A drifter lands a job as an officer in México City's elite motorcycle police unit and gets home with a mate of this unit. The mate is in love with a girl, but he and she are always making jealous to each other. The drifter and the mate get involved themselves in a fight to become the winner of conquering ladies and performing unit acrobatic tricks, interfering with their friendship and profession.

Amerikiečių, britų ir kanadiečių karo belaisviai Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais rengia masinį pabėgimą iš fašistų karo belaisvių stovyklos.

Schoolteacher Bertram Cates is arrested for teaching his students Darwin's theory of evolution. The case receives national attention and one of the newspaper reporters, E.K. Hornbeck, arranges to bring in renowned defense attorney and atheist Henry Drummond to defend Cates. The prosecutor, Matthew Brady is a former presidential candidate, famous evangelist, and old adversary of Drummond.

Varšuva, ketvirtasis dešimtmetis. Patyręs seifų plėšikas Henrikas Kvinto siekia atkeršyti prieš daugelį metų jį policijai pakišusiam banko savininkui Krameriui. Kvinto surengia Kramerio banko apiplėšimą, o dalį pinigų paslepia jo namuose. Kai dingsta alibi galėjusi užtikrinti gražuolė, bankininkas atsiduria už grotų.

Vykstant antrajam pasauliniam karui, nedrausmingam JAV armijos majorui paskirtas tuzinas nuteistų žmogžudžių, kad juos treniruotų ir vadovautų masinei vokiečių karininkų skerdinių misijai.

After World War I, Armistice Lloyd Hart goes back to practice law, former saloon keeper George Hally turns to bootlegging, and out-of-work Eddie Bartlett becomes a cab driver. Eddie builds a fleet of cabs through delivery of bootleg liquor and hires Lloyd as his lawyer. George becomes Eddie's partner and the rackets flourish until love and rivalry interfere.

A team of allied saboteurs are assigned an impossible mission: infiltrate an impregnable Nazi-held island and destroy the two enormous long-range field guns that prevent the rescue of 2,000 trapped British soldiers.

A cameraman is knocked over during a football game. His brother-in-law, as the king of the ambulance-chasing lawyers, starts a suit while he's still knocked out. The cameraman is against it until he hears that his ex-wife will be coming to see him. He pretends to be injured to get her back, but also sees what the strain is doing to the football player who injured him.

The legendary true story of a small band of soldiers who sacrificed their lives in hopeless combat against a massive army in order to prevent a tyrant from smashing the new Republic of Texas.

Senator Walter Chalmers is aiming to take down mob boss Pete Ross with the help of testimony from the criminal's hothead brother Johnny, who is in protective custody in San Francisco under the watch of police lieutenant Frank Bullitt. When a pair of mob hitmen enter the scene, Bullitt follows their trail through a maze of complications and double-crosses. This thriller includes one of the most famous car chases ever filmed.

Respected black cavalry Sergeant Brax Rutledge stands court-martial for raping and killing a white woman and murdering her father, his superior officer.

At the opening party of a colossal—but poorly constructed—skyscraper, a massive fire breaks out, threatening to destroy the tower and everyone in it.

Seeking a divorce from her absentee husband, Mimi Glossop travels to an English seaside resort. There she falls in love with dancer Guy Holden, whom she later mistakes for the corespondent her lawyer hired.

Dar vaikystėje Leonardas, Nuotaka ir Jaunikis tapo neišskiriama trijule. Metams bėgant nepastebima, stipri ir nepertraukiama meilė surišo Nuotakos ir Leonardo širdis. Nelaimei, jų šeimos nuolat kursto nesantaiką ir abipusę neapykantą perduoda iš kartos į kartą. Ilgai trunkantį konfliktą tikimasi išspręsti sutartomis vedybomis, kad Duktė iš vienos šeimos ištekėtų už Sūnaus iš kitos šeimos. Tačiau Likimas ir Mirtis rašo visiškai kitokį – kruvinos nesantaikos – scenarijų, nes Nuotaka yra seniai įsimylėjusi Leonardą. Gražuolė paklūsta tėvų valiai, bet dieną prieš tuoktuves ji sutinka elgetą žiniuonę ir išgirsta lemtingą patarimą („netekėk už jo, jei nemyli“).

Two HIV-positive young men — a semi-employed film critic and a hot hustler — tear off on a cross-country crime spree.

In preparation for his daughter's wedding, dentist Sheldon Kornpett meets Vince Ricardo, the groom's father. Vince, a manic fellow who claims to be a government agent, then proceeds to drag Sheldon into a series of chases and misadventures from New York to Central America.

A movie adaptation of Homer's second epic, that talks about Ulysses' efforts to return to his home after the end of ten years of war.

Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone comes and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin another member of The Seven. They find four other men and they go to help Chico.

D'Artagnanas palieka Gaskonį, savo gimtąjį regioną, turėdamas dvigubą tikslą: prisijungti prie karaliaus muškietininkų ir surasti vyrą, kuris nužudė savo tėvus keturiolika metų anksčiau. Kartą Paryžiuje jis susitinka su Aramisu, Athosu ir Portosu, kurie buvo išvaryti iš karališkosios gvardijos ir gyvena netvarkingą gyvenimą. Be to, intriguojantis kardinolas Richelieu sugebėjo įkalbėti riterišką muškietininkų vyriausiąjį treviną Trevilį į niūrią žmogžudystę. Tačiau D'Artagnanas nestovės vietoje

Charlie Rankin, recently released from prison, seeks vengeance for his jail-house mentor William "The Buddha" Pettigrew. Along the way, he meets the ethereal, yet streetwise, Florence Jane. They embark on a unlikely road trip, careening towards an unlikely redemption and uncertain resolution.