50. leta, otok s psihiatrično bolnišnico za zločince, kjer zvezni šerif Teddy Daniels raziskuje primer skrivnostnega izginotja neke jetnice. Leta 1954, na višku hladne vojne, zveznega šerifa Teddyja Danielsa (Leonardo DiCaprio) in njegovega sodelavca Chucka Auleja (Mark Ruffalo) pokličejo k raziskavi primera izginotja večkratne morilke iz zaklenjene sobe v nedostopni psihiatrični bolnišnici Ashecliffe. Obdana z radovednimi psihiatri in nevarnimi jetniki na odmaknjenem otoku Shutter prispeta v srhljivo, napeto ozračje, ki daje slutiti, da nič ni tako, kot se sprva zdi. Sredi neurja preiskava hitro napreduje, a v čedalje močnejšem neurju se množijo dvomi in skrivnosti, vsak bolj srhljiv in grozljiv od prejšnjega. Namigi in govorice o mračnih zarotah, umazanih medicinskih poskusih, zatiralskem nadzoru možganov, skritih oddelkih in morda celo namig o nadnaravnem, vendar izmuzljivem dokazu – do nepričakovanega zasuka in šokantnega konca preiskave.

Scenarist in režiser Guy Ritchie nam v začetku leta 2020 prinaša prefinjeno in sofisticirano akcijsko komedijo Gospodje, ki sledi ameriškemu izseljencu Mickeyu Pearsonu (Matthew McConaughey), ki je v Londonu ustvaril visoko donosen imperij marihuane. Ko se po okolici razširi beseda, da Mickey želi za vedno izplačati celoten posel, mnogi hitro sprožijo spletke, sheme, podkupovanja in izisljevanja v upanju, da bi del posla ukradli izpod njegovih rok. Ta skoraj legendarna ekipa vsebuje imena, kot so Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong in Eddie Marsan.

Izjemno življenje in boksarska kariera Georgea Foremana, od dobitnika zlate olimpijske medalje do svetovnega prvaka v težki kategoriji, od boja z Mohamedom Alijem v Zairu do iskanja njegove vere, upokojitve in preobrazbe v pridigarja. Ko finančna stiska prizadene njegovo družino in cerkev, se vrne v ring in pri 45 letih ponovno osvoji naslov prvaka ter tako postane najstarejši prvak v težki kategoriji v zgodovini boksa.

Peter Parker vse težje prenaša breme junaka, saj ga vloga Spider-Mana vedno bolj omejuje. Ljubezen do Mary Jane je vse bolj oddaljena, Petrov prijatelj Harry želi uničiti Spider-Mana, mesto pa terorizira zlobni Doc Ock, nekdaj Petrov vzgled.

Maddie je tik pred tem, da izgubi dom iz svojega otroštva, ko odkrije zanimiv zaposlitveni oglas: premožna »helikopterska« starša iščeta dekle, ki bi šlo na zmenke z njunim sramežljivim 19-letnim sinom Percyjem, preden gre na kolidž. Maddie na svoje presenečenje kmalu odkrije, da nerodni Percy ni tako zanesljiv posel, kot si je predstavljala.

Akcijska, sodobna zgodba DC vesolja spremlja Jaimeja Reyesa, običajnega mladeniča, ki je ravnokar končal fakulteto. Ko išče svoje poslanstvo na tem svetu, nepričakovano dobi v last starodavno relikvijo nezemeljske biotehnologije – skarabeja, kar za vedno spremeni njegovo usodo. S pomočjo svoje družine in izjemne tehnološko napredne superobleke odkrije, da lahko reši svet.

A man sees the dark side of the time-manipulating biotech company he works for when a crushing debt forces his wife to give up 40 years of her own life.

Suddenly and inexplicably Marco and Giulia wake up with three children aged 10, 9 and 6 who call them mum and dad. Getting rid of it and returning to the happy "previous" life will become their only goal.

Poletje, leta 1957. Nekdanji voznik in ustanovitelj najbolj znane avtomobilske in dirkalne znamke na svetu Enzo Ferrari, je v krizi. Tovarni, ki sta jo z ženo Lauro pred desetimi leti zgradila iz nič, grozi stečaj. Njun buren zakon se spopada z žalovanjem za enim sinom in priznanjem za drugega. Medtem jih strast do zmage njegovih voznikov potisne na rob, ko se podajo na nevarno kultno vzdržljivostno dirko Mille Miglia, ki poteka od Brescie do Rima in nazaj.

Jessica and her fiancé Evan just moved from the city into their dream home on a quiet suburban street. Soon after, Jessica catches her seemingly friendly new neighbor, Simon, in a strange lie and can't let her suspicions rest. The danger escalates when Simon lures her inside his home and imprisons Jessica in his secret bunker, meticulously decorated in the idealized style of the 1950's.

Follows Vivien and Roy as their love story continues and leads them to Roy’s childhood home in Sicily to prepare for the sale of the family estate. During the visit, a mysterious woman arrives and befriends Vivien, much to Roy’s displeasure. Tensions build and lines are crossed as secrets from Roy’s past force the couple to face aspects of their relationship they did not know existed.

Simone, a clumsy financier, falls in love with Claudia, who’s living on her grandma’s retirement checks. When the old lady dies Claudia hides the body in a freezer, and sets up a fraud with the help of some friends to avoid bankruptcy.

Marco, a nine year old boy, is in love with his elementary teacher, and feels neglected by his workaholic parents. When they forget about his birthday he wishes he could grow up at once. This really happens and Marco begins a new life as an adult. He rents a room in his teacher's flat and she falls in love with him. He even fakes a kidnapping when he runs out of money but he is mistaken for the kidnapper.

Frank and Lindsay—two emotionally-broken strangers—meet on the way to a destination wedding. Over the course of the weekend and against all odds, they find themselves drawn together even though they are initially repulsed by one another.

A father and a daughter with the dream of becoming an influencer clash until they meet the famous webstar and idol of the girl.

Two proud and estranged brothers, a disputed inheritance and a past that comes back. When he hears about the passing of his father - whom he has not seen in many years - Salvo returns to his native Sicily. He intends to convince his brother Lillo to sell the family farm and save his pizzeria, which is about to go bankrupt - a secret that he has kept even from his wife and children. But things will not be easy and Salvo will have to come to terms with his choices. A bittersweet comedy about family relations and how one never stops growing up, not even at fifty.

It's the end of the school year. The long-awaited moment of the holidays is arrive. The little Nicolas, her parents and Grandma take the road towards the sea, and settle in for some time at the Hotel Beau-Rivage.

4 would be astronauts spend 400 days in a land locked space simulator to test the psychological effects of deep space travel but, when something goes terribly wrong and they are forced to leave the simulation, they discover that everything on earth has changed. Is this real or is the simulation on a higher level than they could have ever imagined?