Arvid is an ordinary bank clerk who lives a rather unassuming life with his dear girlfriend. But his life is turned completely upside down when he bravely manages to avert a robbery against the bank where he works.

In Los Angeles, an ex-con takes the underground fighting world by storm in his quest to fulfill a promise to a dead friend.

Michel Mortez travels around France hosting a radio game show he created 25 years ago. He is famous among the average Frenchmen. Rivetot, his assistant and technician, always goes with him. He is the only one who knows what really lies under Mortez's appearance of a playful don Juan. When the program is canceled, Rivetot delays telling Mortez as long as possible... Both malicious and tender, this bitter comedy also shows nostalgia.

When a straight-laced couple that has fun with a rowdy couple on vacation in Mexico return to the States, they discover that the crazy couple they met in Mexico followed them back home and decide to play tricks on them.

A local female football team works together to get through hard times and overcome sexual prejudice. Their strength is tested when they lose not only the games, but also their beloved coach who was the core of their team. But they work together to seek financial support, achieve victories, and respect.

A former Naval officer with a dark past must face off against an insurgent with a sound sensitive bomb.

Sinbad and his crew intercept a homunculus carrying a golden tablet. Koura, the creator of the homunculus and practitioner of evil magic, wants the tablet back and pursues Sinbad. Meanwhile, Sinbad meets the Vizier who has another part of the interlocking golden map, and they mount a quest across the seas to solve the riddle of the map.

When Manny Singer's wife dies, his young daughter Molly becomes mute and withdrawn. To help cope with looking after Molly, he hires sassy housekeeper Corrina Washington, who coaxes Molly out of her shell and shows father and daughter a whole new way of life. Manny and Corrina's friendship delights Molly and enrages the other townspeople.

Jedného dňa budovu Federálnej rezervnej banky v New Yorku prepadne ozbrojená skupina a všetkých prítomných vezme ako rukojemníkov. Na scénu prichádzajú detektív a vyjednávateľ Remy Darbonne a agentka FBI, Dr. Brynn Stewartová. Obaja vidia isté podobnosti s neslávne známou „nacistickou diamantovou lúpežou“ z roku 2006, ale ich špekulácie vyvolávajú iba viac otázok než odpovedí. Nemilosrdná a prefíkaná Ariella Barashová, ktorá vedie bandu bankových lupičov, nečakane odhalí svoju identitu a vysvitne, že patrí medzi najhľadanejších zločincov krajiny. Jej súčasná akcia nejako súvisí s aktérmi legendárnej lúpeže z roku 2006. Lenže ako?

New York in the 1920s. Max Perkins, a literary editor is the first to sign such subsequent literary greats as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. When a sprawling, chaotic 1,000-page manuscript by an unknown writer falls into his hands, Perkins is convinced he has discovered a literary genius.

Dva motorkáři, říkající si Harley Davidson (Mickey Rourke) a Marlboro Man (Don Johnson), chtějí pomoci svému starému příteli zachránit jeho majetek a přepadnou bankovní vůz. Domněnka, že rychle vezmou peníze a zmizí se však ze vteřiny na vteřinu mění ve zcela odlišnou realitu - auto je naplněno drogami. Tím se oba stávají nepřítelem číslo jedna zkorumpovanému řediteli banky, který na ně kvůli ukradeným drogám posílá nemilosrdné a chladnokrevné zabijáky

A surreal triptych adapted by "Trainspotting" author Irvine Welsh from his acclaimed collection of short stories. Combining a vicious sense of humor with hard-talking drama, the film reaches into the hearts and minds of the chemical generation, casting a dark and unholy light into the hidden corners of the human psyche.

A boating accident off the coast of Spain sends Paul and his girlfriend Barbara to the decrepit fishing village of Imboca. As night falls, people start to disappear and things not quite human start to appear. Paul is pursued by the entire town. Running for his life, he uncovers Imboca's secret..they worship Dagon, a monstrous god of the sea...and Dagon's unholy offspring are on the loose...

Julien Monnier has a serious problem. Though he's a brilliant couples counselor, he can't keep a woman in his life for more than two weeks. Indeed, ever since his childhood, Julien jinxes every woman who falls in love with him. But it's not just any small jinx. It's the kind that sends you to the hospital several times a week, that destroys your professional life or that turns your friends into enemies. Julien is strictly speaking a true black cat for women. Joanna Sorini will soon learn this at her expense the day she meets him. A career that's just taking off, a love life that finally seems to be taking a good turn, all that may just change.

Forced underground by the next ice age, a struggling outpost of survivors must fight to preserve humanity against a threat even more savage than nature.

Joe Tyler (Matthew Perry) má možná jedno z nejhorších zaměstnání na světě, ale neměnil by. Dokáže dodat legální dokumenty o čemkoliv komukoliv - od mafiánů po milionáře. Jde jen o to, kolik za ně kdo zaplatí. A Sara Moore (Elisabeth Hurley) je jeho další obětí. Její manžel, texaský rančer Gordon totiž pověřil Joea, aby mu obstaral rozvodové papíry a vyšoupl tak Saru ze svého života. Jenže žena se z počátečního šoku vzpamatuje a hodlá se vrátit - aby zachránila peníze, na něž má nárok, zasadila ránu Gordonovu egu a možná našla i skutečnou lásku.

New York city mechanic Robert Saunders is knocked unconscious at his birthday dinner by Russian thugs and wakes up to find himself locked inside the restaurant's industrial freezer. This ruthless gang demand he return the $8 million he has stolen from them. The only problem Robert has no idea what they are talking about. But as the temperature drops and the terror grows, the shocking truth begins to emerge as Robert struggles to survive.

Potom, ako prvý pilotovaný let na Mars končí tragickou nehodou pri pristaní, šéfkontrolórka riadenia letu Mackenzie Wilson spoločne so svojou sestrou Lenou spolupracujú so systémom umelej inteligencie nazývanom ARTI pri vyšetrovaní okolností nehody. Pritom odhalia záhadný monolit umiestnený na povrchu Marsu, ktorý, ako sa zdá, by mohol zmeniť budúcnosť našej planéty, ako ju poznáme.

'Divorce Invitation' centers on Mike Christian, a happily married man who runs into his high school sweetheart Alex, and after all these years, sparks still fly. When Mike is determined Alex is his true soul mate, he realizes he has a huge problem-he signed an iron-clad pre-nuptial agreement and his wife will not let him out of the marriage

Evil voodoo-practicing serial killer Shadow gets executed for murdering pregnant women. Twenty years later the prison Shadow was put to death at has been turned into an experimental women's penitentiary. Tough and fiercely autonomous new inmate Solitaire has some kind of link with Shadow. When Shadow and his lethal shambling zombie minions are resurrected, it's up to Solitaire to stop them.