3 robot-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series. First stop is Cyber Gulch, where the Mystery, Inc. gang must solve the riddle of the man-a-trons or get terminated in Go West, Young Scoob. En route to Florida, Freddy runs into a real Monster Truck at a championship stock car race in Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of fun and fear in Foul Play in Funland when the gang discovers a fully operated amusement park...with nobody in it! Will they find the phantom in the Hall of Mirrors? Stay tuned for more escapades with Scooby-Doo - and watch out for those robots!

Della's friend is accused of murdering a rival fashion magazine editor.

01-宇宙的神秘大作战 02-SD战国传 头虫邸的忍者大战 03-1天之卷 2地之卷 3真之卷 4理之卷 OVA第三部作品‘机动战士SD高达MK-III’于1990年3月发售。  ‘宇宙的神秘 大作战’内容是:为了收藏在大宇宙中扩散的种种“神秘”的宇宙盗贼夏亚被宇宙巡警阿含号追逐的故事。   ‘SD战国传 头虫屋邸的忍者合战’内容是:潜入难攻不落的巨大机关建筑:头虫邸(闇将军之城)的隐密顽驮无大为活跃的故事。‘SD战国传 天,地,真,理之卷’则是描绘顽驮无五人众和杀驱三兄弟天天对战的(super limit)4段短篇动画(←对于天、地、真、理是什么意思感到好奇的人可以找爸爸或是爷爷问问看哦!)。

Crusty Dr. McRory of Fallbridge, Maine, hires his vacation replacement sight unseen. Alas, he and young singing Doctor Jim Pearson don't hit it off; but once he meets teacher Trudy Mason, Pearson is delighted to stay. The locals, taking their cue from McRory, cold-shoulder Pearson, especially Trudy's stuffy fiancé. But then, guess who needs an emergency appendectomy?

帕乌利什塔的手,Cristian Mungiu早期短片。


A bizarre iron age grave has been uncovered in the United Kingdom, archaeologists expect that this site will help unlock the hidden story of the violent birth of Roman Britain.

The story of London's toughest and poorest part as told through the eyes of the iconic band Cockney Rejects.

A frontier scout leads prisoners on a death mission to save a railroad and rescue two women.

On November 26, 1968, London's illustrious Royal Albert Hall was jammed to its gilded rafters with rock fans ready for the final concert of what many still consider the greatest band that ever played. That band, Cream, featured the legendary Eric Clapton (aka "Slowhand") on lead guitar, the great drummer Ginger Baker (also of the classic rock band Blind Faith), and lead singer-bassist Jack Bruce in a trio that made some of the most amazing rock songs of the Sixties.

"Los Angeles" is the story of Jojo, a young mute, who thinks she hears God calling her to save the Baby Jesus. She packs five angels in a shoe shine kit and takes a one-way trip to Tampa, Florida, where she is picked up by Cash, an escaped convict. The two hit the road with the FBI on their tail. At different cities along the way, Jojo opens her shine kit, and the angels perform. Will Cash get to freedom? Will Jojo save the Baby Jesus? God only knows.

A scientist's experiment could lead to the first man-made, functioning, living organism. An elite escape artist-private investigator is working to stop him.

John (played by Erik Clausen) is in prison for petty crime. His son is getting married and he has been granted accompanied leave to attend. The provincial Bo (played by Jesper Asholt) accompanies him.

A Japanese scientist accidentally releases a giant monster in the U.S., and must save it-and Cincinnati-before a crazed nuclear physicist destroys both.

Follows three brothers, played by the real life band Forever In Your Mind, who were bitten by a vampire during their debut concert in 1957. After living in the shadows for over half a century to keep their vampire-identities a secret, they meet a music producer who convinces them to reemerge as a vampire boy band. Now, on track to become stars, the boys are excited to breathe new life into their music career while trying to live as normal teenagers.

Mario Mariotti has used more than a thousand photographic images on the crucifixion of the most important works of art. After aligning them in the points (XX) of the hands pierced by nails, he created an animation where each Work is a frame of this film.