Following a brutal murder case, the police are baffled to find out that the assailant, whose body was found on the scene with the victim, had already been dead for three months. Meanwhile, journalist Jin-hee sets up a live interview with an anonymous caller claiming he is the true killer behind the mysterious murder. When the man announces three more murders will occur in the hands of the undead, Jin-hee must face the sinister forces beyond understanding.

Skitsofreniaa sairastava teinityttö Rain painiskelee kauhistuttavien hallusinaatioiden kanssa, kun hän alkaa epäillä naapurinsa siepanneen lapsen. Ainoa henkilö, joka uskoo häntä, on Caleb - poika, josta Rain ei ole varma, onko tämä edes todellinen.

The travails of Sara, a frustrated fashion designer who blames karma for her bad luck. Fate will put her face to face with her sister, Lucy, who enjoys very different luck, and in a series of events and reunions that will lead her to make a radical decision.

College freshman Abby tries to distance herself from her dark past while resisting her attraction to bad boy Travis.

Kat Valdez ja suursuosioon noussut nuori poptähti Bastian muodostavat maailman seksikkäimmän julkkisparin. Kun heidän hittisinglensä “Marry Me” singahtaa listojen kärkeen, he päättävät mennä naimisiin faniensa edessä hääkonsertissa, ja vihkiminen striimataan ympäri maailmaa. Vain hetkeä ennen vihkimistä Kat kuulee, että sulho Bastian on pettänyt häntä avustajansa kanssa. Hänen elämältään putoaa pohja, ja hän menettää uskonsa rakkauteen, totuuteen ja uskollisuuteen. Katin maailman romahtaessa hänen katseensa kiinnittyy tuntemattomaan mieheen yleisössä. Hetken huumassa Kat päättää mennä naimisiin Charlien kanssa. Yllätysratkaisua seuraa odottamaton romanssi. Kun heitä yritetään erottaa toisistaan, herää perustavanlaatuinen kysymys: Voiko kaksi täysin eri maailmoissa elävää ihmistä löytää yhteisen sävelen ja rakentaa elämän, joka sopii kummallekin?

Isabella runs her own salon and isn’t afraid to speak her mind, while Prince Thomas runs his own country and is about to marry for duty rather than love. When Izzy and her fellow stylists get the opportunity of a lifetime to do the hair for the royal wedding, she and Prince Thomas learn that taking control of their own destiny requires following their hearts.

Kun palopäällikkö Jake Carson ja hänen palomiesten eliittijoukkonsa tulevat pelastamaan kolmea sisarusta suuren metsäpalon keskeltä, he huomaavat nopeasti, ettei minkäänlainen koulutus olisi voinut valmistaa heitä heidän tähän mennessä haastavimpaan työhönsä - lastenvahtina olemiseen. Kun lasten vanhempia ei ole mahdollista löytää, sekä palomiesten elämä että heidän paloasemansa kääntyvät ylösalaisin, ja he oppivat nopeasti, että lapset - kuten tulipalotkin - ovat villejä ja arvaamattomia.

Cathy is a sous-chef wanting to open a restaurant. With financial difficulties, Cathy accepts a job at a shelter for young migrants. At first she hates the job then her passion for cuisine starts to change children's lives.

In 1980, Queens, New York, a young Jewish boy befriends a rebellious African-American classmate to the disapproval of his privileged family and begins to reckon with growing up in a world of inequality and prejudice.

The successful writer Paul and the sought-after voice actress Emilia were always considered to be the absolute dream couple by friends: Harmonious, happy, successful, with three charming children named Bo, Marie and Fe. But now, in their late 40s, their relationship is threatened by a crisis.

Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents Daniel Cravinhos's point of view of the events that led to the death of Marísia and Manfred von Richthofen, his girlfriend’s parents.

On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and embarrassing revelations, true abysses open up for everyone involved...

Soon after a newlywed learns that her husband had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear. She's rescued by a gunman who safeguards her at a remote outpost as he staves off her husband's attempts to reclaim his bride.

A cranky, retired author reluctantly embarks on a final book tour to help out a young publisher.

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.

Billionaire sportsman Buddy King unwinds by hunting human captives on his remote mountain estate. But his latest victim, Ava Bravo, is no easy target.

After a teacher dies, his best friend — a former cop — takes a job at the school where he worked to confront the gang he thinks was responsible.

Äitinsä kuoleman jälkeen ja ilman muita tiedossa olevia sukulaisia tekee Evie DNA-testin ja löytää kauan kadoksissa olleen serkkunsa, jonka olemassaolosta ei aiemmin tiennyt. Hänen uusi perheensä kutsuu Evien mukaan Englannin maaseudulle ylellisiin häihin, missä seksikäs aristokraattinen isäntä viettelee hänet. Pian hän joutuu kuitenkin keskelle painajaismaista selviytymistaistelua, kun perheen historian kieroutuneet salaisuudet paljastuvat ja syntisen anteliaisuuden todelliset syyt selviävät.

A reformed sociopath heads to a remote island after the death of his brother. Soon after his arrival, the island falls under siege from a deadly gang of mercenaries, and when he discovers their role in his brother’s demise, he sets out on a relentless quest for vengeance.

After his brother dies in a car crash, a disgraced MMA fighter takes over the family nightclub — and soon learns his sibling's death wasn’t an accident.