A jailed swindler leaps at the chance to earn parole in return for taking care of his estranged brother, an athlete who recently lost his sight.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

Prebjegavši iz Sjeverne Koreje, Loh Kiwan pokušava dobiti status izbjeglice u Belgiji, gdje upozna potištenu ženu koja je izgubila svu nadu.

Based on the true story of a Russian serial killer who, over many years, claimed victim to over 50 people. His victims were mostly under the age of 17. In what was then a communists state, the police investigations were hampered by bureaucracy, incompetence and those in power. The story is told from the viewpoint of the detective in charge of the case.

An old leper who owned a remote sorghum winery dies. Jiu'er, the wife bought by the leper, and her lover, identified only as "my Grandpa" by the narrator, take over the winery and set up an idealized quasi-matriarchal community headed by Jiu'er. When the Japanese invaders subject the area to their rule and cut down the sorghum to make way for a road, the community rises up and resists as the sorghum grows anew.

Nakon teških gubitaka Mjesečeva Ratnica ustraje u borbi protiv Galaktičke sjene. Hoće li se prepustiti očaju ili će pronaći svjetlo u tami?

An actress’s perception of reality becomes increasingly distorted as she finds herself falling for her co-star in a remake of an unfinished Polish production that was supposedly cursed.

Late one night a woman drives by a stranded motorist who is later revealed to have been murdered. After a series of terrifying events the woman believes she is the killer's next victim.

Alice i Celine su nerazdvojne i dijele sve, od dnevnih rutina do tajni. Njihov savršeni sklad narušen je kada jedan od njihovih sinova pogine u tragičnoj nesreći dok je bio pod Aliceinom skrbi. Celine okrivljuje Alice za smrt svog djeteta i postaje opsjednuta time da zaštiti svog preživjelog sina od bilo kakvog zla. Alice se, s druge strane, osjeća krivom i paranoičnom jer Celine planira nauditi njoj i njezinoj obitelji. Slijedi žestoka borba volja dok dvije žene srljaju u ludilo i nasilje.

Soo-hyun, koja se nedavno uselila u novu kuću, kupuje rabljenu perilicu rublja putem aplikacije, ali otkriva da ne radi. Iznervirana neodgovornošću prodavača, ostavlja komentar u kojem prodavatelja naziva prevarantom i prijavljuje ga policiji. Ona i ne zna da je prodavač psihopatski serijski ubojica koji koristi internetsko tržište polovnih stvari kako bi namamio svoje žrtve. Njezin komentar čini njegovu potragu za novom žrtvom gotovo nemogućom, pa ona postaje njegova sljedeća meta. Počinje primati opscene telefonske pozive, bezbroj neželjenih dostava hrane, a na vrata joj kucaju čudni muškarci u potrazi za dobrim provodom. Odlazak na adresu pošiljatelja pokazalo se smrtonosno ozbiljnim kada policija i Soo-hyun pronađu mrtvo tijelo čovjeka.

Seiji Hasumi is a popular English teacher in a private high school. He is also a violent and sociopathic killer, who slowly takes control of the students and faculty through murder and manipulation. When he is caught in the act during preparations for the school cultural festival, he sees staging a massacre as the only way out.

During the 1970s, in Kunchon, there were women divers who were able to dive without equipment, including two best friends Choon-ja and Jin-sook, Jin-sook's brother and Hammer. They always collected seafood under water for living. But, as fewer factories started to be built near the beach, the women divers started to have trouble with what they were doing for living. Without any choice, the ship crews decided to join the smuggling business in the water to seek a way for their living. But the smuggling business in their village got too big for Jin-sook's family to handle and the peaceful village was gradually broken.

Desperate for an online following, a rideshare driver has figured out a deadly plan to go viral and he will stop at nothing to get his five minutes of fame.

A young French journalist meets Salvador Dalí repeatedly for a documentary film project which never gets to start shooting.

Just before Lee Seungyoon became famous after winning the music audition program Sing Again, two women just went to “Unknown-musician” Seungyoon without any notice. One day in 2018, the two, who were going through a very tough time, happened to listen to his song and it healed their wounded hearts. After two years, they boldly suggest him to make his music video without any experience. Starting with the ridiculous proposal, their adventurous journey begins.

Martin's daughter, Emma, takes up a night watch job to find out what happened to her parents almost thirty years ago. A meeting with Wörmer in his cell pulls the serial killer out of his coma and sets in motion a chain of fateful events.

At the age of 10, Australian-born Andi Gibson had what she describes as a close encounter with a flying saucer. Naturally, everyone assumed she was bonkers. That is until one notable evening, 17 years later, when an airborne extra-terrestrial armada launches a nation-wide assault on Andi's home country and at the same time, for unspecified reasons, kidnaps her mother. To add to the debacle, it seems the other nations of the world are far too insulted by their exclusion from the attack to come to Australia's aid. Now it is up to Andi, her hypochondriac brother Elliot, retired boxer cousin Keith and documentary filmmaker friend Cam to stop the attack and rescue Andi's mum. Enlisting the help of Andi's equal-parts mysterious and cringeworthy father, the gang must battle car-chasing spaceships, martial-arts aliens, giant killer robots and, perhaps most frighteningly, a deluge of family secrets in their fight to save Australia. Bloody hell, this is gonna be a long night

Naoto Ihara lives happily with his wife Miyuki and their son Haruto. Their happiness is crushed when Miyuki suddenly dies in a car accident. Naoto falls into deep grief over the death of his wife. Meanwhile, Haruto buries his dead mother Miyuki's finger in their garden and prays everyday for her to come back to life. The family is visited by video director Hiroko Kurasawa, who used to work with Naoto Ihara. There she sees Haruto shouting a strange spell in their yard. Unexpected and bizarre phenomenons soon take place around Hiroko Kurasawa.

Parents with empty nest syndrome find a clever way to make their kids stay interested: winning the lottery.

Lili and Simon are in love. They don't live together but are loving it. And then, here comes Abel, the fruit of their love. And then, the mishaps of life which, someday, will call their way of life into question.