The 5th volume of episodes from the hit TV series What's New Scooby-Doo, with four action-packed sports adventures. The Unnatural serves up a full plate of ballpark pranks and ferocious fastballs from Ghost Cab Gray, who wants to stop the current homerun king from breaking his record. The gang tries to stop a giant sand worm from wreaking havoc on the Enduro Slam 5000 offroad race in The Fast and the Wormious. A weird ghost monster called the Titantic Twist turns Daphne and Velma into Wrestle Maniacs. For a grand-slam finale the hockey mystery Diamonds Are A Ghoul's Best Friend introduces the chilling Frozen Fiend. When the gang dons sticks and pads, will they perform a hat trick...or get frozen stiff?


Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.


A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.


SHREK'S THRILLING TALES is the ultimate Halloween DVD compilation for your family. Shrek's Thrilling Tales review Featuring the scariest, ugliest, and funniest characters from DreamWorks Animation's successful SHREK and MONSTERS VS. ALIENS franchises. DVD includes 'The Pig who Cried (Were)Wolf' and 'The Ghost of Lord Farquaad' from the Shrek movies, and 'Night of the Living Carrots' from Monsters vs. Aliens, featuring B.O.B.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

太平洋战争最惨烈一役,扭转第二次大战战局的硫磺岛…… 1944年6月,联军在诺曼第成功登陆,成为联军战胜的转折点,美军得以将战力转向太平洋,六月登陆塞班岛,七月登陆关岛,麦克阿瑟将军随即又第二度踏上菲律宾国土。日本死守硫磺岛,军力约两万一千人,美军共出动三个师团75000人,舰船495艘,其他尚有驱逐舰,航空母舰等155艘,全力攻击硫磺岛。本纪录片为美军第三司令部摄影队冒死拍摄完成,为当今世上仅存,最忠实纪录第二次世界大战,“血战硫磺岛”之唯一史料!

"巴特和珍娜生下了一窝可爱的小狗,每一只都找到了疼爱他们的新主人,只有阿露没人要,只因为她比巴特更像狼 阿露长大后才知道自己有一半狼的血统,于是离家找寻真正的归属,巴特因此一直梦到有关白狼与乌鸦的怪梦,他为了找寻女儿而千里跋涉,越过阿拉斯加冰原 最后父女俩遇到了狼群,阿露 这才发现,原来她命中注定要领导狼群...... 延续雪地灵犬的壮观场景与动人的情节,雪地灵犬2是一个关于勇气,自我找寻与肯定的故事,温馨而启发人心,将让您永生难忘。"

Unwinding her relationship from a controlling choreographer, Kayla happens to take an elevator ride with lonesome caterer “Dustin”. The lift stalls, and spontaneously, magical kisses follow. Soon the choreographer makes nice, and Dustin retreats. Kayla becomes confused as to which man to love.

普利母(饰Salman khan)和普加(饰Karisma Kapoor)曾经是丰富美满的生活。普加为了家和孩子们一直匆忙,照顾不了自己的丈夫。在这个时候,有华丽模型的茹帕丽(饰Sushmita Sen)进入了他的心。她的美丽而娇艳吸引了普利母。

  里奥是巴黎的一名医生,而他的妻子卡拉(碧翠斯•黛尔 Béatrice Dalle 饰)却被他囚禁在家里得不到外出的机会。因为卡拉一旦遇上异性就会色诱他们最后将他们活活咬死,不久前的晚上她就是这样杀死了一名卡车司机。西恩(文森特•加洛 Vincent Gallo 饰)和琼来到巴黎度蜜月,而西恩却从来不和妻子琼做爱,琼为此十分痛苦和不解。原来是西恩和卡拉有一样的病症,一旦和异性做爱就会将他们撕咬至死。西恩试图寻找里奥医生寻求帮助,却得知他因为过于极端的实验而被开除,他随着线索找到里奥的家却发现了卡拉。此时卡拉刚刚通过这种方式杀死一个入室行窃的小偷。他掐死了卡拉并纵火逃走。回到酒店之后他病症发作,盯上了一个为他们打扫房间的女服务员…

 盖瑞(塔哈·拉希姆 Tahar Rahim 饰)年轻有为,身为一名核电站工作人员,他必须奋战在核辐射最为强烈的第一线,而和他一起工作的,都是一些毫无情趣的大老爷们儿。一次偶然中,盖瑞遇见了名为卡罗尔(蕾雅·赛杜 Léa Seydoux 饰)的女子,卡罗尔的魅力和温柔为盖瑞枯燥坚硬的生活带来了一丝清新的气息。   没过多久,盖瑞和卡罗尔便坠入了爱河,两人借由激情四射的交欢来遗忘世间的荒芜,然而,唯一的问题是,卡罗尔已经名花有主,那个人恰恰就是盖瑞的同事托尼(丹尼斯·门诺切特 Denis Menochet 饰)。随着时间的推移,盖瑞和卡罗尔的情事渐渐无法再隐藏下去,与此同时,盖瑞发现自己的身体健康亦出现了问题……

He threw their loved ones into a swamp. Now they want revenge... But when a demon does their dirty work, it comes at a price.


Taking a wrong turn, travelers find themselves trapped in a mysterious house. One horror after another threatens them as the sorcerer who lives within needs sacrifices to give eternal life to his beautiful bride.

Free-lance undercover agent Coplan receives a phone call from an old girlfriend in Turkey. The panic-stricken woman gives sketchy details of a plot that threatens world security. When Coplan arrives, he is told the woman has been killed, and the trail of the murderer leads to her mad-scientist brother.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.