Џона „Скотија“ Фергусона, детектива из Сан Франциска, још увек прогоне сећања на трагедију кад је страдао полицајац који му је покушавао помоћи. Од тада се панично боји висине, те се повукао из службе. Дружи се са сликарком Миџ и покушава помоћи свом старом пријатељу Гевину чија супруга Мадлин често изгуби осећај за време, те зна сате провести у лутању градом или музеју, али ничега се не сећа. Гевин успева да наговори Џона да је прати...

Documents the lives of infamous fakers Elmyr de Hory and Clifford Irving. De Hory, who later committed suicide to avoid more prison time, made his name by selling forged works of art by painters like Picasso and Matisse. Irving was infamous for writing a fake autobiography of Howard Hughes. Welles moves between documentary and fiction as he examines the fundamental elements of fraud and the people who commit fraud at the expense of others.

Using raw, firsthand footage, this documentary examines the disappearance of Shanann Watts and her children, and the terrible events that followed.

The opposite lives of a workaholic architect and a fiery artist are upended when their chance encounter in breathtaking Peru shifts their views on life.

After the coal mine he works at closes and his father commits suicide, a Finnish man leaves for the city to make a living but there, he is framed and imprisoned for various crimes.

The story of love struggles of 9 different couples, connected only by the complexity of human relationships.

A peaceful accountant, after find again a love of youth, discovers a big embezzlement in the company where he works. Thanks to the fact, he ends up involving in a corruption network that supplies the Brazilian politician system .

Радња филма је усредсређена на младе године будућег писца, у којима он, сироче, проналази прве пријатеље, љубав, али и уметничку инспирацију, док време проводи с другарима-бунтовницима из школе. Све ово се дешава у време избијања Првог светског рата, услед чега прети и пропаст многих међусобних пријатељстава, а као последицу има и писање култне трилогије „Господар прстенова“.

To land a major client, an LA wine exec travels to an Australian sheep station, where she signs on as a ranch hand and hits it off with a rugged local.

Adèle Hugo, daughter of renowned French writer Victor Hugo, falls in love with British soldier Albert Pinson while living in exile off the coast of England. Though he spurns her affections, she follows him to Nova Scotia and takes on the alias of Adèle Lewly. Albert continues to reject her, but she remains obsessive in her quest to win him over.

Тинејџерка је одрастала у подземљу и уз надзор и помоћ љубазног робота „Мајка“, створеног да поново насели Земљу након изумирања човечанства. Али њихова јединствена веза је угрожена када нејасни странац стигне са алармантним вестима …

A movies special effects man is hired by a government agency to help stage the assassination of a well known gangster. When the agency double cross him, he uses his special effects to trap the gangster and the corrupt agents.

Ејми ставља своју породицу на прво, друго и треће место. Она има наизглед савршен живот – добар брак, натпросечну децу, прелепу кућу, одличан изглед и завидну каријеру. Али њен детињасти муж, деца и њен шеф је не схватају озбиљно. Она се стално труди да им удовољи али ипак никад није довољно. Захваљујући алфа мајкама у школи њене деце, које је мало изнервирају, Ејми пуца и постаје сасвим другачија. Добра Ејми постаје опасна Ејми јако брзо – и то не сама. Она одлучује да удружи снаге са још две преоптерећене мајке како би се ослободиле одговорности које су им наметнуте. Тако удружене упуштају се у дивљу, слободну авантуру потпуно нетипичну за мајке, супротстављајући се преданим, савршеним мамама.

A food and wine critic who hits her head and loses memory while accidentally visiting a winery she panned in the past, owned and operated by single dad Michael.

After the accidental death of her rapist, an art student becomes an unlikely vigilante, set out to avenge college girls whose rapists were not charged.

A group of officers based in a labyrinthine top-secret prison must fight for their lives against Hatchet, a brilliant and infamous high-value detainee. When he escapes, his mysterious and deadly agenda has far reaching and dire consequences.

A revenge-seeking gold digger marries a womanizing Beverly Hills lawyer with the intention of making a killing in the divorce.

Maddy and Cole were inseparable friends until high school started and Maddy became the most popular girl on campus. When she starts feeling lonely and heartbroken, she reconnects with Cole and the duo conspire to destroy the ultimate teen popularity contest

Four friends travel to a lakeside cabin for a carefree weekend, but the fun turns into a nightmare when 3 of them end up locked in a hot sauna. Every minute counts and every degree matters as they fight for their lives in the heat up to 247°F.

For more than a decade, parents Andy and Vicky have been on the run, desperate to hide their daughter Charlie from a shadowy federal agency that wants to harness her unprecedented gift for creating fire into a weapon of mass destruction. Andy has taught Charlie how to defuse her power, which is triggered by anger or pain. But as Charlie turns 11, the fire becomes harder and harder to control. After an incident reveals the family's location, a mysterious operative is deployed to hunt down the family and seize Charlie once and for all. Charlie has other plans.