The mysterious island of Houraijima has reappeared after 50 years, and with its reappearance has brought the attack of four gods, the Shitoushin, who have their eyes set on the powers that protect and sustain the island. Now it's up to Inuyasha and his friends, along with Sesshoumaru, to find a way to defeat the powerful Shitoushin.

Ermitáž je najslávnejším múzeom Ruska a jedným z najvýznamnejších múzeí sveta, ktoré sa stará o množstvo umeleckých pokladov i diela velikánov ako Leonardo, Rembrandt, či Raffael. Charizmatický dvorný herec Paola Sorrentina Toni Servillo sa v dokumentárnom filme, venovanom tejto fascinujúcej inštitúcií, stáva nielen sprievodcom jej súčasnosťou, ale aj mimoriadne pohnutou minulosťou, v ktorej Ermitáž a jej diela prežili revolúciu i blokádu, aby dnes mohli žiariť v plnej kráse.

When Santa's helper La Befana falls ill and must take off a Christmas Eve, she recruits Scarafoni to help deliver all the toys. No one but the toys knows is that Scarafoni plans to auction off the toys to the highest bidder, which means the toys won't make it to the children who have been good all year and deserve them. The toys decide to deliver themselves, and the story follows them as they struggle to avoid the heartless Scarafoni and to find their true homes.

Under the oppressive Japanese colonial rule, Deok-hye, the last Princess of the declining Joseon Dynasty, is forced to move to Japan. She spends her days missing home, while struggling to maintain dignity as a princess. After a series of failed tries, Deok-hye makes her final attempt to return home with help of her childhood sweetheart, Jang-han.

Filmová adaptácia slávneho románu Choderlose de Laclose Nebezpečné známosti (1782), ktorá na zložitom osude dvoch libertinských intrigánov, vikomta Valmonta a markízy de Merteuil, zachytáva v tak trocha odľahčenej polohe obraz aristokratickej spoločnosti niekoľko rokov pred Francúzskou revolúciou.

A little girl goes in search of her father who is reported missing by the military during the Second Boer War.

The story of a son's conflicting memories of his dying father.

This film, adapted from a work of fiction by author Tracy Chevalier, tells a story about the events surrounding the creation of the painting "Girl With A Pearl Earring" by 17th century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer. A young peasant maid working in the house of painter Johannes Vermeer becomes his talented assistant and the model for one of his most famous works.

Documentary about the victorious German national football team - called "Die Mannschaft" - and their journey to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

Based on the life and career of legendary entertainer, Bobby Darin, the biopic moves back and forth between his childhood and adulthood, to tell the tale of his life.

Tilo (Aishwarya Rai) vlastní obchod s korením v Kalifornii. Nepredáva tu však len prísady do jedál, ale pomáha svojim zákazníkom splniť ich najväčšie želanie. Je kráľovná korení a ovláda tajomné magické síly. Pomocou týchto síl, tak uzdravuje, šíri múdrosť a lieči smútky. Až do tej doby, kedy do obchodu a jej života vstúpi osamotený Doug (Dylan McDermott) a Tilo pre neho nemôže nájsť to pravé korenie. On v nej totiž prebudí city, ktoré jej magické sily zakazujú a ona je postavená pred rozhodnutie, ktoré zmení nielen jej život. Musí sa vzdať lásky alebo schopnosti pomáhať ostatným ...

Ronal is a young barbarian with low self-esteem, the polar opposite of all the muscular barbarians in his village. He's a real wuss. However, as fate would have it, responsibility for the tribe's survival falls on Ronal's scrawny shoulders, when the evil Lord Volcazar raids the village and abducts every living barbarian with the exception of Ronal, who is forced to go on a perilous quest to save his enslaved clan and thwart Volcazar’s plot to rule the world.

A horror film told in three parts, from three perspectives, in which a mysterious transmission that turns people into killers invades every cell phone, radio, and television.

Uprostred vojny vojaci nesnívajú o tom, že sa stanú hrdinami. Modlia sa, aby si spomenuli, čo je to byť mužom. 1917. Západný front. Zablatená pustatina s ostnatými drôtmi a zákopmi. Krajina je nasiaknutá krvou padlých a vo vzduchu je cítiť dusný zápach smrti. Vojak Charlie Shakespeare má zimnicu. Pozerá sa na svojich vyčerpaných kamarátov a tela, ktoré ostali po bitke ležať bez života. Je sám. Zúfalo by chcel preč. S niekoľkými mužmi, ktorí prežili, sa uchýli do nemeckého zákopu. V podzemných tuneloch, stratení na nepriateľskom území, čakajú na záchranu. Ale nikto neprichádza a noc s beznádejou sa znáša na krajinu...

Doc McCoy is put in prison because his partners chickened out and flew off without him after exchanging a prisoner with a lot of money. Doc knows Jack Benyon, a rich "business"-man, is up to something big, so he tells his wife (Carol McCoy) to tell him that he's for sale if Benyon can get him out of prison. Benyon pulls some strings and Doc McCoy is released again. Unfortunately he has to cooperate with the same person that got him to prison.

Nikto nemiluje Vianoce tak ako stolár Andersen. Každý rok sa snaží pripraviť pre svoju rodinu dokonalé Vianoce. Tento rok však na Vianoce nič nejde podľa plánu. Každý vie, že najdôležitejšou udalosťou Vianoc je príchod Santu. Andersen sa teda vyberie potešiť svoje deti v úplne novom kostýme. Nešťastnou náhodou sa však pošmykne a skĺzne na saniach z kopca, kde sa zrazí so skutočným Santom. Spoločne sa dohodnú, že si vymenia svoje životné úlohy. Andersen sa vyberie k domovu Santu Clausa a Santa ide navštíviť Andersonovcov. Stolár Andersen poteší Santove deti tak, že im z dreva vyreže nádherné darčeky. Na druhej strane, v dome Andersonovcov, sa deťom nedarí odstrojiť otcovi masku a vyzliecť ho z falošného plášťa, pretože je tentoraz ich navštívil skutočný Santa Claus a jeho odev a podoba sú pravé. Aj napriek tomu, že vlastne nič nevyšlo podľa plánu, všetci sú spokojní, pretože objavili pravú podstatu Vianoc.

A Carthaginian general attempts to cross the Alps with an army of elephants in order to conquer Rome.

Mexican beauty Camilla hopes to rise above her station by marrying a wealthy American. That is complicated by meeting Arturo Bandini, a first-generation Italian hoping to land a writing career and a blue-eyed blonde on his arm.

Four characters living in one neighborhood in London - all living dramatically different lives, all of them on the edge - see their stories unfold.

In dark ages Britain, a time of magic and legend, a powerful druid is bent on destroying the Celtic people. Arthur, a banished warrior, and Merlin, a hermit wizard, embark on a heroic quest to stop the druid and save their people, before the Celts are lost forever and become a myth themselves.