Tra le vie del quartiere di Garibong a Seoul, il poliziotto Ma Seok-do sa come far rispettare la legge e nessuno osa provocarlo. Ben presto, però, fa la sua comparsa il nuovo arrivato Jang Chen, un gangster di origini coreane che viene dalla Cina ed è specializzato nel recuperano crediti. Non passa molto tempo prima che lui e i suoi scagnozzi si scontrino con la Banda del Veleno, che controlla la zona.

The 'Beast Cop' Ma Seok-do heads to a foreign country to extradite a suspect, but soon after his arrival, he discovers additional murder cases and hears about a vicious killer who has been committing crimes against tourists for several years.

Seo Chang-dae, an ambitious political campaign strategist who ends up having ideological differences with his present client, receives a lucrative offer that will put his loyalty under the microscope.

An imprisoned ex-police inspector discovers that the entire penitentiary is controlled by an inmate running a crime syndicate and becomes part of the crime empire.

Soo-hyun, who has recently moved into a new house, buys a used washing machine through a second-hand app but finds out it doesn't work. Annoyed by the seller's irresponsibility, she leaves a comment calling the seller a con man, and reports it to the police. Little does she know that the seller is a psychopathic serial killer who uses an online second-hand market to lure his victims. Her comment renders his hunt for a new victim all but impossible so she becomes his next target. She starts receiving obscene phone calls, countless unwanted food deliveries, and strange men knocking on her door looking fora good time. A trip to the sender's address proves deadly serious when the police and Soo-hyun find a man's dead body.

'Monster Cop' Ma Seok-do investigates an illegal online gambling business led by a former STS Baek and an IT genius CEO Chang. Ma proposes an unexpected alliance to Jang and begins hunting down the criminals.

Michael Rivers (Mathis Landwehr), un abile artista marziale costretto a combattere in un torneo di combattimento illegale per salvare sua figlia. Durante il suo viaggio scopre che anche altri artisti marziali sono stati costretti a combattere per salvare i loro cari.

In an era of political correctness, identity evolution, protests, cultural scandals, activism, media storms, and other disputes, Jean-Michel, a 70-year-old single man, has lost all his bearings in this society. He lives in a retirement home located in a heritage building, managed with care and precision by Suzanne. Their peace is shaken by the arrival of young activists who demand the destruction of a historic fresco. Overwhelmed by an era dominated by political correctness, Jean-Michel will regain faith in humanity with the birth of an unexpected love.

Una giovane e bella donna dell'alta borghesia romana resta vedova. Per far fronte ai debiti lasciatile dal marito, mette in palio il suo corpo: sarà il premio di una riffa tra gli amici del defunto.

To big brother Dai, nothing is more satisfying than dining with his two younger half-siblings. But when his old flame shows up as his brother's girlfriend, kitchen nightmare strikes and it's up to his part-time girlfriend to simmer down the situation.

Il capitano Torrey ed il comandante Eddington devono arginare i danni che le navi hanno subito in seguito all'attacco di Pearl Harbor. In tutto questo il primo cerca di ricucire i rapporti con il figlio e di dare una svolta positiva alla sua relazione con un'infermiera.

Un leggendario guerriero orientale, riesce a trovare finalmente pace in un luogo assolutamente lontano dalla sua realtà, uno sperduto e dimenticato villaggio west nel deserto. Ma proprio mentre gli sembrerà di essersi messo ormai alle spalle la sua vecchia vita, il suo passato gli ripiomberà addosso impietoso...

The three thieves Kasper, Jesper and Jonathan lives together with their always hungry lion in the little town of Kardemomme town, the home to a fair but kind police officer, and the strict Aunt Sofie.

Ispirato da eventi veri e strazianti, un uomo comune vede il suo mondo improvvisamente distrutto mentre devastanti incendi devastano la campagna circostante. Mentre i momenti preziosi scorrono, deve fuggire con suo figlio e la moglie incinta se vogliono avere qualche speranza di sopravvivere alle rapide forze di madre natura.

Pilots Tae-in and Gyu-sik are set to fly to Gimpo. Under the guidance of flight attendant Ok-soon, passengers are busy boarding. However, shortly after takeoff, a homemade bomb explodes, turning the cabin into chaos.

3rd episode of a serie of 5. Chinny is stuck in a marriage with a disgusting midget, but is seduced and tricked into becoming the fifth concubine of sexy official Simon Hsin. While Chinny is mistreated by the other concubines, Simon has affairs with anything that movies, poisons Chinny's husband, and imprisons her brother-in-law. It soon becomes apparent that this is Simon's M.O. when he steals another man's wife and kills him as well

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Ralphie è un autista Uber e aspirante bodybuilder che viene inserito in un culto libertario della mascolinità e perde il contatto con la realtà quando i suoi desideri repressi vengono risvegliati.

A former motocross champion and army veteran, now caring for his younger brother. Broke, he agrees to do an open water pick up of a mysterious illegal package in the North Sea. A resulting double cross and his brother’s disappearance set him and his old bike on a violent nocturnal odyssey through England’s northern rust belt.