An atmospheric venture into slow cinema, following Rose, a down and out gay prostitute, trapped in the minutiae of his quiet and isolated life.

Partia ide navštíviť Shaggyho sesternicu Tawny, ktorá vlastní Ranč bláznivého Qčka na Divokom západe. Keď tam prídu, sú všetci miestni ľudia, ktorých stretnú, zdesení a utekajú pred Shaggym, ako by to bol duch. Tawny im potom vysvetlí, že Shaggy akoby z oka vypadol svojmu predkovi, vyvrheľovi Fešákovi Jackovi, ktorý kedysi sužoval celý kraj. Jeho duch stále straší osadníkov a Tawny kvôli tomu uvažuje o predaji svojho ranča. Partia však na duchov neverí a rozhodne sa prípad vyšetriť.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

In 2026, four years after the infamous Sword Art Online incident, a revolutionary new form of technology has emerged: the Augma, a device that utilizes an Augmented Reality system. Unlike the Virtual Reality of the NerveGear and the Amusphere, it is perfectly safe and allows players to use it while they are conscious, creating an instant hit on the market. The most popular application for the Augma is the game Ordinal Scale, which immerses players in a fantasy role-playing game with player rankings and rewards. Following the new craze, Kirito's friends dive into the game, and despite his reservations about the system, Kirito eventually joins them. While at first it appears to be just fun and games, they soon find out that the game is not all that it seems...

A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas Chandler and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure his daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma.

A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.

Zeda a Addison čaká posledný školský rok v Seabrooku, ktorý sa stal útočiskom pre príšery aj ľudí. Zed sa usiluje získať futbalové štipendium, aby sa ako prvý zombík dostal na vysokú školu, a Addison organizuje medzinárodnú súťaž v roztlieskavaní. Keď sa intergalaktickí cudzinci rozhodnú súťažiť tiež, obyvatelia Seabrooku začnú mať podozrenie, že im ide o viac než len priateľskú konkurenciu.

Pusťte sa spolu s tímom z agentúry Záhady s.r.o. do búrlivého mokrého dobrodružstva v úplne novom príbehu zo série LEGO®. Každoročná plážová párty sľubuje tri dni nabité zábavou, hrami, tancom a hlavne jedlom, čo je pre Scoobyho so Shaggym najdôležitejšie. Ale aj na slnku a v piesku detektívi čoskoro zistia, že nič nedokáže pokaziť prázdniny tak, ako mŕtvi piráti! Bude to chcieť dokonalú spoluprácu, ak chce partia okolo Scoobyho, spolu s ich novými priateľmi, zachrániť párty pred krutými pirátskymi duchmi.

A boy and a girl coming from different worlds fall in love. When summer is over, they will face the shackles of their normal routine and discover what binds them and what breaks them apart.

The U.N.G.C.C. (United Nations Godzilla Countermeasure Center) recovers the remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah and construct Mechagodzilla as a countermeasure against Godzilla. Meanwhile, a giant egg is discovered along with a new monster called Rodan. The egg is soon found to be none other than an infant Godzillasaurus.

Tragedy strikes the Batman's life again when Robin Jason Todd tracks down his birth mother only to run afoul of the Joker. An adaptation of the 1988 comic book storyline of the same name.

Krehká blondínka Celeste a modrooký sympaťák Zach boli donedávna párom snov. Ich profesionálny vzťah však zničil nepríjemný pád, pri ktorom Celeste utrpela vážne zranenie nohy. Zach si preto začne hľadať novú partnerku a spozná hokejistku Alex. Začne ich trénovať niekdajšia úspešná reprezentantka Spojených štátov v krasokorčuľovaní Jackie, ktorá našťastie okamžite rozpozná ich potenciál. Všimne si však i to, že ich spája i iná láska, než tá k ľadu.

Keď sa títo dvaja postavili prvýkrát tvárou v tvár vo filme Rýchlo a zbesilo 7, bola z toho nenávisť na prvý pohľad. Predĺžená ruka spravodlivosti Luke Hobbs a zbehnutý agent britskej tajnej služby Deckard Shaw boli proti svojej vôli nakoniec donútení spolupracovať a napriek nekonečnej averzii sa im to celkom podarilo. Aj preto by ich nemalo zaskočiť, že dostali spoločnú zákazku, nájsť a zneškodniť tajnú britskú agentku, ktorá údajne zbehla do nepriateľského tábora. Shaw má v tejto operácii celkom jasnú motiváciu, pretože ich spoločným cieľom je jeho mladšia sestra Hattie. Povedané slovami klasika, všetko je však úplne inak, čo Hobbs aj Shaw zistia hneď potom, ako ju nájdu. Hattie sa totiž na vlastnú päsť pokúsila zastaviť istého pána Brixtona, ktorý usiluje o vyhladenie polovici ľudstva, a zobrala mu niečo, čo k tomu súrne potrebuje. A pretože Brixton má materiálnu a prekvapivo aj fyzickú prevahu, musí vziať Hobbs aj Shaw nohy na plecia.

In 1980s Beirut, Mason Skiles is a former U.S. diplomat who is called back into service to save a colleague from the group that is possibly responsible for his own family's death. Meanwhile, a CIA field agent who is working under cover at the American embassy is tasked with keeping Mason alive and ensuring that the mission is a success.

Although Chicken does not make an appearance, Chan Ho Nam finds a new love interest in the form of Mei Ling. Meanwhile, Tung Sing returns to cause trouble again for Hung Hing, in the form of new leader Szeto Ho Nam.

Teresa und Patricia are best friends. Despite the big differences between date-experienced Teresa and romantically predisposed single-mother Patricia, they have one thing in common: they have enough of bad dates and are sick of stupid dudes, bad surprises and broken hearts. When Teresa meets the neurotic programmer Anton, who is completely inexperienced in the field of romance, they come up with a genius business idea: together with the womanizer and start-up founder Paul, they develop an app with which potential dates can be categorized. In this manner, users can paint a picture of what they're getting themselves into. However, quite quickly they find out that people can't be easily fit into boxes and that matters of the heart shouldn't be left to an algorithm...

Nicke loves practical jokes. When his best friend Pelle is getting married, Nicke is hosting the bachelor party. It will start with the kidnapping of Pelle. Everything goes wrong when Pelle is kidnapped for real by a terrorist group.

Ricky Bell, an all-pro running back with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who died of a rare muscle disease in the prime of his career. The plot centers on Bell's relationship with a father-less handicapped boy, and his efforts to be a big brother to him. The boy ends up being an inspiration for Bell when his disease makes the athlete more afflicted than the boy.

A group of friends try to defeat an evil king, and meet some quirky characters along the way.

18-year-old Penny Cooper spent years pining for Johnny Sanders Jr., but when a mysterious musician shows up on the beach, Penny is torn.