Frodo ja Sam'i teekond Mordorisse on lõpule jõudmas, kuid Frodo hakkab kahtlema, kas ta ikka suudab Sõrmuse hävitada. Sauroni väed on kogunenud Musta Värava alla ja on valmis andma viimast lööki Gondorile. Gandalf kogub vägesid Minas Tirith'i kaitseks. Rohani kuningas Theoden ratsutab oma ratsaväega Gondorile appi, kuid pole sugugi kindel, kas ta jõuab õigeks ajaks. Aragorn peab leidma endas jõu, et võtta vastu Gondori troon ja juhtida sõda Sauroni vastu, sest see on ainus võimalus Sauroni Silma eemalhoidmiseks Frodost.
Ilma illusioonideta noormees võitleb oma unetuse vastu, mis võib-olla on tagajärg tema igavusest halli ja rutiinse eluga. Lennureisil kohtub ta karismaatilise seebimüüjaga Tyler Durdeniga, kellel on väga eriline filosoofia: perfektsionism on nõrkade inimeste töö; selle asemel on enese hävitamine ainus asi, mis teeb elu tõesti elamist väärt. Mõlemad otsustavad moodustada salavõitlusklubi, kus saavad vabaneda oma pettumusest ja vihast, mis saab olema suur edu.
Dom Cobb on kurjategija, kes varastab teiste saladusi alateadvusest nende magamise ajal. Cobb on spetsialist kaasaegse tööstusspionaaži vallas. Samas on see teinud temast põgeniku. Nüüd pakutakse mehele võimalust lunastuseks. Viimane töö võib anda talle tagasi elu, kuid selle saavutamiseks peab ta tegema võimatut. Uue röövi asemel peab Cobb tegema vastupidist. Tema ülesandeks on uue idee istutamine. Kui neid saadab edu, on see ideaalne kuritegu.
How does a poor, single, African-American mother from segregated 1950s America wind up as one of the worlds most notorious jewel thieves? A glamorous 81-year-old, Doris Payne is as unapologetic today about the nearly $2 million in jewels shes stolen over a 60-year career as she was the day she stole her first carat. With Payne now on trial for the theft of a department store diamond ring, filmmakers Kirk Marcolina and Matthew Pond probe beneath her consummate smile to uncover the secrets of her trade and what drove her to a life of crime. Stylish recreations, an extensive archive and candid interviews reveal how Payne managed to jet-set her way into any Cartier or Tiffanys from Monte Carlo to Japan and walk out with small fortunes. This sensational portrait exposes a rebel who defies societys prejudices and pinches her own version of the American Dream while she steals your heart.
Ühiskonnast kõrvale heidetud Arthur Fleck luusib mööda Gothami tänavaid, et tunda inimeste lähedust. Päeval klounina raha teenides, lootes nii olla osake ühiskonnast, võõrdub mees ühiskonnast veelgi. Hüljatu ja kiusatuna, hakkab Arthuri sees kasvama viha. Algab aeglane muutus, mille käigus saab heidikust geniaalne kurikael, keda inimesed saavad tundma Jokkerina.
A drama based on the true story of a college professor's bond with the abandoned dog he takes into his home.
20.sajandi algupoolel sünnib tagurpidi vananev kaheksakümne aastane Benjamin Button. Välimuselt beebi mõõtu vanamees sirgub suuremaks ja nooremaks ning kohtab ühel hetkel Daisy't, kes on Button'ist 20 aastat noorem. Olles ise noorenenud 50-ne aastaseks peab armunud paar leppima oma olukorraga, kui nad sõna otseses mõttes kasvavad vastupidises suunas. "Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu" on sünge ja romantiline lugu, mis räägib suremusest üpriski ebameeldival moel, viies meid läbi ajaloo alates Esimesest maailmasõjast kuni aastani 2000.
1959 aasta suvi on läbi, vanad sõbrad saavad kokku ja algab kool. Danny Zuko (John Travolta) on T Bird'si kamba liige, kes suvel kohtus korralikust perest pärit austraalanna Sandy Olssoniga (Olivia Newton-John) ning nende suveromaanist arenevad välja suurem osa kooliaasta sündmustest. Nimelt on nende kahe vaheline armastus tugev, kuid Danny soovib jääda poppiks ning üritab teistele kuttidele jäta muljet, et tüdruk teda ei huvita ning see Sandyle ei meeldi. Sandy püüab küll tüdrukute kamba Pink Ladies'iga ühineda, kuid siiski pole ta valmis muutusteks. Kuigi Sandy ja Danny üritavad seda salasuhtena hoida, tuleb nende teele siiski palju pettumusi ja nende kooliaasta kujuneb vägagi põnevaks.
Whether we’re young or forever young at heart, the Hundred Acre Wood calls to that place in each of us that still believes in magic. Join pals Pooh, Piglet, Kanga, Roo, Owl, Rabbit, Tigger and Christopher Robin as they enjoy their days together and sing their way through adventures.
