The Rock and John Cena collide in the most anticipated WrestleMania face-off in history, an epic match that will forever define the legacies of these icons. The Deadman stakes his entire legacy on one battle with Triple H inside the nightmarish prison they immortalized, Hell In A Cell, with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. WWE Champion CM Punk faces off against Chris Jericho in the explosive clash of revolutionaries that will determine which man truly is “The Best In The World.” Daniel Bryan defends his title against a riled-up and ruthless Sheamus, who will have to fight through The Submission Specialist’s tactics to claim his first World Heavyweight Championship. Team Teddy takes on Team Johnny to determine which man will win total control of Raw and SmackDown. This was the twenty-eighth annual WrestleMania. It took place on April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. It is the highest grossing PPV event in professional wrestling history.

Join your favourite ghoulfriends in an all-new aquatic adventure! When the ghouls get pulled into the school pool, they're transported to the gore-geous underwater world of the Great Scarrier Reef. Lagoon realizes she's come home and, in a fintastic mission of the heart, decides to come to terms with her own freaky flaws. Of course she'll need help from the most creeperific firends ever as she confronts a frenemy from her past, competes in a scaretastic dance extravaganze, and fights a terrible beast from the deep!

It's officially Spring Break at Monster High, and Lagoona takes her gilfriends across the sea to the Great Barrier Reef, but they are ship wrecked and end up on a mysterious skull shaped island. Here they enjoy the local hospitality until they realize that they are being used by a slippery showman named Farnum to lure the rarest, most mysterious monster of them all, "the Beast" into a trap. Frankie is taken by the Beast but tables turn and she ends up rescuing him and returning with him to Monster High. The story goes to high voltage when they realize that Frankie has inadvertently led Farnum to the location of the greatest gathering of monsters anywhere...Monster High.

Follows a youngster Kalai and his aspirations of becoming a 'Star' in the Tamil Film Industry. Born in a lower-middle-class family, will Kalai overcome all his struggles to emerge as a Star?

The Rock returns home to be The World’s Most Electrifying Host of WrestleMania XXVII from Atlanta, GA. The Great One will lay the SmackDown on all of the pomp and festivities that makes WrestleMania the world’s greatest, annual pop culture extravaganza. John Cena looks to dethrone the self-proclaimed “most must see WWE champion in history” the Miz. Undertaker’s legendary 18-0 WrestleMania winning streak has never been in greater peril when Triple H challenges the Phenom. Alberto Del Rio looks to fulfill his destiny and take Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship. A bitter and personal rivalry comes to a head when Randy Orton battles CM Punk.. All this and more when the Superstars of WWE invade the Georgia Dome for WrestleMania XXVII.

Thomas vedie svoju skupinu unikajúcich Placerov na ich poslednú a najnebezpečnejšiu misiu. Musia sa pobiť o nádej vo svete, ktorý sa rúca pod ťarchou zákernej choroby. Na jednej strane musia bojovať o prežitie medzi nakazenými a nepríčetnými “raplami” a na strane druhej s nevyspytateľnou organizáciou Z.L.S.N. Môžu vôbec ešte niekomu a niečomu veriť ? Aby Thomas zachránil seba aj svojich priateľov, musí preniknúť do legendárneho Posledného mesta, labyrintu riadeného Z.L.S.N. Toto miesto sa môže stať najhrozivejším bludiskom zo všetkých. Ten, kto túto misiu prežije, získa odpovede na všetky otázky, ktoré si Placerovia položili od chvíle, keď po prvýkrát dorazili do labyrintu.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

The Driver now carries an arrogant rock star who is visiting a major city (not Pittsburgh as earlier believed). Played by Madonna, this title character wants to get away from her bodyguards in the Driver's BMW. He soon gets tired of her and decides to have a bit of fun.

Characters from different backgrounds are thrown together when the plane they're travelling on crashes into the Pacific Ocean. A nightmare fight for survival ensues with the air supply running out and dangers creeping in from all sides.

