In the 1970’s, a group of high-schoolers, obsessed with Star Wars, picks up an 8mm camera and attempts to make their own sci-fi film.

Two young brothers are abandoned by their mother during summer of 1948, they run into the forest and survive there for seven years.

Apdovanojimą pelniusio filmo „Laisvės garsai“ režisieriaus Alejandro Monteverde kūrinys - stiprus pasakojimas apie Frančeską Kabrini, italų imigrantę, kuri 1889 m. atvyksta į Niujorką ir susiduria su ligomis, nusikalstamumu ir skurstančiais vaikais. Kabrini imasi drąsios misijos įtikinti priešiškai nusiteikusį merą užtikrinti būstą ir sveikatos priežiūrą pažeidžiamiausiems visuomenės nariams. Sunkiai kalbėdama angliškai ir būdama silpnos sveikatos, Kabrini sukuria vilties imperiją, kokios pasaulis dar nėra matęs.

Šis kultiniu tapęs filmas yra sukurtas pagal Patricios Highsmirth romaną „Riplio žaidimas“. Džonatanas yra įsitikinęs, kad jau greitai mirs nuo kraujo ligos. Džonatano draugas iš Amerikos, kaubojus Riplis, nusprendžia pasinaudoti jo liga. Riplis supažindina jį su gangsteriais. Šie pasiūlo Džonatanui tapti profesionaliu žudiku ir taip užtikrinti savo šeimai palikimą. Juk jis greitai mirs, tad neturi ko prarasti. Riplio planas buvo patikėti Džonatanui atlikti visą purviną darbą, tačiau viskas ima keistis, kai vyrai susidraugauja.

In a small town in central France, Simon is a priest devoted to his parish. During a mass, Louise, whom he hadn’t seen since his seminary years ago, reappears. She introduces him to Aloé, an 11-year-old child, who is his son. This news will disrupt his daily life: can he be a good priest for his parishioners and a good father for his child? Simon will try to convince the highest authorities of the Church that his vocation is compatible with paternal love.

A teenage girl gets diagnosed with a reproductive condition that upends her plans to have sex and propels her into exploring unusual methods to have a sex life, challenging her relationships with everyone in her life, but most importantly, herself.

Vincent Verner is a former cop who was fired from the police force for refusing to turn a blind eye to an investigation involving a powerful man. A young prosecutor comes to get him to join a new group in charge of investigating "delicate" cases, those that no one dares to summon: men and women of power, politics, finance, the media, the star system, lobbies, consortiums, and the bosses of large companies. Verner, a maverick with an aversion to lying, will apply his own methods.

A chaotic family is on a road trip across a rugged landscape. In the back seat, Dad has a broken leg, Mom tries to laugh when she's not holding back tears, and the youngest keeps exploding into car karaoke. Only the older brother is quiet.

Tikrais įvykiais paremta istorija pasakoja apie garsią Paryžiaus koketę Lili Dalenji, kuri negali leisti visuomenei sužinoti, kad susilaukė neįgalios dukros. Norėdama apsaugoti tiek ją, tiek save, moteris išvyksta į Romą, kur susipažįsta su diplomuota medike ir netradicine edukatore Marija Montesori. Pati priversta slėpti nesantuokinį sūnų, Marija puikiai supranta Lilį. Palaikdamos viena kitą, šios dvi atkaklios moterys pamažu išsikovoja deramą vietą pokyčių vengusiame, vyrų dominuojančiame pasaulyje.

Mathieu lives in Paris, Alice in a small seaside resort in Western France. He is a famous actor, about to turn fifty. She is a piano teacher in her forties. They were in love fifteen years ago, then separated. Time has passed. They each went their ways and slowly healed. When Mathieu goes try to overcome his melancholia in a thermal spa, he stumbles upon Alice.

Boundary-pushing Russian dancer and actress Ida Rubinstein selects renowned French composer Maurice Ravel to compose the music for her next ballet. Ravel ends up creating his greatest success ever: Boléro.

The sorcerer and his apprentice Galen are on a mission to kill an evil dragon to save the King’s daughter from being sacrificed according to a pact that the King himself made with the dragon to protect his kingdom.

The remarkable true-life survival story of a Jewish boy hiding and being hunted in the forests of Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, based on Maxwell Smart's memoir.

Marie, in her forties, lives in the Hautes-Alpes, cut off from her relatives. She only has her lover, Alex, a border policeman. Thanks to him, she smuggles cigarettes between Italy and France for her ' get out. On her way to France, she bumps into Mouneer, a 20-year-old Sudanese migrant, determined to join his little sister. He guesses her trafficking and persuades her to bring migrants across the border.

A rag-tag team of Reno cops are called in to save the day after a terrorist attack disrupts a national police convention in Miami Beach during spring break. Based on the Comedy Central series.

A tough as nails private investigator (Malone) squares off with gangsters and their thugs to protect a valuable secret. Malone goes through hell to protect the information but he dishes some hell as well...

Michal is 32 years old. She became religious 12 years ago, and only now is she getting married. A month before the wedding, while checking out the catering for the event, the groom has a change of heart and the wedding is called off. Michal feels she’s unable to go back to ordinary life, to the usual course of matchmaking. She feels this is the moment to change something very basic in her personality. A simple belief that God is good and sweet; that He wants to give and is only waiting for her to wish it. Michal goes on a month-long journey lasting up to the planned wedding day: “I have the venue, the dress, the apartment; God can easily come up with my groom.”

A local museum curator who is dipping her toe back into the dating pool is targeted by a charming serial killer. When a fateful romantic getaway between the two becomes a tense game of cat and mouse, both must confront the madness within him.

A country family of five take in charming cousin Julie, whose parents recently died in a car crash, though teenaged daughter Rachel grows suspect that she has an alternative agenda; one that possibly includes witchcraft.

A woman and her brother fly to New Guinea to look for a lost expedition, led by her husband, which has vanished in the great jungle.