Divu tuvāko draugu šķiršanās stāsts. Trīspadsmitgadīgie Leo un Remī ir nenodalāmi viens no otra. Būdami tuvāki par brāļiem, viņi pavada laiku skolā, Leo ģimenes gleznainajā dāliju audzētavā un pārnakšņo viens pie otra. Apzinoties, ka viņu tuvību skolasbiedri sāk uztvert citādāk, Leo pārvērtē abu attiecības un to, kas viņš vēlētos būt.

An epic journey of friendship and self-discovery set in the breathtaking Italian Alps, The Eight Mountains follows over four decades the profound, complex relationship between Pietro and Bruno.

Revolucionāra drāma, kas filmēta 12 gadu garumā, piedaloties vieniem un tiem pašiem aktieriem. Filmas sākumā Olīvija (Patrīcija Ārkete) kopā ar savu dēlu Meisonu un meitu Samantu pēc šķiršanās no bērnu tēva pārceļas uz dzīvi Hjūstonā, Teksasas štatā. Turpmāk filma vēstīs par Meisona pieaugšanu, sadzīvošanu ar vecāku šķiršanos un daudzu citu puikas gadu problēmu risināšanu.

From war-torn Syria to the 2016 Rio Olympics, two young sisters embark on a risky voyage, putting their hearts and their swimming skills to heroic use.

A police brigade works in the dangerous northern neighborhoods of Marseille, where the level of crime is higher than anywhere else in France.

In modern-day Helsinki, two lonely souls in search of love meet by chance in a karaoke bar. However, their path to happiness is beset by obstacles – from lost phone numbers to mistaken addresses, alcoholism, and a charming stray dog.

A scientist discovers that there's gold on the moon. He builds a rocket to fly there, but there's too much rivalry among the crew to have a successful expedition.

After failing the medical entrance exam, Léopold enters midwifery school by default, hiding the truth from those around him. While he is unconvinced of his commitment to this exclusively female environment, his meeting with Nathalie, an experienced midwife with a passionate character, will change his view of this fascinating world and upset his certainties.

Slepkavas "Ghostface" uzbrukumos izdzīvojušie atstāj Vudsboro pilsētu, lai sāktu jaunu dzīves posmu Ņujorkā.

Veicot riskantu nolaišanos kara plosītā salā, pilots Broudijs Torenss izglābj pasažierus no zibens spēriena, bet izdzīvošana, veiksmīgi piezemējoties, ir tikai sākums. Kad lielāko daļu pasažieru gūstā saņem bīstami separātisti, vienīgais, uz kura palīdzību Torenss var paļauties, ir slepkavībā apsūdzētais Luiss Gaspārs, kuru aizturējis FIB. Lai glābtu pasažierus, Torensam vajadzīga Gaspāra palīdzība, un viņš par sabiedroto uzzinās vairāk, nekā redzams no malas.

A successful businessman goes to Italy to arrange for the return of his tycoon-father's body only to discover dad died with his mistress of long standing.

Adrien, an attractive dancer whose career was shattered by a motorcycle accident, squanders his youth in idleness. His life changes when he meets Margot, who lives off scams and amorous manipulations.

Elisa un Džeks dzīvo idealizētā eksperimentālā korporatīvajā pilsētiņā, kurā mitinās vīrieši, kas strādā īpaši slepenajā projektā „Uzvara”, un viņu ģimenes. Kamēr vīri ik dienu pavada uzņēmuma galvenajā mītnē, strādājot pie „progresīvu materiālu izstrādes”, viņu sievas bauda skaistumu, luksusu un uzdzīvi. Bet kad viņu ideālajās dzīvēs parādās plaisas, Elisa nespēj nedomāt par to, kas īsti notiek projektā „Uzvara” un kāpēc.

Growing up among horses at her parents' stud farm, Zoé dreams of becoming a jockey and forms a deep bond with a young horse. A terrible accident threatens to end their racing careers, but they fight to reach victory together.

To spice up a dinner party, old friends agree to share every private message that pops up on their phones -- with disastrous results.

After a devastating battle against a diabolical turtle, a team of five avengers — known as the "Tobacco Force" — is sent on a mandatory retreat to strengthen their decaying group cohesion. Their sojourn goes wonderfully well until Lézardin, Emperor of Evil, decides to annihilate planet Earth.

When French painter Pierre Bonnard met Marthe de Méligny, he didn’t know this self-proclaimed aristocrat would become the cornerstone of his life and work. From this moment, she became more than just a muse for the “painter of happiness”, appearing in more than a third of his work. Together, they reached their artistic fulfillment thanks to a colourful love, different from the standards of their time, nurturing the great mystery around their relationship. Based on a true story.

One summer, a French teenager who has been living with his mother in the city moves in with his estranged father’s family in the countryside, where he clashes with his stepmother.

This mockumentary follows the world's worst boxer and the events that led to his meteoric rise in the year 1969.

The emergence of a group. Lighted figures, turned to a light off immediately.