In this documentary, director Rhys Ernst tells the previously untold histories of transgender pioneers. Trans people have always been here, throughout time, often hidden in plain sight.

Irgendwo an der Küste des Beringmeers leben ein Vater und sein Sohn vom Fischfang und sind Teil einer Dorfgemeinschaft, die aus der Zeit gefallen zu sein scheint. Aliaksandr Tsymbaliuk ist mit seiner Kamera ganz nah an den Protagonisten. So fängt er mit einem einzigen Schwenk die Härte der Lebensumstände und die Strenge der Erziehung ein, aber auch die väterliche Liebe und die universelle Sorglosigkeit der Kindheit.

Six friends, who follow Periyaar's ideologies, fall prey to the local caste politics that happens in their hometown. Who is the reason behind this and what happens after?

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

From the Tea Party Movement to State Legislators, the American people are drawing a line in the sand. On what side of it will you stand? Has the government our Founders created been forgotten by Washington DC? Is a Patriot Uprising ready to capture the spirit of 1776? "Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic" gives the viewer a look into the movements, mindset, and legislation that will catapult the "Great Restoration" into households across America. What is the choke-collar the Federal Government uses to reign in the States? Are the States sovereign or subjects of Washington DC? What did the Founders foresee and how did they seek to protect us from a tyrannical government?

Daniel Gelin and Juliette Faber star as a blissfully happy honeymooning couple. They are so happy that they arouse the jealous attentions of Satan. The Dark Prince sends an emissary to beak up the romance, but his advocate is promptly challenged by a representative from "up above."

As the star of his church choir, there's nothing that brings Billy more joy than the opportunity to sing for an audience. However, as his desire to perform grows, the stalwart youth finds that waiting until Sunday to get his fix just simply isn't enough. Going against the advice of his pastor, Billy follows his girlfriend into the world of secular entertainment, joining the local community theatre troupe. There, Billy is introduced to a whole new world, where his fellow thespians dabble in drugs, sexual perversion, and table-top game-play. Yet, for all the newly minted depravities Billy encounters, none could prepare him for the darkest truth of them all: The theatre group is actually a front for a Satanic cult intent on raising Dracula from the grave!

A young toymaker tries to make sense of the impermanence of life that he has been forced to acknowledge through experiences of separation and death.

Two young business partners are invited to a week-long yachting voyage with a potential investor. At night, Jennifer's dreams begin to bleed into reality as the others realize that Jennifer may have unknowingly brought something on-board.

A billionaire celebrity chef seeks revenge on all mankind when a global ban on gluten destroys his life. In the process, Alfredo Manicotti is disfigured into a hideous creature, half-man, half-macaroni, and leads a pasta uprising that threatens all of humanity. It’s up to his spoiled heiress daughter, the angel-haired Emma, to make the ultimate sacrifice and save the world from the impending pastacolypse.

Mentally ill. Deviant. Diseased. And in need of a cure. These were among the terms psychiatrists used to describe gay women and men in the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s. And as long as they were “sick”, progress toward equality was impossible. This documentary chronicles the battle waged by a small group of activists who declared war against a formidable institution – and won a crucial victory in the modern movement for LGBTQIA+ equality.

A mutated monster terrorizes campers in the woods of 1950's Wisconsin.

Auch im zweiten Jahrtausend ihres Bestehens erweisen sich die ärzte als die jüngstgebliebene Band der Welt! Mit gewohnt guter Laune, geballter Lebensweisheit und der Kraft der drei Herzen begleiten BelaFarinRod euch auf eurer Tour entlang der Meilensteine der bewegten Bilder. Und sie bewahren euch natürlich selbstlos vor vielleicht verhängnisvollen Fehlentscheidungen bei der Auswahl eurer Lieblingsvideos. Erlebt die Ärzte in ihren Klassikern als verzweifelte Dandys, sinistre Balladeure, unrockbare Waschlappen, kluge Hinterwäldler, widerspenstiges Zombiefutter - und natürlich auf dem sehr, sehr kurzen Weg nach ganz unten! Wie immer gibts natürlich auch bei diesem Werk der besten band der welt so gut wie keine Extras, Alternativvideos, Oldies, Goodies, Outtakes, Überraschungen, Hidden Tracks oder gar... pfui Deibel! ...Boni. E h r l i c h !

Blu-ray release of character rap project “Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle-: Rule the Stage [Dotsuitare Hompo vs Buster Bros!!!]”.