A young actress arrives late to a casting, making up a great excuse without knowing a small detail.

Sam loves scary movies, especially the ones with Dracula. This year, instead of writing to Santa for Christmas, Sam writes to Dracula, telling Dracula that he wants to be a real vampire on Halloween this year. Sam is in for quite a surprise as the most famous of all vampires himself responds.

Hello! Project's annual Hinamatsuri live. It took place on March 27 and March 28, 2021 at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 1 & 2.

סקובי-דו והחבורה מבקרים בחווה בסגנון המערב הפרוע ומגלים להפתעתם כי אנשי העיירה הסמוכה נרדפים ע"י רוח רפאים שנראית בדיוק כמו... שאגי! כעת עליהם לפתור את התעלומה.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

Oliver's Divine Delivery Theory is put to the test when he and the POstables seem to be unable to deliver a damaged letter from a military veteran that's a matter of life and death.

As a pair of towers in Tokyo are being prepared for their grand opening, there is a series of murders of people connected to the towers. Conan suspects that the mysterious Syndicate may also be involved.

כאשר סופת שלגים ענקית לוכדת את כולם, מיקי וכל אורחיו בבית מאוס, כולל פו, בל, שלגייה, סינדרלה, אריאל ועוד הרבה חברים ותיקים וחדשים, העוגיות וכוסות שוקו חם מתחילות לזרום כדי לשפר לדונלד את רוח חג המולד המרופטת שלו.

A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.

In a search for a place to settle down, the three friends, Blue, Yellow and Green find their friendship being ruined by greed and headless competition. Only when Blue and Yellow have destroyed and used all surrounding natural resources in their race to build the tallest house on the beach - they discover that Green has found the true values in life on a mountaintop, in harmony with nature, surrounded by family and love.

Balto and the other sled dogs are feeling dejected because the mail that used to be delivered by dogsled is now being delivered by airplanes. But when a mail plane crashes in the mountains, the dogs come to the rescue.

Lewis Black stars in his second HBO solo special, an all-new hour of frenetic, take-no-prisoners stand-up comedy, taped before a live audience at the Warner Theatre in Washington, DC. Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed features Black's opinions and insights into such issues as the State of the Union, abortion, frozen embryos, defecation habits, fossils, bad language, FEMA and, of course, Dick Cheney's aim.

Weeks before Christmas, interior designer Laura is sent to her hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico to remodel a landmark hotel. As Laura is kept busy with the renovations, her 8-year-old daughter Nicole is introduced to the art of salsa dancing at a local dance studio. Laura is surprised to find that the studio’s owner is Ricardo, her old high school sweetheart and former salsa dance partner. When Laura and Ricardo reconnect, sparks fly on and off the dance floor. The beautiful Christmas traditions of New Mexico become the backdrop for spirited dancing and unexpected romance.

Stationed in West Germany, soldier Tulsa McLean hopes to open up a nightclub when he gets out of the army. Tulsa may lack the capital for such a venture, but a chance to raise the cash comes his way through a friendly wager. Local dancer Lili (Juliet Prowse) is a notorious ice queen, and Tulsa bets everything he has that a friend of his can earn her affections. But, when that friend is dispatched to Alaska, it's up to Tulsa to melt Lili's heart.

Detective Mater is hot on the trail of a dastardly car-napping! When Tia's sister goes missing, Mater is the only car she can turn to. With this tow truck on the case, anything can happen.

סינדרלה והנסיך חוזרים מירח הדבש ועל סינדרלה מוטלת האחריות לתכנן את הנשף המלכותי. המלך, הנסיך והדוכס נאלצים להיעדר למשך יומיים, בעוד סינדרלה התמימה צריכה להסתגל לחיים החדשים בארמון, תחת הדרכתה של פרודנס הנוקשה. סינדרלה מתקשה לקבל על עצמה את חוקי הארמון, וחשה כי הם מגבילים את יכולתה לבטא את עצמה. היא מחליטה לארגן את הנשף המלכותי בדרכה. כאשר המלך חוזר, כולם נוכחים לדעת שהנשף שארגנה סינדרלה מצליח ביותר, אף על פי שאינו על פי המסורת המלכותית. סינדרלה לומדת שאם מקשיבים ללב, אפשר להצליח לעשות כל דבר.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

שנה לאחר כל מה שקרה, ודרק ואודט כבר נשואים. אבל דרק טרוד בכל עינייני הממלכה שהוא שוכח את אודט ואפילו את יום הנישואים שלהן. המכשף הרע בסרט הזה הוא החבר של רוטברד. מסתבר ששניהם התחביאו בתוך הארמון כדור בדולח כל יכול. עכשיו הקוסם עושה הכול בשביל להרחיק את דרק מהארמון ולהוביל אותו למלכודת

Mater and Lightning McQueen are ready to rock! When Mater's garage band, Mater and the Gas Caps, records a hit song, Mater becomes a rock legend. Then Lightning joins Mater's band for the rock concert of the century!