Gangsterių vadeiva kartu su faru bando susekti serijinį žudiką.

Filmas paremtas tikrais įvykiais. Išgyvenęs tragediją po to, kai į Donbasą įsiveržė kariai ir nužudė jo nėščią mylimą moterį, ukrainietis fizikos mokytojas siekia atkeršyti. Dabar jo taikiniu tampa elitinis Rusijos snaiperis, kurio pašalinimas gali pakeisti viso konflikto eigą.

Mozambique requests from Russia is being helped in the fight against militants of the "Islamic State" and a special group led by a commander with the call sign Granit is coming to the country.

The story of sex, violence, race and rock and roll in 1950s Chicago, and the exciting but turbulent lives of some of America's musical legends, including Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Etta James and Chuck Berry.

An independent gay artist is living in isolation due to a deadly threat. He tries to escape the danger that is surrounding his home.

The R of the title stands for the young protagonist, Rune, fearlessly played by Pilou Asbæk. Imprisoned for violent assault, he's a cocky, good-looking young man placed in the hardcore ward, where his survival depends on quickly learning the prison's parallel world of rules, honor, and obligations. R also stands for Rachid, a young Muslim prisoner who becomes Rune's friend and accomplice, defying the rigid racial stratifications among the inmates.

Una and an alien robot have 24 hours to find her Grandpa who was kidnapped by aliens. The extraordinary adventure leads to friendship, the rational robotic logic is replaced by emotions and Una's selfless love saves her partly alien family.

Emma le Roux just wants to go home for the holidays. Gentle, beautiful, pacifist Emma. She's made the trip to her father's farm a thousand times. Piece of cake. But not today. Today she will cross paths with members of a violent drug syndicate. Everything starts falling apart, and fast. At first they were driven by hate and revenge. Suddenly, it's survival.

Pasaulio politiniam stabilumui grėsmę keliantis tarptautinis teroristų kultas, pagrobia kolegą agentą. Norėdama išlaisvinti Ledi Mirtį ir pašalinti pasaulinę grėsmę, asas snaiperis Brandonas Beketas ir naujai suformuota Pasaulinė greitojo reagavimo ir žvalgybos grupė (G.R.I.T.), vadovaujama pulkininko Stouno, turi keliauti į kitoje Žemės pusėje esančią Maltą, infiltruotis į kultą bei sučiupti jos lyderį.

A young Hip Hop star named Summer G falls for a middle to upper class sister while in college. After she rejects him for a fellow social climber, Summer G spends ten years building a Hip Hop empire, then moves to the Hamptons where he finds the object of his affections.

Former Antigang legend Niels Cartier, known for his muscular and unconventional methods, left the force following an intervention that went wrong and led to the death of his wife. When the gang of bank robbers responsible for her death reappears eight years later, Niels won't let anyone stand in his way to seek revenge. Even if it means forming an explosive duo with his temperamental 14-year-old daughter.

Cassandre, 26, is a flight attendant for a low-cost airline. Based in Lanzarote, she’s always willing to take on extra hours and carries out her duties with robotic efficiency. On the side, she just goes with the flow and floats between Tinder, parties and lazy days. When she suddenly gets dismissed, she is forced to return home.

2001 m. rugsėjo 11 d. 8:46 val. vietos laiku į šiaurinį Pasaulio Prekybos Centro bokštą Niujorke rėžėsi keleivinis lėktuvas. Po 17 minučių pietinį bokštą taranavo antrasis. Jau kitą dieną buvo parengtas slaptas planas – pirmasis atsakas teroristams, kurių pėdsakai vedė į Afganistane veikusią teroristinę organizaciją „Al Qaeda“

Jaunas amerikietis Maiklas (aktorius Richard Madden) pragyvenimui užsidirba iš to, ką moką geriausiai – vagia paryžiečių ir turistų pinigines. Vieną dieną jam pasitaiko nugvelbti kuprinę su sprogstamu įtaisu. Sprogus bombai Maiklas tampa vieninteliu įtariamuoju ir labiausiai ieškomu žmogumi visoje Prancūzijoje. Tą pačią naktį slaptame CŽV poste Paryžiuje budi iš žlugusios misijos grįžęs ir karo zonoje įpratęs veikti agentas Briaras (Idris Elba). Jis greitai supranta, kad Maiklas, nors pats yra tik atsitiktinis pėstininkas dideliame lošime, gali atvesti iki tikrų nusikaltėlių. Pasipriešindamas vadovybės nurodymams agentas susiranda Maiklą ir kartu pradeda nutrūktgalvišką 24 valandų kelionę po pažįstamas ir dar nematytas Paryžiaus vietas.

Alisa slapstosi Nevados dykumoje. Po varginančių kovų su UMBRELLA korporacijos paleistu virusu, karas vis dar nebaigtas. T-virusas dar siautėja ištuštėjusiose dykynėse, kadaise apstatytose miestais. Pasaulis pavirto griuvėsiais, mirusieji prisikėlė, o gyvieji virto zombiais. Alisa kartu su bendražygiais kerta Las Vegasą, kadaise klestėjusią pramogų oazę, o dabar griuvėsiais virtusį miestą. Alisos komandos laukia alkana zombių gauja, o pačios Alisos laukia dar piktesnis priešas – dr. Aizekas iš korporacija UMBRELLA. Jis korporacijos laboratorijose augina armiją Alisos kraujo ištroškusių mutantų.

While digging one of the many tunnels for the Moscow metro, Soviet workers unearth ruins of a dungeon. The site is closed, the metro tunnel is diverted, and amidst the bustle no one notices the tunnel workers’ foreman pocketing a little ‘souvenir’ – a book-sized frame made of precious metals featuring an inscription in an unknown language. Decades later, the foreman’s grandson Ilya, who works as a courier, discovers the ancient relic in a pile of old junk. Oblivious to the true value of the family heirloom, he soon learns about it from a mysterious stranger. The relic is the key to the secret location of the priceless ancient library that belonged to Ivan the Terrible. What Ilya doesn’t know is that the search for the lost library has been going on for centuries, and now very powerful people are after him. Ilya and the mysterious stranger decide to try their luck in finding the library.

When a mysterious animal attack leaves a mutilated body in the forest, a conservative small town detective must enlist the help of an eager wildlife specialist to uncover the dark and disturbing truth that threatens the town.

A woman is forced to sit under a hanged rotting corpse in the middle of a burnt forest, until the authorities decide that she has been punished enough.

The plot of Children of the Corn: Runaway follows a young pregnant Ruth who escapes a murderous child cult in a small Midwestern town. She spends the next decade living anonymously in an attempt to spare her son the horrors that she experienced as a child. She lands in the small Oklahoma town, but something is following her. Now, she must confront this evil or lose her child.