An assassin is shot by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance.

Harry Potter on suvevaheajal, kui tema juurde ilmub majahaldjas Dobby, kes hoiatab teda, et ta sel aastal tagasi Sigatüüka kooli ei läheks. Hoiatusest hoolimata otsustab Harry tagasi minna ning koos oma sõprade Ron'i ja Hermione'ga ohtudele vastu astuda. Harry peab toime tulema oma vaenlase Draco Malfoy alatute trikkidega ning avastama, mis on koolis toimuvate salapäraste rünnakute taga.

Kolm aastat kestnud Kloonide sõda on jõudnud lõpusirgele. Veel on püüdmata vaid mõned üksikud separatistid, kuid siiski kujutavad nad Vabariigile tõsist ohtu. Senaator Padme Amidalal (Natalie Portman) on tõsiseid raskusi hoidmaks üksmeelsena niigi rahutut senatit, mille kõige suuremaks probleemiks on end valitsejaks nimetav kantsler Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). Palpatine võidab enda poolele ka teiste jedi'dega tülis oleva Anakini (Hayden Christensen), kellega koos nad Vabariigist Galaktikalist Impeeriumit hakkavad looma.

In the fall of 1964, just over a year before his death, Buster Keaton traveled to Canada to make The Railrodder, a short subject that now enjoys a small cult following. Documenting this mobile production in fascinating and unexpected detail, Buster Keaton Rides Again offers a rare glimpse of the comedy legend’s temperament, philosophies, hobbies, marriage (his third), and the occasionally combative creative process behind the scenes. An intimate look at one of cinema’s most enduring legends.

Lady, a golden cocker spaniel, meets up with a mongrel dog who calls himself the Tramp. He is obviously from the wrong side of town, but happenings at Lady's home make her decide to travel with him for a while.

A comedy about triplet brothers with only one birth certificate.

The gallery attendant in an art gallery or museum is a fundamental piece in its mise-en-scéne, his main role is to see and be seen. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy implies the spectator in an infinite gesture of circular observation — to observe the observers. A passive lens that fluctuates between the subjects and the neo-classical and post-modern architectural spaces they occupy, in a balance between silence, introspection, noise, repetition, intervals and waiting — small gestures of a fragmented post-modern flaneur.

The Driver now carries an arrogant rock star who is visiting a major city (not Pittsburgh as earlier believed). Played by Madonna, this title character wants to get away from her bodyguards in the Driver's BMW. He soon gets tired of her and decides to have a bit of fun.

His Wife is dead and his Son hates him, but this old man still has fight in him! When he loses a highly publicized virtual boxing match to ex-champ Rocky Balboa, reigning heavyweight titleholder Mason Dixon retaliates by challenging Rocky to a nationally televised, 10-round exhibition bout. To the surprise of his son and friends, Rocky agrees to come out of retirement and face an opponent who's faster, stronger, and thirty years his junior.

Pärast oma elu halvima päeva veetmist omandab rahulolematu telereporter Bruce Nolan jumaliku võimu, kui ta värbab jumalat, kellel pole aimugi, kuidas ta asja menetleb. Sellise väljakutse ees seistes otsustab Jumal anda talle kõik oma volitused vaata, kas ta on võimeline paremini hakkama saama kui ta on

Kuritegeliku rühmituse SPECTRE üks juhte, Emilio Largo (Adolfo Celi), kavatseb astuda vastu maailma suurimale sõjalis-poliitilisele organisatsioonile nimega NATO. Ta varastab kontroll-lennul oleva Briti hävitaja, mille pardal on kaks tuumapommi, ning esitab võimudele suure rahanõude. Nüüd saadab Briti salaluure välja kõik enda "00" agendid, seal hulgas ka James Bondi (Sean Connery), pomme otsima. Kuid keegi ei tea, kus neid peidus hoitakse ...

Vabariigi eelnev valitseja on tellinud ühelt salajaselt organisatsioonilt suure hulga roboteid, mis moodustaks enamuse moodustatavast sõjaväest. Padme (Natalie Portman) aga ei poolda suure armee loomist, sest näeb selles ohtu väiksemate riikide vabadusele. Kui aga Padme, Obi-wan (Ewan McGregor) ja Anakin (Hayden Christensen) end kinnipüütuna keset hiiglaslikku lahingut leiavad, ei jää enam muud valikut...

When Banker Till (Axel Stein) is kidnapped during a bank robbery, he has the time of his life...

Kui Briti allveelaev Hiina vetes saladuslikult upub, ei kahtle keegi, et laev on põhja lastud. Kuna suurriigid süüdistavad üksteist, tuleb Kolmanda Maailmasõja ärahoidmiseks süüdlane võimalikult kiiresti üles otsida. Just siin astub mängu James Bond (Pierce Brosnan), kelle seekordne ülesanne viib ta mõjuvõimsa uudistemagnaadi Elliot Carver'ini (Jonathan Pryce). Peale seda, kui Bond saab abi Carver'i naise Paris'e (Teri Hatcher) käest, liitub ta idamaiseid võitluskunste valdava hiina naisagendi Wai Lin'iga (Michelle Yeoh). Kuna Carver'il on varuks veel üks plaan, siis peavad nad koos selle välja uurima ja tema tegevuse peatama.

Captain Kirk. T.J. Hooker. Denny Crane. Big Giant Head. Alexander the Great. Henry V. Priceline’s Negotiator. These are but a handful of the innumerable masks worn by William Shatner over seven extraordinary decades onstage and in front of the camera. A peerless maverick thespian, electrifying performer, and international cultural treasure, Bill (as he prefers to be called), now 91 years young, is the living embodiment of his classic line “to boldly go where no man has gone before.” In unprecedented fashion, You Can Call Me Bill strips away all the masks he has worn to embody countless characters, revealing the man behind it all.

This animated comic goes back in time to explore the events that spurred the transformation of mild-mannered John Kramer into the monstrous Jigsaw.

Carmen's caught in a virtual reality game designed by the Kids' new nemesis, the Toymaker. It's up to Juni to save his sister, and ultimately the world.

Highland Sunset and a final look at Class 37s on the West Highland Line to Fort William before the introduction of Class 66s. Crewe Open Weekend with a tour of Crewe Works during the open weekend of the 20th and 21st of May with a variety of traction plus coverage of specials to the event with 33 and 37 hauage. Class 58 Profile with only half of the original class still in action we take a look at the class from the 1980s to the present day. Devon Contrasts and Class 67 and 47 motive power along the famous stretch of sea wall from Starcross to Dawlish.