Nekdanji vojak Markus se vrača domov, da bi po tragični ženini smrti v železniški nesreči skrbel za odraščajočo hčerko. A po srečanju z enim izmed preostalih ponesrečencev začne sumiti, da ni šlo zgolj za nesrečo, temveč da je bila njegova žena načrtno umorjena. S pomočjo računalničarja Otta, ekscentričnega kolega Lennarta in še bolj čudaškega Emmenthalerja sklene ugotoviti, kdo je zakrivil njeno smrt.

Ko skupina prijateljev odkrije, kako pričarati duhove z uporabo balzamirane roke, postanejo zasvojeni z novim vznemirjenjem, dokler eden od njih ne gre predaleč in sprosti grozljive nadnaravne sile.

A mysterious video has been linked to a number of deaths, and when an inquisitive journalist finds the tape and views it herself, she sets in motion a chain of events that puts her own life in danger.

Film temelji na priljubljenih videoigrah, prikazuje epski spopad na življenje in smrt, od katerega je odvisna usoda celotnega vesolja. Borec mešanih borilnih veščin Cole Young se ne zaveda svoje dediščine in ne ve, zakaj je cesar Zunanjega sveta Shang Tsung naročil svojemu najboljšemu borcu Sub-Zeru, da ga ulovi.

After a tragic accident, six friends reunite for a caving expedition. Their adventure soon goes horribly wrong when a collapse traps them deep underground and they find themselves pursued by bloodthirsty creatures. As their friendships deteriorate, they find themselves in a desperate struggle to survive the creatures and each other.

A figure known as "The Assassin" descends from the heavens into a nightmarish pit full of monsters, titans, and cruelty.

A mild-mannered college professor discovers a look-alike actor and delves into the other man's private affairs.

During a shootout in a saloon, Sheriff Hunt injures a suspicious stranger. The doctor's assistant, wife of the local foreman, tends to him in prison. That night, the town is attacked and they both disappear—only the arrow of a cannibal tribe is found. Hunt and a few of his men go in search of the prisoner and the foreman's wife.

The history of New York’s Meatpacking District, told from the perspective of transgender sex workers who lived and worked there. Filmmaker Kristen Lovell, who walked “The Stroll” for a decade, reunites her community to recount the violence, policing, homelessness, and gentrification they overcame to build a movement for transgender rights.

After a top-secret experiment misfires, a scientist may be the only man left alive in the world.

Nida is a single mother who takes care of her anti-social son who has locked himself in his room for five years. The only way to communicate with her son is to write on a piece of paper and slip it under the door. But, when outsiders start to get curious about what is going on behind the door of her son's room, a series of terrible events starts to happen.

The Seasoning House - where young girls are prostituted to the military. An orphaned deaf mute is enslaved to care for them. She moves between the walls and crawlspaces, planning her escape. Planning her ingenious and brutal revenge.

Štiri leta po dogodkih grozljivke Noč čarovnic mori (2021) Laurie živi s svojo vnukinjo Allyson in končuje pisanje svojih spominov. Michaela Myersa od takrat ni bilo več na spregled. Potem ko je desetletja dopuščala, da je Michaelov duh vplival na njeno resničnost, se Laurie odloči, da se tega osvobodi ter sprejme življenje. Ko pa je mladenič Corey obtožen umora dečka, ki ga je čuval, se sproži val nasilja in terorja, ki bosta Laurie prisilila, da se končno sooči z zlom, ki ga nima pod nadzorom, in to enkrat za vselej.

A young woman studying the habits of webcam chat users from the apparent safety of her apartment witnesses a brutal murder online and is quickly immersed in a nightmare in which she and her loved ones are targeted for the same grisly fate as the first victim.

The legendary Power Rangers must stop the evil space pirate Divatox from releasing the powerful Maligore from his volcanic imprisonment on the island of Muranthias, where only the kindly wizard Lerigot has the key to release him. The hope of victory lies in the Ranger's incredible new Turbo powers and powerful Turbo Zords.

Ray Waller, nekdanji igralec bejzbola prve lige, ki se zaradi bolezni predčasno upokoji, se preseli v nov dom z ženo Eve, najstniško hčerko Izzy in mlajšim sinom Elliotom. Ray potiho upa, da se bo kljub vsemu vrnil v profesionalno ligo, zato prepriča Eve, da bo bazen na dvorišču novega doma zabaval otroke in njemu nudil fizioterapijo. Toda temna skrivnost iz preteklosti bo sprostila zlonamerno silo, ki bo družino potegnila v globino neizogibnega terorja.

Evading a scandal, a couple from Istanbul starts over in a town on the Aegean coast — but quickly discover the locals are determined to get rid of them.

Nova adaptacija klasičnega trilerja mojstra grozljivk Stephena Kinga, ki govori o deklici z izjemnimi pirokinetičnimi močmi, ki skuša zaščiti sebe in svojo družino pred hudobnimi silami. Več kot desetletje sta starša Andy in Vicky na begu in obupano želita skriti svojo hčer Charlie pred zvezno agencijo, ki želi izkoristiti dekličin dar ustvarjanje ognja kot orožje za množično uničevanje. Andy je hčerko naučil, kako zmanjšati svojo moč, ki jo sprožita jeza ali bolečina. Toda ko Charlie dopolni enajst let, je ogenj vse težje obvladovati.

St. Agatha is set in the 1950s in small town Georgia. A pregnant con woman named Agatha is on the run and seeks refuge in a convent hidden in deafening isolation. What first starts out as the perfect place to have a child turns into a dark lair where silence is forced. Ghastly secrets are masked, and every bit of will power Agatha has is tested. She soon learns the sick and twisted truth of the convent and the odd people that lurk inside its halls. Agatha must now find a way to discover the unyielding strength needed to escape and save her baby before she’s caged behind these walls forever.

Michael is a successful actor, but he has a scandal in his past: at a tender age he knifed his father to death. He and his girlfriend Deborah go to his mother's for the weekend, and are joined by the director and others from a recent film project, who are given a rather cool reception by the superstitious housekeeper Oliver. Soon rude things begin happening to some of the guests, and Michael fears a repeat of his nightmare past is in progress.