that at night a crazy man can be heard screaming at a lake nearby the cabin.

The lawyer is visiting a prison to meet with a violent criminal who has been condemned to death. During the visit, things turn bad, there is a riot where prisoners escape and the criminal escapes taking a lawyer hostage.

In the 1970s, the house of Plessis welcomes young pregnant minors. Even though these unborn children are the fruit of love or rape, in this institution, a single slogan: put these girls in the right way. But the day when the revolt rumbles, the mechanism fails... A story deliberately based on real events.

Στην εποχή των μεγάλων αντιθέσεων, μεγαλοπρέπειας και απελπισίας, ο εγωιστής Γάλλος Βασιλιάς Λουδοβίκος ο 14ος (Λεονάρντο Ντι Κάπριο) απολαμβάνει τα πλούτη ενώ ο λαός του πεθαίνει από την πείνα. Πιστεύοντας ότι είναι πανίσχυρος, ο Λουδοβίκος, μόνο έναν άνθρωπο φοβάται. Πρόκειται για τον άνθρωπο πίσω από το Σιδηρούν Προσωπείο που φυλάκισε για μια ζωή και είναι η μοναδική απειλή για την απόλυτη κυριαρχία του. Και όταν οι υπερβολές του εγωπαθούς Βασιλιά φτάσουν στα άκρα, οι εν αποστρατεία Σωματοφύλακες Άθως (Τζον Μάλκοβιτς), Πόρθος (Ζεράρ Ντερπαντιέ) και Άραμις (Τζέρεμι Άιρονς) ορκίζονται να ελευθερώσουν το μυστηριώδη φυλακισμένο που φαντάζει ως η μοναδική ελπίδα να σωθεί η Γαλλία

Dr. Beck, who has changed his name, saves a young teenage girl drowning in Mexico, whom he falls in love with. As always, there are some complications in his way, but he has plans to possibly get past them and get the girl of his dreams.

Hoops and Yoyo wait up to see Santa, and inadvertently end up in his sleigh, traveling with him through the time-space continuum that allows Santa to visit everyone in the world in one night. When they fall off the sleigh part-way through the continuum, they find themselves back in time with a young Kris Kringle, who has not yet become the magical toy-giver we know of today. Their arrival back in time disrupts the natural order of events that will make Kris Kringle, Santa, forcing the duo into a desperate race to set things right so that the world will have its Santa Claus.

Tabloid reporters are sent by their editor to investigate after the paper recieves a letter from a woman claiming an angel is living with her.