A revealing and moving portrait of lives compromised by war, filmed exclusively by Ukrainian soldiers with extraordinary access to a tightly-controlled frontline.

Writer Harry Block draws inspiration from people he knows, and from events that happened to him, sometimes causing these people to become alienated from him as a result.

Lenny ir Amanda įsivaikino sūnų Maksą, kuris yra tikras genijus. Jeigu vaikas genialus, tai jo tėvai taip pat turėtų būti neeilinės asmenybės. Koks nusivylimas apima Lenny, kai jis sužino, kad Makso tikroji mama yra prostitutė…

Voody Alleno herojų persekioja nesėkmės meilėje ir kasdieniniame gyvenime. Kančia ir išgyvenimai jį visiškai sugniuždė, tad jis nutaria versti naują gyvenimo puslapį, - atlikti žygdarbį, būti naudingas visuomenei. Gal tai padės jam pamiršti nevykėlio vardą ir geriau save vertinti. Jis išsiruošia į vieną bananų respubliką padėti sukilėliams kovoti prieš karinę diktatūrą.

Harper is a cynical private eye in the best tradition of Bogart. He even has Bogie's Baby hiring him to find her missing husband, getting involved along the way with an assortment of unsavory characters and an illegal-alien smuggling ring.

A subtitle warns, "beware of dark sunglasses." Anna and her lover, whose looks in bowler and bow tie are reminiscent of a young Buster Keaton, kiss chastely on a bridge overlooking the Seine. He dons sunglasses and waves as she runs down a stairway to the river's edge, then watches in horror as she's knocked flat and loaded into the back of a hearse. In vain, he gives chase. Disconsolate, he buys a large funeral wreath and a handkerchief from sympathetic vendors. He removes the glasses to wipe his eyes and realizes they are the cause of all his woe. He replays the farewell without the glasses.

A Philadelphia gang member becomes a drug kingpin and starts a feud with vicious rivals in his quest for the American Dream.

When billionaire Jean-Marc Clement learns that he is to be satirized in an off-Broadway revue, he passes himself off as an actor playing him in order to get closer to the beautiful star of the show, Amanda Dell.

A loser of a crook and his wife strike it rich when a botched bank job's cover business becomes a spectacular success.

The plot follows Mimiko, a bright little girl left alone when her grandmother leaves on a trip. Making a few stops at some local stores, Mimiko comes home to her house in a bamboo grove and finds a baby panda named Panny sleeping on the back doorstep. She quickly makes friends with the little panda, and invites him in for a drink. His father, PapaPanda, soon comes to visit, and they decide to become a family after PapaPanda offers to.

After breaking up with her girlfriend, a nightclub singer, Jane, answers a personal ad from Robin, a real estate agent with AIDS, seeking a cross-country travel partner. On their journey from New York City to Los Angeles, the two stop by Pittsburgh to pick up Jane's friend Holly, who is trying to escape an abusive relationship. With three distinct personalities, the women must overcome their differences to help one another.

Three teenage girls come of age while working at a pizza parlor in Mystic, Connecticut.

Viskas prasidėjo lietingą vakarą Niujorke. Prie vakarienės stalo restorane papasakotas anekdotas išprovokuoja ginčą tarp dviejų rašytojų. Vienas jų kuria komedijas, kito sritis – tragiškos dramos. Kada komedija virsta tragedija, o kažkada atrodę itin dramatiški įvykiai pradeda kelti juoką? O galbūt viskas priklauso tik nuo žmogaus požiūrio? Patys žiūrovai galės nuspręsti, pažiūrėję filme besirutuliojančias dvi intriguojančias istorijas: vieną – linksmą ir romantišką, kitą – kupiną dramatiškų ar net tragiškų įvykių. Tačiau abiejų centre - ta pati herojė: paslaptinga moteris, vardu Melinda, kuriai teks pažinti meilės trapumą, susidurti su santuokine neištikimybe, įsipainioti į romantiškus nesusipratimus…

Laney is an attractive, intelligent suburban wife and devoted mother of two adorable children. She has the perfect husband who plays basketball with the kids in the driveway, a pristine house, and a shiny SUV for carting the children to their next activity. However, just beneath the façade lie depression and disillusionment that send her careening into a secret world of reckless compulsion. Only very real danger will force her to face the painful root of her destructiveness and its crumbling effect on those she loves.

An ordinary boy named Michael is going through some extraordinary changes in his life. His family has just moved into an unfamiliar house, and his brand new baby sister has fallen ill. One day, while cleaning out the garden shed, he stumbles across something mysterious, a strange creature huddled in the corner; weak of body but strong of will. This is Skellig.

Filmas apie vieną garsiausių visų laikų iliuzionistų, daugelio šiuolaikinių triukų ir metodų pradininką, eskeipologistą. Hudinis buvo bene pirmasis iliuzionistas, savo žinias ir talentą taip pat panaudojęs, teigiančių turint paranormalių galių, žmonių demaskavimui. Išmanymas, kaip atliekami triukai, padėjo jam pastebėti net tokias apgavystes, kurių negalėdavo suprasti net mokslininkai.
 Geras Hudinio draugas, Seras Artūras Konan Doilis labai stipriai tikėjo dvasiomis ir kitais paranormaliais reiškiniais. Ilgą laiką jis tiesiog atsisakė tikėti iliuzionisto demonstruojamais įrodymais, kad tokie žmonės tėra apgavikai. Tačiau galiausiai nusprendė, kad pats Hudinis iš tiesų turi paranormalių galių, ir dėl kažkokių priežasčių jas naudoja diskredituoti kitiems mediumams bei įrodinėti, kad tokios galios neegzistuoja. Šie nesutarimai buvusius draugus pavertė viešais priešais.

Grace King Bichon, who is managing her father's riding-stable, discovers that her husband Eddie is deceiving her with another woman. After confronting him in the middle of the night on the streets of their small home town, she decides to stay at her sister Emma Rae's house for a while to make up her mind. Breaking out of her everyday life, she starts to question the authority of everyone.

Alice, an obsessed Woody Allen fan, meets Pierre in a night-club and falls in love with him. But when Pierre sees Alice's sister Hélène, things start to get complicated.

Four tuxedo clad men showing up at a penitentiary to meet a friend who has just been released after three years in prison and is going straight from the jail to marry his girlfriend. En route to the wedding, one of the men asks to stop by a bank to pick up some cash. As it turns out, he is a wanted bank robber who uses Shakespeare passages during his robberies and thus has become known as "Hamlet". Soon all five men are caught up in the bank and involved in the robbery as they end up in a hostage situation. The hostage negotiator shows up who turns out to be Hamlet's father.

During Paris Fashion Week, models, designers and industry hot shots gather to work, mingle, argue and try to seduce one another.