Režiser temačnih miselnih izzivov Memento, Insomnia in Vitez teme se poglobi v najbolj srhljive dele človeškega uma, kamor s pomočjo futuristične tehnologije kuka pretkani Dom. Preko sanj vdira v misli drugih ljudi in krade dragocene podatke, zato postane najbolj iskan zločinec na planetu. Da bi zaživel normalno življenje, se odloči za zadnjo akcijo, kjer spominov ne namerava ukrasti, temveč želi namestiti nove in tako izvesti popoln zločin. Toda v nepredvidljivem svetu človeških misli ni pravil in omejitev, zato nepričakovani sovražnik nalogo spremeni v smrtonosno past, polno prevar in preobratov.

14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items "borrowed" from the house's human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.

Film skrivnosti in suspenza, ki pripoveduje zgodbo Grace (Nicole Kidman), ki sama v izolirani viktorijanski hiši svoje otroke vzgaja v skladu s strogimi verskimi pravili. Otroci trpijo zaradi nenavadne bolezni: svetlobe dneva ne morejo neposredno sprejeti. Tri nove služabnice, ki se pridružijo družinskemu življenju, se morajo naučiti enega življenjskega pravila: hiša bo vedno v temi; nobena vrata se ne bodo nikoli odprla, razen če je bila prejšnja zaprta. Strogi ukaz, ki ga je do takrat naložila Grace, bo izpodbijan. Milost, otroci in tisti okoli njih bodo naredili nepričakovan in dokončen korak.

Two children receive a strange egg that hatches into their very first Digimon, leading to the night that would change their lives forever.

Omnimon confronts Mephistomon (who was formed from Apocalymon's data) in a dark corner of the Digital World over Mephistomon's attempt to destroy both the Digital World and the Real World and incorporate the data in order to become truly invincible. They fight, but then Mephistomon sees a chance and slips into the Real World.

Hiroshi and Misae have never been to a honeymoon trip to a foreign country. One day, Misae discovered an inexpensive and family-friendly holiday package to Australia and the Nohara family decided to make it their first honeymoon vacation. Hiroshi gets kidnapped upon arrival to Australia, leaving Shinnosuke, Misae and others on a dangerous journey. It turns out that Hiroshi is the key to a secret treasure. The remaining members of the Nohara Family must rescue Hiroshi, while a mysterious masked man and treasure hunters from all over the world are after him. The struggle is among three different groups in this action-filled treasure hunting adventure.

It is the Edo Period. Younosuke, Nami, and Koutaro of the Hayate School and Ikkaku and Ikki of the Ikazuchi School are confronted by Oiranda and Aunja of the "Seven Spears of Darkness" and then Teruhime, whom the two Ikazuchi School members guard, is attacked. They were after the "Tenshoishi" ("Ascension Stone"), a stone said to be capable of destroying the world, which was in Teruhime's possession. Just when all seemed to be lost, the Hurricangers and the Gouraigers suddenly appear, having traveled back in time from the future, and a fierce battle ensues.

An Okinawan prophecy that foretells the destruction of the Earth is seeming fulfilled when Godzilla emerges to return to his destructive roots. But not all is what it seems after Godzilla breaks his ally Anguirus's jaw. Matters are further complicated when a second Godzilla emerges, revealing the doppelgänger as a mechanical weapon.

In this movie, that takes place three months after MaloMyotismon's defeat, the DigiDestined go up against Diaboromon again. Tai and Matt head back to the Internet to deal with him with Omnimon, while the younger Chosen Children go to deal with the rampage of a swarm of Kuramon (Diaboromon's Fresh form). With the help of Angemon and Angewomon (with T.K. and Kari), Omnimon was able to destroy Diaboromon again, but it turned out to be a trap, as his destruction allowed many more Kuramon to go to the Real World. Things go out of control when the Kuramon in the Real World merge to create a Mega level called Armageddemon, an alternate Mega in Diaboromon's evolutionary line. It is so powerful that neither Omnimon nor Imperialdramon were able to defeat it on their own.