Štvrtá časť kultovej hororovej série Insidious odhalí záhadnú minulosť dnes vyhľadávanej démonologičky Elise. Tá v mladosti žila v malom mestečku v Novom Mexiku, avšak jej domov bol i domovom temných síl a netrvalo dlho, kým sa jej život obrátil naruby. Teraz ju jej najnovší klient privedie späť do domu hrôzy a Elise sa musí vyrovnať s vlastnou desivou minulosťou.

Christel Wyttová odchádza z rodného mesta Alexander Valley do San Francisca a cestou rozpráva o tom, čo predchádzalo tomuto zásadnému životnému kroku. Na svadbe svojej staršej sestry Becky sa stredoškoláčka Christel zoznámi so Spencerom Hillom, bývalým veliteľom svojho švagra Toma vo Vietname, ktorý neskôr získal právnický titul. Na prvý pohľad medzi nimi preskočí iskra sympatií. Christel na Spencera deň čo deň romanticky myslí a Spencer na ňu tiež, ale nezdá sa mu reálne spájať svoju budúcnosť s takým mladým dievčaťom. O rok neskôr sa na pár okamihov stretnú na krstinách Beckinho syna a potom ich život opäť rozdelí. Spencer sa ponáhľa do New Yorku, aby pomohol s prípravami na primárky senátora Kennedyho, a Christel sa zdá byť predurčená zostať na rodinnom ranči, hoci sníva o kariére speváčky. Po smrti Teda Wythea, ktorý držal ochrannú ruku nad svojou mladšou dcérou, Tom znásilní Christel...

As viable water is depleted on Earth, a mission is sent to Saturn's moon Titan to retrieve sustainable H2O reserves from its alien inhabitants. But just as the humans acquire the precious resource, they are attacked by Titan rebels, who don't trust that the Earthlings will leave in peace.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?

Do domu na Elm Street sa nasťahovala nová rodina. Onedlho nato začnú mať tamojšie deti desivé sny o vrahovi deti menom Freddy Krueger. Tentokrát sa Freddy pokúsi posadnúť jedného tínedžera a dostať sa do reálneho sveta, kde má v pláne rozpútať peklo na zemi. Ale len v prípade, že chlapcova priateľka nedokáže premôcť strach v sebe a postaviť sa mu zoči-voči...

Agentka FBI Gracie Hartová sa zúčastnila súťaže Miss USA a stala sa slávnou. Vyrovnať sa s náhlym záujmom verejnosti a médií nie je vždy jednoduché, najmä pre tajnú agentku a preto PR oddelenie v FBI príde s novým projektom. Z Gracie sa stáva štýlová tvár FBI v televíznej talkshow. A postupne sa do novej úlohy vžije až príliš, čo sa nepáči jej kolegyni Sam Fullerovej, podľa ktorej je Gracie na najlepšej ceste stať sa FBI Barbie. Zlom nastáva vo chvíli, keď v Las Vegas unesú Gracinu najlepšiu priateľku Cheryl. Gracie sa namiesto šoubiznisu musí sústrediť na boj so zločinom.... a znovu v prestrojení.

Erik Stifler je možno jediným Stifler, ktorý ukončí strednú školu a bude stále panic. Síce má cez dva roky priateľku Tracy, tá sa ale ešte na sex necíti pripravená. Jedného dňa sa Tracy rozhodne, že sa s Erikom pomiluje, zídu sa v suteréne ich domu, ale takmer v najlepšom je prekvapí Tracyin otec. Eric zase o panictvo neprišiel a Tracy sa vráti k svojmu názoru o nepripravenosti na sex. Eric usúdi, že už to takto ďalej nejde, a preto sa s kamarátmi Ryanom a Grahamen zúčastnia neslávne známeho závodu Nahá míľa, pri ktorom musia prebehnúť školský dvor bez oblečenia. Každý z kamarátov si nájde priateľku a tiež Eric sa začne baviť s pôvabnou blondínkou Brandy. Napriek tomu ale stále myslí na Tracy, a dokonca jej zavolá. Ona mu však opakuje, že tento víkend si môže robiť, čo chce ...

About friends Niels, Thomas and Andrew, which comes out on a breathtaking journey through the Danish summer to reach a spectacular baptism-party.