10 year-old Paul is an average but timid boy, subject to the typical fears of most kids his age. His overprotective mother Mona, believing Paul to be disturbed, sends him off to a psychotherapist.
They live behind the rails of the classification yard in a small and shabby hut. They take the days as they come, refuse to work on principle and pinch together their livelihood. The three tramps Dürst, Barbarossa and Clown are content with what they have and ignore the outside world, and so far they have fared well. Until now...
In August of 1949, Life Magazine ran a banner headline that begged the question: "Jackson Pollock: Is he the greatest living painter in the United States?" The film is a look back into the life of an extraordinary man, a man who has fittingly been called "an artist dedicated to concealment, a celebrity who nobody knew." As he struggled with self-doubt, engaging in a lonely tug-of-war between needing to express himself and wanting to shut the world out, Pollock began a downward spiral.
As boxing's popularity wanes, three fighters at different stages of their career make sacrifices to pursue their dreams of becoming champions.
Bilis vyksta pas Džo, kad ši pasirašytų skyrybų dokumentus ir jis galėtų vesti savo naująją draugę Melisą. Tačiau Džo aptinka rekordinių tornadų telkinį, tad Bilis pradeda dirbti su žmona. Prasideda galingas viesulas: namai byra į gabalus, ore skraido karvės ir traktoriai... Bilas jau nebenori skirtis su Džo. Jis nori padėti jai sukurti naują technologiją, kuri padėtų žmonėms kovoti su vienu smarkiausių gamtos gaivalų - tornadais. Jiedu siekia sukurti sistemą, kuri geriau įspėtų apie gresiantį pavojų.
A man working at a garbage incinerator discovers the body of a dead man burned to ashes in the oven. Police detective Martin Beck handles the case. All he knows is that a brutal murder has happened. But he does not know when or where. He has no body, motive or a crime scene, not a single trace. All he has is some teeth and a mysterious Internet address...
Desmond Doyle is devastated when his wife abandons their family on the day after Christmas. His unemployment, and the fact that there is no woman in the house to care for the children—Evelyn, Dermot and Maurice—make it clear to the authorities this is an untenable situation. The Catholic Church and the Irish courts decide to put the Doyle children into Church-run orphanages.
Niujorko tunelyje, jungiančiame Manhataną ir Niudžersį, sprogsta sunkvežimis. Žmonės atsiduria spąstuose. Kitas Latura skuba jiems padėti, nes tunelis gali sugriūti bet kurią akimirką...
March 11, 2011. The biggest tsunami Japan has ever experienced triggers the Fukushima disaster. Risks are being downplayed but the foreign community in Tokyo is terrified by this tragic event and the fact that no one is capable of assessing its scope. Among them, Alexandra, a French executive newly arrived from Hong Kong to work in a bank, has to face this nuclear crisis. Torn apart between fol- lowing the company’s instructions and going back to her husband and children who are still in Hong Kong, she will find herself defending honor and given word, despite the pervading terror and chaos.
Maikas Rurkas vadovauja Los Andželo krizių valdymo departamentui. Netikėtai miestą užgriūva baisi nelaimė - išsiveržia vulkanas. Gatvėmis plūsta visa naikinanti lava. Vienintelė miesto viltis - Maikas, žinantis, kaip išsigelbėti.
Dar viena, 1997 m. sukurta pagal Daniel Defoe romaną Robinzono Kruzo nuotykių versija. Kruzo palieka gimtąją Škotiją ir išplaukia į tolimas jūras. Užėjus audrai jo laivas sudūžta, o jį patį bangos išmeta į vieną salelę Indijos vandenyne. Čia jis iš bambuko susirenčia namelį ir leidžia dienas kamuojamas vienatvės - kol vieną gražią dieną suvokia, kad pėdsakai smėlyje nėra jo. Kruzo ir Penktadienio, čiabuvio iš kaimyninės salos, santykiai kur kas draugiškesni ir laisvesni nei Defo romane.
While she advocates for her female clients in divorce cases, a lawyer's trauma from sexual violence impacts her own marriage.
After a nervous breakdown, Walter trades the city for the countryside. But his hopes for a calm life are shattered once he meets his loud new neighbors.
A man and a woman have been secretly married. He belongs to a rich family and she is a poor actress and singer that is failing to success in her career. One day, he decides to tell his family that he's married and flies to Italy, where they live, but the flight has an accident and he dies. The man's brother goes to Spain to look for the body, and he discovers not only that his brother is married, also that his brother's wife is pregnant.
It is the year 2027, eight years after the first outbreak of The Sickness, a highly contagious, adaptive and lethal virus. The world is now run by a pharmaceutical corporation called The Company, which distributes a treatment for the virus but charges a high price for it, putting the majority of people in a state of poverty and dependence.
Eleven-year-old North has had it with his parents. They are always busy with their careers and don't give North the attention he needs, so he files a lawsuit against them. The judge rules that North should either find new parents or return to his own parents within two months. Thus North starts off on a journey around the world to find parents that really care about him.
Satur and Tina are married, and Berta enters their life as a ‘unicorn.’ In the end, however, Satur is pushed out and Tina and Berta have an affair. Manu is a loser who tries to embark on a relationship with Amanda, who at the same time is involved with Alex, Claudia and Marta and Esteban, with whom they are all co-raising two children. Everyone seem to be living many different lives but all of them will have a lot to learn from each other.
A travel writer improves her love life when she becomes an editor for her father's wedding magazine.
Anė - puikiai pažįstama iš pirmojo fimo "Greitis" - nusprendžia pailsėti ir kartu su draugu išvyksta į kelionę jūra. Tačiau netikėtai vidury vandenyno keleiviai sužino, kad jų laivas teroristo rankose. Anė su draugu imasi gelbėti keleivius, tačiau saugiai juos išlaipinti labai nelengva, nes teroristas valdo laivą kaip tinkamas - vieninteliu mygtuku...
Julia, an online vlogger from Germany, comes to the US to visit her cousin Hannah. Upon her arrival, Julia falls fatefully ill, prompting Hannah's suspicion of the strange and sudden illness. When unusual happenings start taking place in her home, Hannah begins a relentless internet search to discover the cause. She comes across Julia's vlog entries and finds herself immersed deep in the web - too deep - in a place where terror knows no end.