A psychologist is sent to a space station orbiting a planet called Solaris to investigate the death of a doctor and the mental problems of cosmonauts on the station. He soon discovers that the water on the planet is a type of brain which brings out repressed memories and obsessions.

A teenager reflects on his life after being accused of cheating on the Indian version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?".

Sunny Side Battle! is an OVA that was released with Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. It features Itachi making breakfast for Sasuke in their old home.

Naruto x UT is the eighth Naruto OVA. Approximately 200,000 copies of this OVA were distributed by Uniqlo to promote a line of Naruto-themed shirts designed by Masashi Kishimoto in conjunction with Studio Pierrot. It shows the aftermath between a fight between Naruto and Sasuke and shows clips of their times together and the story so far.

Working in Dr. Cranley's laboratory, scientist Jack Griffin was always given the latitude to conduct some of his own experiments. His sudden departure, however, has Cranley's daughter Flora worried about him. Griffin has taken a room at the nearby Lion's Head Inn, hoping to reverse an experiment he conducted on himself that made him invisible. But the experimental drug has also warped his mind, making him aggressive and dangerous. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to restore his appearance.

Just out of prison, ex-con Ugo Piazza meets his former employer, a psychopathic gangster Rocco who enjoys sick violence and torture. Both the gangsters and the police believe Ugo has hidden $300,000 that should have gone to an American drug syndicate boss.

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

A squad of the Jiaolong Commando Unit - Sea Dragon, a spec ops team of the Chinese Navy, carries out a hostage rescue operation in the nation of Yewaire, on the Arabian Peninsula, and fiercely fights against local rebel groups and Zaka, a terrorist organization.

Nicolas Cage is Charlie Kaufman, a confused L.A. screenwriter overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, sexual frustration, self-loathing, and by the screenwriting ambitions of his freeloading twin brother Donald. While struggling to adapt "The Orchid Thief," by Susan Orlean, Kaufman's life spins from pathetic to bizarre. The lives of Kaufman, Orlean's book, become strangely intertwined as each one's search for passion collides with the others'.

Kauja par Midveju vēsta par ASV flotes un Japānas Impērijas Jūras spēku kauju – vienu no vērienīgākajām un stratēģiski svarīgākajām kaujām Klusā okeāna reģionā Otrā pasaules kara laikā. Uz patiesiem notikumiem balstīts stāsts par karavīru drosmi, sīkstumu un paļaušanos uz saviem instinktiem cīņā par panākumiem.

A pastor of a small church in upstate New York starts to spiral out of control after a soul-shaking encounter with an unstable environmental activist and his pregnant wife.

Kādas ģimenes locekļu brīvdienas pārvēršas haosā, kad pludmalē parādās viņu dubultnieki un sāk tos terorizēt.

Lī Israela pagājušā gadsimta 70. un 80. gados karjeru veidoja, profilējot slavenības, piemēram, Ketrinu Hepbērnu, Estē Lauderu vai žurnālisti Dorotiju Kilgalenu. Kad viņa to vairs nespēja, jo bija zaudējusi ķērienu mainīgās gaumes dēļ, viņa, lojālā drauga Džeka mudināta, pievēršas maldināšanai. Atmiņu stāsta "Vai spēsi man kādreiz piedot?" adaptācija balstīta uz patiesu stāstu par pārdotāko slavenību biogrāfiju rakstnieci.

Married small-time crooks Lou-Jean and Clovis Poplin lose their baby to the state of Texas and resolve to do whatever it takes to get him back. Lou-Jean gets Clovis out of jail, and the two steal their son from his foster home, in addition to taking a highway patrolman hostage. As a massive dragnet starts to pursue them across Texas, the couple become unlikely folk heroes and even start to bond with the captive policeman.

What would it feel like to be a bird and fly over the trees and housetops? A boy named Willy finds out when the Sparrow Guardian turns him into a Sparrow for shooting a BB gun at the little birds. Suddenly, Willy's own cat thinks of him as lunch but, luckily, some new sparrow friends rush to Willy's rescue. They deliver him to a grandfatherly old bird named Cipur who takes Willy under his wing, teaches him how to fly, and so much more. In return, Willy fulfills Cipur's lifelong dream for knowledge by teaching him ow to read. Willy's new friendship helps him understand that all creatures have feelings and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Before Willy is turned back into a boy, he leads the sparrows in a brave but perilous plan to retake their home in the barn from Blacky the cat. Finally, the Sparrow Guardian offers Willy a very special opportunity.

Seven men and women caught in a strange death game are forced to survive!

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

Diabolik narrowly escapes Inspector Ginko's latest trap, leaving his partner in crime Eva Kant behind. Furious, Eva offers Ginko her help in capturing him, but the former has to face first the return of an old flame of his, noblewoman Altea.

Pinhead is set loose on the sinful streets of New York City to create chaos with a fresh cadre of Cenobitic kin.

Trešā filma kinofilmu sērijā par suni Bēthovenu. Ņūtonu ģimenes galva Ričards apņēmies mājiniekiem sagādāt neaizmirstamu ceļojumu ar kemperi. Bēthovenu, kuru uzticējis pieskatīt Ričarda brālis Džordžs, nav paredzēts ņemt līdzi. Tomēr suns slepus piebiedrojas ceļiniekiem un ne vien sagādā galvassāpes un lielus tēriņus Ņūtoniem, bet arī paglābj visus no neganta zagļu pāra Tomija un Viljama, kuri kaļ plānus nozagt Ņūtoniem DVD ar slepenu programmu. Lai gan sākumā Bēthovens šķitis par apgrūtinājumu, beigās viņu iemīl ne vien mazā Sāra, bet visa Ņūtonu ģimene.