In Chinatown, law and order is turned upside down when a trio of feral Chinese gangsters arrive, start terrorizing civilians, and usurping territory. The beleaguered local gangsters team up with the police, lead by the badass loose cannon Ma Seok-do, to bring them down. Based on a true story.

The 'Beast Cop' Ma Seok-do heads to a foreign country to extradite a suspect, but soon after his arrival, he discovers additional murder cases and hears about a vicious killer who has been committing crimes against tourists for several years.

Seo Chang-dae, an ambitious political campaign strategist who ends up having ideological differences with his present client, receives a lucrative offer that will put his loyalty under the microscope.

An imprisoned ex-police inspector discovers that the entire penitentiary is controlled by an inmate running a crime syndicate and becomes part of the crime empire.

Soo-hyun, koja se nedavno uselila u novu kuću, kupuje rabljenu perilicu rublja putem aplikacije, ali otkriva da ne radi. Iznervirana neodgovornošću prodavača, ostavlja komentar u kojem prodavatelja naziva prevarantom i prijavljuje ga policiji. Ona i ne zna da je prodavač psihopatski serijski ubojica koji koristi internetsko tržište polovnih stvari kako bi namamio svoje žrtve. Njezin komentar čini njegovu potragu za novom žrtvom gotovo nemogućom, pa ona postaje njegova sljedeća meta. Počinje primati opscene telefonske pozive, bezbroj neželjenih dostava hrane, a na vrata joj kucaju čudni muškarci u potrazi za dobrim provodom. Odlazak na adresu pošiljatelja pokazalo se smrtonosno ozbiljnim kada policija i Soo-hyun pronađu mrtvo tijelo čovjeka.

'Monster Cop' Ma Seok-do investigates an illegal online gambling business led by a former STS Baek and an IT genius CEO Chang. Ma proposes an unexpected alliance to Jang and begins hunting down the criminals.

Kada karate prvak Michael Rivers osvoji posljednji turnir u svojoj karijeri, sumnjivi biznismen Ron Hall ponudi mu priliku da se bori u ilegalnom Kumite turniru u Bugarskoj protiv najboljih svjetskih borilačkih vještina. Kad Michael odbije, Hall otme njegovu kćer i, kako bi je spasio, Rivers ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da se natječe na smrtonosnom turniru. Dolaskom u Bugarsku saznaje da nije jedini borac kojemu je odvedena voljena osoba. Rivers traži pomoć trenera Lorena i Julie Jackson, ali hoće li mu to biti dovoljno da osvoji turnir i spasi život svojoj kćeri?

In an era of political correctness, identity evolution, protests, cultural scandals, activism, media storms, and other disputes, Jean-Michel, a 70-year-old single man, has lost all his bearings in this society. He lives in a retirement home located in a heritage building, managed with care and precision by Suzanne. Their peace is shaken by the arrival of young activists who demand the destruction of a historic fresco. Overwhelmed by an era dominated by political correctness, Jean-Michel will regain faith in humanity with the birth of an unexpected love.

Struggling with a financial crisis, a good-looking widow decides to put herself up for grabs. However, going through with it becomes almost impossible with a new love and the legal system thrown into the mix.

To big brother Dai, nothing is more satisfying than dining with his two younger half-siblings. But when his old flame shows up as his brother's girlfriend, kitchen nightmare strikes and it's up to his part-time girlfriend to simmer down the situation.

Iznenadni napad Japanaca na Pearl Harbour osjetili su gotovo svi. Među manjinom koja nije direktno sudjelovala u napadu je kapetan Rockwell Torrey, ali zato je njegov kolega Kimmell okrivljen za gubitak gotovo cijele flote. Uz pomoć bivšeg scenariste, sada špijuna Egana Powella i poručnice Maggie Hayes, Torrey ipak kreće u naoko beznadni protunapad pod vodstvom admirala Nimitza. U međuvremenu, Torreyev podređeni časnik, Paul Eddington shrvan je smrću supruge u napadu što ga dovodi u konflikte sa okolinom i samim sobom. Udvara se mladoj medicinskoj sestri koja baca oko na njegovog otuđenog sina što dodatno komplicira situaciju.

A warrior-assassin is forced to hide in a small town in the American Badlands after refusing a mission.

The three thieves Kasper, Jesper and Jonathan lives together with their always hungry lion in the little town of Kardemomme town, the home to a fair but kind police officer, and the strict Aunt Sofie.

Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding countryside. With precious moments ticking by, he must flee with his son and pregnant wife if they have any hope of surviving the rapid forces of mother nature.

Piloti Tae-in i Gyu-sik trebali bi letjeti u Gimpo. Pod vodstvom stjuardese Ok-soon, putnici su zauzeti ukrcajem. Međutim, nedugo nakon polijetanja, bomba ručne izrade eksplodira, pretvarajući kabinu u kaos.

3rd episode of a serie of 5. Chinny is stuck in a marriage with a disgusting midget, but is seduced and tricked into becoming the fifth concubine of sexy official Simon Hsin. While Chinny is mistreated by the other concubines, Simon has affairs with anything that movies, poisons Chinny's husband, and imprisons her brother-in-law. It soon becomes apparent that this is Simon's M.O. when he steals another man's wife and kills him as well

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Ralphie is an Uber driver and aspiring bodybuilder who is inducted into a libertarian masculinity cult and loses his grip on reality when his repressed desires are awakened.

A former motocross champion and army veteran, now caring for his younger brother. Broke, he agrees to do an open water pick up of a mysterious illegal package in the North Sea. A resulting double cross and his brother’s disappearance set him and his old bike on a violent nocturnal odyssey through England’s northern rust belt.