Michael (Robert De Niro), Steven (John Savage) in Nick (Christopher Walken) so prijatelji iz majhnega industrijskega mesta Clairton iz Pennsylvanije. Kot sošolci so skupni prosti čas preživljali v lokalih in na lovih na jelene. Kmalu pa se jim mirno življenje spremeni ko dobijo poziv na nabor za vojno v Vietnamu...
Private eye Jake Gittes lives off of the murky moral climate of sunbaked, pre-World War II Southern California. Hired by a beautiful socialite to investigate her husband's extra-marital affair, Gittes is swept into a maelstrom of double dealings and deadly deceits, uncovering a web of personal and political scandals that come crashing together.
Film pripoveduje resnično zgodbo o Henriju Charriereju, ki je bil zaradi umora, za katerega je vedno trdil, da ga ni zagrešil, obsojen na dosmrtno ječo. Poslali so ga v zapor v Francoski Gvajani, kjer je moral vsak dan trpeti zaradi nečloveških razmer. Zaradi podobe metulja, ki ga je kot simbol svobode imel vtetoviranega na prsih, je dobil vzdevek Metulj. Potem ko je večkrat poskušal zaman pobegniti, je bil kruto kaznovan, nato pa mu je nekega dne po dolgih letih le uspelo pobegniti na svobodo. Kasneje je o svoji izkušnji napisal knjigo, ki je postala svetovna uspešnica in po kateri so posneli tudi film.
A Puerto-Rican ex-con, just released from prison, pledges to stay away from drugs and violence despite the pressure around him, and lead a better life outside NYC.
When veteran anchorman Howard Beale is forced to retire his 25-year post because of his age, he announces to viewers that he will kill himself during his farewell broadcast. Network executives rethink their decision when his fanatical tirade results in a spike in ratings.
When a group of idealistic young men join the German Army during the Great War, they are assigned to the Western Front, where their patriotism is destroyed by the harsh realities of combat.
Študent na kolidžu Charlie med prazniki sprejme priložnostno službo spremljevalca slepega upokojenega polkovnika Franka Slada. Ta prepriča mladeniča, da ga pelje po vsem New Yorku. Spet je zahvalni dan in konec prazničnega tedna v New Yorku si želi polkovnik Frank Slade (Al Pacino) privoščiti vse, kar mu ponuja vselej budno velemesto: dobro kuhinjo, čedne dame, limuzine s šoferji in apartma v slavnem hotelu Waldorf Astoria. Mladi Charlie Sirmms (Chris O'Donnell) ga nejevoljno spremlja in je nepričakovano deležen pomembne življenjske lekcije. Slade je mož, kakršnega ni še nikoli spoznal: nekdanji pomočnik predsednika Lyndona Johnsona je slep, vzkipljiv in pesniško navdihnjen. Charlie je študent kolidža pred pomembno odločitvijo. Njuna skupna pustolovščina v New Yorku bo imela globoke posledice na življenje obeh. PRIPOROČAMO
In 1940, in the immediate aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, a young girl living on the Castilian plain is haunted after attending a screening of James Whale's 1931 film Frankenstein and hearing from her sister that the monster is not dead, instead existing as a spirit inhabiting a nearby barn.
A couple's attitudes are challenged when their daughter brings home a fiancé who is black.
Frank Serpico is an idealistic New York City cop who refuses to take bribes, unlike the rest of the force. Frank's actions get him shunned by the other officers, and often placed in dangerous situations by his partners. When his superiors ignore his accusations of corruption, Frank decides to go public with the allegations. Although this causes the Knapp Commission to investigate his claims, Frank has also placed a target on himself.
Harry Caul (Gene Hackman) je zvočni izvedenec; najamejo ga zato, da sledi nekaterim posameznikom ter snema njihove pogovore med množico na trgu Union v San Franciscu. Harry se dobro zaveda, kako tehnologija vdira v življenja ljudi, zato se drži zase in strogo ločuje posel od zasebnega življenja. Celo svojemu dekletu Amy ne zaupa, kaj počne in kje živi. Njegova služba ga začne mučiti, ko nekoč posname pogovor, ki razkriva namige morebitne zarote skrivnostnega korporacijskega "direktorja", ki ga je očitno najel, da bi umoril neki par. Potem ko ga zapelje najeta spremljevalka in mu ukrade magnetofonske trakove, je paranoični Harry še bolj prepričan, da se bo umor zares zgodil. Zdaj svojega početja ne more več upravičevati z ugovorom vesti. Napeta drama slavnega režiserja Francisa Forda Coppole je bila tistega leta nominirana za oskarja za najboljši film.
Leta 1929 se v neimenovanem mestu za nadzor nad dobičkonosnimi posli spopadata italijanska in irska gangsterska tolpa. Tom Regan (Gabriel Byrne) je “svetovalec” irskega mafijskega šefa (Albert Finney), a prijateljstvo se skrha, ko se Tom zagleda v šefovo dekle. Film, ki v vsakem trenutku osuplja z mojstrsko režijo in dih jemajočo fotografijo, zapeljivo igro in izvirnimi scenografijami, je zagledan v dve močni filmski tradiciji – gangsterski film tridesetih let in noir štiridesetih.
A research chemist comes under personal and professional attack when he decides to appear in a 60 Minutes exposé on Big Tobacco.
In a strange and isolated chateau, a man becomes acquainted with a woman and insists that they have met before.
When an office full of Chicago real estate salesmen is given the news that all but the top two will be fired at the end of the week, the atmosphere begins to heat up. Shelley Levene, who has a sick daughter, does everything in his power to get better leads from his boss, John Williamson, but to no avail. When his coworker Dave Moss comes up with a plan to steal the leads, things get complicated for the tough-talking salesmen.
An ethical Baltimore defense lawyer disgusted with rampant legal corruption is forced to defend a judge he despises in a rape trial under the threat of being disbarred.
Mary Henry ends up the sole survivor of a fatal car accident through mysterious circumstances. Trying to put the incident behind her, she moves to Utah and takes a job as a church organist. But her fresh start is interrupted by visions of a fiendish man. As the visions begin to occur more frequently, Mary finds herself drawn to the deserted carnival on the outskirts of town. The strangely alluring carnival may hold the secret to her tragic past.
At a 1962 College, Dean Vernon Wormer is determined to expel the entire Delta Tau Chi Fraternity, but those troublemakers have other plans for him.
When New York is caught in the grip of a sadistic serial killer who preys on patrons of the city's underground bars, young rookie Steve Burns infiltrates the S&M subculture to try and lure him out of the shadows.
A mind-bending love story following Greg who, after recently being divorced and then fired, meets the mysterious Isabel, a woman living on the streets and convinced that the polluted, broken world around them is just a computer simulation. Doubtful at first, Greg eventually discovers there may be some truth to Isabel’s wild conspiracy.