A hard-working lawyer, attached to his cell phone, can't find the time to communicate with his family. An estranged couple uses the internet as a means to escape from their lifeless marriage. A widowed ex-cop struggles to raise a mischievous son who cyber-bullies a classmate. An ambitious journalist sees a career-making story in a teen that performs on an adult-only site. They are strangers, neighbors and colleagues and their stories collide as ordinary people struggling to connect in today's wired world.

10 metų Džojus Gazelė iš Naujojo Džersio puikiai derino, atrodo, nesuderinamus dalykus. Jis buvo rūpestingas vyras ir tėvas, o taip pat italo vadovaujamos gaujos gangsteris. Tačiau po kruvinos vieno narkotikų sandėrio baigties Džojus patenka į lemtingas lenktynes, nuo kurių priklauso jo ir šeimos likimas.

1932 m. apniukusi lapkričio diena. Į sero Viljamo Mak Kordalo dvarą Gosford Parke susirenka grietinėlė. Svečiai pasirengę mėgautis prabanga, puikiais valgiais bei kitiems malonumams. Tačiau svečius išgąsdina nusikaltimas: šeimininkas randamas nebegyvas. Kaip juokavo britų kritikai, juostoje nusifilmavo visi aktoriai, kada nors gavę D.Britanijos pasą. Ir iš tiesų – pagrindinių aktorių čia per dešimtį. Visi jie susirenka į senovišką anglišką užmiesčio vilą pašaudyti fazanų. Ponai ir jų tarnai. Čia ir yra didysis filmo pasiekimas – išmoningai perteikti aukštuomenės ir patarnautojų santykiai, pirmas ir antras gyvenimo aukštai. Centrinė figūra – Williamas McCordle (Michaelis Gambonas), namo savininkas ir šiaip pasiturintis žmogus, kurio turtai rūpi visiems, išskyrus jį. Klausimas, kurį iškelia Altmanas – kiek toli gali nueiti kiekvienas jų. Atsakymas – trečiojoje epo valandoje.

Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie.

Kriminalinis trileris „Blogasis Samarietis“ pasakoja apie du pralobti troškusius vyrukus, kurių eilinė, sukta diena tapo pavojingų nesusipratimų virtine. Du jauni vaikinai, automobilių prižiūrėtojai, gavę iškvietimą atvyksta tiesiai į kliento namus ir kruopščiai iššveičia bet kokį automobilį. Tiesa, bet kokie automobiliai jų nedomina. Vaikinų klientai tik itin pasiturintys ir pinigų neskaičiuojantys turtuoliai. Ne todėl, kad vaikinai nemėgtų pigesnių automobilių. Pagrindinis jų tikslas – turtuolių namai. Atvykę plauti automobilių jie nepastebėti įsmunka į klientų namus ir gerokai juos apšvarina. Ir niekas nė neįtaria, kad darbštūs vaikinai prie to prikišo nagus. Jų „verslas“ sekėsi puikiai, kol sykį jie pateko į nusikaltėlių namus: prabangioje viloje jie aptinka įkalintą moterį. Ir šis radinys pakeis jų gyvenimą amžiams.

The story of Auschwitz's twelfth Sonderkommando — one of the thirteen consecutive "Special Squads" of Jewish prisoners placed by the Nazis in the excruciating moral dilemma of assisting in the extermination of fellow Jews in exchange for a few more months of life.

Pastor Dave responds to the unimaginable tragedy of having his church, located on the grounds of the local university, burned down.

In 1818, high-spirited young Fanny Brawne finds herself increasingly intrigued by the handsome but aloof poet John Keats, who lives next door to her family friends the Dilkes. After reading a book of his poetry, she finds herself even more drawn to the taciturn Keats. Although he agrees to teach her about poetry, Keats cannot act on his reciprocated feelings for Fanny, since as a struggling poet he has no money to support a wife.

Because of the actions of her irresponsible parents, a young girl is left alone on a decrepit country estate and survives inside her fantastic imagination.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

Takashi Miike - šių dienų japonų kino atradimas, darboholikas, chuliganas ir pabaisa. Kasmet jis sukuria po 4-5 filmus. Iš viso jo filmografiją sudaro per 50 labai skirtingų filmų. Skamba jūsų mobilusis telefonas. Tačiau vietoje įprastos melodijos, girdite visai nepažįstamą garsą. Nespėjote atsakyti ir atsiranda užrašas :„vienas praleistas skambutis“. Skambinusio numeris - jūsų telefono numeris. Skambučio laikas keistas, jis rodo ateitį - ši data išaus po trijų dienų. Atsakiklyje jūsų balsas, nereikšmingos frazės ir staiga... priešmirtinis klyksmas... Jums atrodo, kad tai kažkieno piktas pokštas. Tačiau jums gyventi liko trys dienos. Režisieriaus Takeši Mike komentaras: „Praleistas skambutis“- tai tikrai baisus filmas. Man pačiam baisu jį žiūrėti. Bet kita vertus tai istorija apie meilę. Baimė padeda atrasti save . Ir galbūt tada, tu rasi nuostabią meilę.“

Three years after her relationship with Giovanni, Monica is in prison and has to ask his ex for help.

School girl Annabel is hassled by her mother, and Mrs. Andrews is annoyed with her daughter, Annabel. They both think that the other has an easy life. On a normal Friday morning, both complain about each other and wish they could have the easy life of their daughter/mother for just one day and their wishes come true as a bit of magic puts Annabel in Mrs. Andrews' body and vice versa. They both have a Freaky Friday.

Washington, D.C. psychologist Carol Bennell and her colleague Dr. Ben Driscoll are the only two people on Earth who are aware of an epidemic running rampant through the city. They discover an alien virus aboard a crashed space shuttle that transforms anyone who comes into contact with it into unfeeling drones while they sleep. Carol realizes her son holds the key to stopping the spread of the plague and she races to find him before it is too late.

A young family moves into a historic home in Georgia, only to learn they are not the house's only inhabitants. Soon they find themselves in the presence of a secret rising from underground and threatening to bring down anyone in its path.

Deep within the darkness of secluded forest land in rural Ireland dwells an ancient evil. Feared by the nearby superstitious villagers as cursed creatures who prey upon the lost, their secrets have been kept from civilization and remain on their hallowed ground. But when a conservationist from London moves in with his wife and infant child in order to survey the land for future construction, his actions unwittingly disturb the horde of demonic forces. Alone in a remote wilderness, he must now ensure his family's survival from their relentless attacks.

Erina netekusi darbo, netenka teisės rūpintis vaiku. Pinigus ji pradeda uždirbti šokdama naktiniame klube. Vieną vakarą tame klube apsilankęs kongresmenas nelieka abejingas Erinai...Tačiau Erina galvoja ne apie flirtą su garsiu politiku. Ji sutinka jį "prisijaukinti” ir sukompromituoti, nes tai pasiūlęs žmogus pažada sutvarkyti jos dukros reikalus.

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.

Five college friends choose to spend their vacation debauching at the riverside. They find the perfect place to camp out, but end up crossing paths with twin brothers, Simon and Stanley. The twins then begins to knock off the campers in some extremely creative (and extremely gruesome) ways.

A recently separated father and his teenage daughter become the deadly obsession of their neighbor -- a beguiling, deranged young woman willing to do whatever's necessary to take her rightful place as their wife and mother.