Lu, a conformist woman in her forties, learns that her 15-year partner has been having extramarital affairs. Starting from scratch, she gets involved in an unexpected relationship with a young womanizer.

Dayana lives an abusive marriage with former police officer Elias, owner of Motel Destino. When 21-year-old Heraldo finds himself at the motel after messing up a hit and going on the run, Dayana finds herself intrigued and lets him stay. As the two navigate a dance of power and desire, a dangerous plan for freedom emerges.

Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Both fear the day he no longer recognizes her.

Lucia is a consummate professional and the single mother of Leo, her beautiful and mischievous 6-year-old daughter, who is obsessed with Christmas and believes her birth was due to a Christmas miracle. Between her two full-time jobs (motherhood and architecture), she has neither the time nor the inclination to fall in love again, but when she reluctantly agrees to go on a blind date with Sergio, a handsome and likeable chef, the spark is undeniable.

Yessica is a rebellious girl who forms an unlikely friendship with quiet schoolmate Miriam. Yessica's home life is ruled by her brutal stepfather and her amoral stepbrother, Jorge, while Miriam shares a calm, loving household with her mother. The girls' friendship is shattered after Jorge arranges to have one of his friends rape Yessica.

A young art teacher hopes to be transferred to Istanbul after completing his mandatory duty in a remote village school in Anatolia. After accusations of inappropriate contact with a student surface, his hopes of escape fade and he descends further into an existential crisis.

The story of Bea Johnson from birth to graduation as she navigates life with an intellectually disabled parent and an extended family who can't quite agree on the best way to help.

Ko enega od učencev osumijo kraje, se učiteljica Carla Nowak odloči, da bo zadevi prišla do dna. Ujeta med svoje ideale in šolski sistem, posledice njenih dejanj pa ji grozijo, da jo bodo zlomile.

A young fighter named Kham must go to Australia to retrieve his stolen elephant. With the help of a Thai-born Australian detective, Kham must take on all comers, including a gang led by an evil woman and her two deadly bodyguards.

An ambitious and insensitive tabloid crime photographer falls victim to a mysterious illness that makes him lose, one by one, his five senses.

Based on a true story, a group of boys from Monterrey, Mexico who become the first non-U.S. team to win the Little League World Series.

Film na podlagi grozljivih resničnih dogodkih. Najemniki hiše, ki so člani temačnega kulta, terorizirajo lastnika hiše in iščejo svoj naslednji plen za žrtvovanje.

Jake Huard, from a shipbuilders family, promised his dying mother he'ld make it to Anapolis Naval Academy. Thanks to tenaciously bugging a Congressman, he's selected despite dubious grades. Once inside, Jake soon proves sub-standard academically. Constantly challenged to his limits, repeatedly made the 'over-cocky' reason for the entire class to suffer, Jake nearly quits, but after facing his utterly un-supportive father's gloating returns just in time. Stubborn Jake finds support withs mates as well as Senor Ali, his lover-to-be, and a discipline he may excel in: the 'brigade' boxing tournament, open to all ranks.

A stubborn and hotheaded minor league basketball coach is forced to train a Special Olympics team when he is sentenced to community service.

Heli must try and protect his young family when his 12-year-old sister inadvertently involves them in the brutal drug world. He must battle against the drug cartel that have been angered as well as the corrupt police force.

Nekdanja legenda Antigang enote Niels Cartier, znan po svojih mišičastih in nekonvencionalnih metodah, je zapustil enoto po intervenciji v kateri je šlo vse narobe in privedlo do smrti njegove žene. Ko se osem let kasneje ponovno pojavi tolpa bančnih roparjev, odgovornih za njeno smrt, Niels ne dovoli, da bi mu kdorkoli preprečil maščevanje. Četudi to pomeni, da se bo s svojo temperamentno 14-letno hčerko združil v eksploziven duo.

Leta 117 se rimsko cesarstvo razteza od Egipta do Španije in do Črnega morja na vzhodu. V severni provinci Britaniji se staroselska plemena, med katerimi so najbolj divji in neustrašni bojevniki Pikti, vse bolj upirajo zavojevalcem. Kvintus Dias, edini preživeli po njihovem napadu na rimsko postojanko, se poda na sever v spremstvu 9. legije slavnega generala Virilusa, da bi porazil Pikte in uničil njihovega vodjo Gorlacona. Vendar legijo napadejo iz zasede in ugrabijo Virilusa, Kvintus pa se obupano bojuje za življenje svojega vodje izza sovražnikove črte in se ogiba piktovskih zasledovalcev. Vojščaki se odločijo rešiti ujetega generala in ga odpeljati na varno rimsko ozemlje.

After a high-profile firing, everything is at stake for 40-year-old Jenna: her career, her ticking biological clock, and her bank account. Her fashion career comeback hits a snag when she falls for a charming, much younger coworker — who happens to be her boss’s son. As sparks fly, Jenna must decide if she’ll risk it all on a secret romance with the one person who could destroy her comeback.

An immigrant in search of the American dream is forced to take a room in a boarding house and soon finds herself in a nightmare from which she can't escape.

BabyCo is the world's leading manufacturer in baby products. However, what the public doesn't know, is that Drs Kinder and Heep, two of its most brilliant scientists, are tirelessly working in complete secrecy to crack the indecipherable code to 'baby talk': a highly sophisticated language, and the key to the secrets of the universe. Before long, problems arise when mischievous Sly, the smartest of the toddlers, escapes confinement, bent on uniting all babies to free those trapped in the laboratory. Now, Kinder and Heep must find Sly before it is too late.