1805. Napoleon domineerib Euroopas. Ainult Inglismaa seisab talle vastu. Need on Napoleoni sõdade ajad ja nüüd on meredest ja ookeanidest saanud ülioluline ja strateegiline lahinguväli. Atlandi ookeanis ründab "õnneliku" Jack Aubrey (Crowe) kapten Inglise sõjalaeva Surprise ootamatult vaenlase sõjalaeva, mis on sellest palju kõrgem. Seejärel teeb Aubrey meeldejääva otsuse: hoolimata Üllatuse ja tema ustava meeskonna, sealhulgas kirurgi Stephen Maturini (Bettany) kannatanud tõsistest kahjustustest, otsustab ta purjetada, tõsiseid riske tehes, üle kahe mere, et oma vaenlast kinni pidada ja kinni püüda. See on missioon, mis suudab kindlaks teha rahva saatuse või hävitada kapteni ja tema meeskonna, silmitsi tunduvalt parema relvastatud ja halastamatu eramehega, tagaajades üle merede, mis viib ta teisele poole maailma.
In the wake of The Death of Supermen, the world is still mourning the loss of the Man of Steel following his fatal battle with the monster Doomsday. However, no sooner as his body been laid to rest than do four new bearers of the Superman shield come forward to take on the mantle. The Last Son of Krypton, Superboy, Steel, and the Cyborg Superman all attempt to fill the vacuum left by the world's greatest champion. Meanwhile, Superman's death has also signaled to the universe that Earth is vulnerable. Can these new Supermen and the rest of the heroes prove them wrong?
Musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, a classic tale of an orphan who runs away from the workhouse and joins up with a group of boys headed by the Artful Dodger and trained to be pickpockets by master thief Fagin.
A documentary crew from the BBC arrives in L.A. intent on interviewing Heidi Fleiss, a year after her arrest for running a brothel but before her trial. Several months elapse before the interview, so the crew searches for anyone who'll talk about the young woman. Two people have a lot to say to the camera: a retired madam named Alex for whom Fleiss once worked and Fleiss's one-time boyfriend, Ivan Nagy, who introduced her to Alex. Alex and Nagy don't like each other, so the crew shuttles between them with "she said" and "he said." When they finally interview Fleiss, they spend their time reciting what Alex and Nagy have had to say and asking her reaction.
Pärast Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) pensionile jäämist ei pea agent J (Will Smith) tema tööd samaks: Mõlemad olid osa salaorganismist, mis võitleb tulnukate vastu, kes asustavad ilma ülejäänud surelikud seda teadmata maa. Mustanahaliste meeste missioon, nagu nad on tuntud oma riietuse järgi, on mõnikord korra kehtestamine ja muul ajal võitlus otse nende vastu, kellel on pretensioone planeedi Maa kahjustamiseks. Kuid agent K otsustas oma naise juurde naasmiseks ja normaalse elu elamiseks mälu kaotada. Nüüd pole naist, kuid ta on lahkelt postiagent. Agent J, kes peab K-d oma õpetajaks, igatseb teda väga ega ole päris leplik oma uute kaaslastega. Kuid midagi muudab sündmusi: ohtlik välismaalane nimega Serleena (Lara Flynn Boyle)
Fifteen-year-old Lulu has never known any affection from her family. But when she goes to a rock concert with Pablo, a friend of the family, he introduces Lulu to her first sexual experience. Years later, Pablo and Lulu have married; Pablo has created a sheltered, private world for Lulu, into which nothing intrudes. However, Lulu tires of her cloistered existence, and begins hanging out in shady bars, looking for vicarious thrills and danger.
Venerable newscaster Norm Archer reports the latest news in politics, health, culture and entertainment - such as an automotive recall of decapitation-inducing "Neckbelts" and a study finding that "depression hits losers hardest". This compilation of bogus news stories, celebrity profiles, movie trailers and skits come courtesy of the ace satirists at The Onion.
Billy Collier is a photographer working on a series of pictures featuring recreations of movie kisses, with drag queens playing the female roles. For his male model, he hires Gabriel, a young waiter on whom he has developed a serious crush. While Billy is openly gay, Gabriel says that he is straight and even claims to have a girlfriend. However, as they spend more time together and grow closer, Billy becomes increasingly unsure that this is true.
True story based on Jodi Arias, a seductive 28-year-old aspiring photographer found guilty of killing her former lover, Travis Alexander, who was found nude in his home shower with a slit throat, 27 additional stab wounds and a bullet to the head. While investigating the violent killing, Mesa, Arizona police retrieved a digital camera from Alexander’s washing machine, revealing shocking images authorities claim Arias took during their sexual escapades, as well as during and after his murder. While Jodi pled not guilty and contends she killed Alexander in self-defense, police concluded that when he broke off their relationship, she stalked her ex-boyfriend and seduced him one final time before murdering him in cold blood. Her subsequent trial has been grand theater, dominating the cable news networks as she testified in her own defense and offered explicit insight into the sex, lies and obsession that led up to Alexander’s murder.
In ancient Egypt, peasant Mathayus is hired to exact revenge on the powerful Memnon and the sorceress Cassandra, who are ready to overtake Balthazar's village. Amid betrayals, thieves, abductions and more, Mathayus strives to bring justice to his complicated world.