This animated take on Oliver Twist re-imagines Oliver as an adorable orphaned kitten who struggles to survive in New York City and falls in with a band of canine criminals led by an evil human. First, Oliver meets Dodger, a carefree mutt with street savoir faire. But when Oliver meets wealthy Jenny on one of the gang's thieving missions, his life changes forever.

In the ravaged near-future, a savage motorcycle gang rules the road. Terrorizing innocent civilians while tearing up the streets, the ruthless gang laughs in the face of a police force hell-bent on stopping them.

Mitološki dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Režiser Osmega potnika in Iztrebljevalca Ridley Scott se vrača k žanru, ki ga je proslavil. Loteva se prelomnih odkritij v mitologiji, kjer dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Naletijo na nezemeljsko raso vesoljskih popotnikov, ki naj bi bili stvaritelji človeštva in ustvarjalci življenja na Zemlji. Za posadko vesoljske ladje "Prometej" na svoji milijarde dolarjev vredni misiji so to torej nič manj kot bogovi. Tako kot pri mitološkem Prometeju pa je izzivanje bogov zelo tvegano početje. PRIPOROČAMO

Zgodba govori o povsem običajnem mladeniču Wesleyju, ki živi monotono in dolgočasno življenje, dokler nekega dne ne spozna fatalne lepotice Fox. Od nje izve, da je bil njegov oče izurjen morilec, sedaj pa naj bi prevzel njegovo mesto v skrivnostni organizaciji elitnih agentov.

Štorast policist Frank Drebin je že v pokoju in se posveča družinskemu življenju z ženo Jane. Toda kolegi ga prepričajo, da se še zadnjič vrne v službo. Terorist Rocco grozi, da bo na podelitvi oskarjev sprožil bombo, ki bo odnesla v zrak največje filmske zvezde. Poleg tega ima ubogi Frank opravka še z Roccovo prsato ljubico Tanyo.

Joe Enders is a gung-ho Marine assigned to protect a "windtalker" - one of several Navajo Indians who were used to relay messages during World War II because their spoken language was indecipherable to Japanese code breakers.

George Lutz, his wife Kathy, and their three children have just moved into a beautiful, and improbably cheap, Victorian mansion nestled in the sleepy coastal town of Amityville, Long Island. However, their dream home is concealing a horrific past and soon each member of the Lutz family is plagued with increasingly strange and violent visions and impulses.

Medtem ko Sidney Prescott živi v skrbno varovani osami, se začnejo kopičiti trupla na hollywoodskem prizorišču snemanja "Rezila 3", zadnjega v seriji filmov o umorih v Greenboru. Ko jih naraščajoča groza naposled izbeza iz skrivališča, so Sidney in njeni prijatelji še enkrat prisiljeni v resnično in nadvse krvavo igro poznavanja "pravil" filmskih grozljivk. Prav tedaj, ko že mislijo, da so jih obvladali, na svojo grozo ugotovijo, da v tokratnem pokolu v resnici ni več nikakršnih pravil.

In the land of Orlais, a brash young Seeker—Cassandra—fights to stop a blood-soaked conspiracy. Hidden hands seek to tear apart the realm's most powerful religious order, and as the sinister plot unfolds, Cassandra is accused of treason and murder. Hunted by friend and foe alike, the impulsive beauty must clear her name while clashing with corrupt templars and rogue blood mages. Should she fail, the executioner’s blade awaits. Should she overcome her rage and expose the unseen forces threatening the rule of the Divine, Cassandra will take her place in legend.

Matt Stifler je mlajši brat legendarnega Stevea Stiflerja, ki je v Hollywoodu uspel s svojimi seksi filmi. Tako kot njegov brat, je tudi Matt poln trikov in potegavščin, zaradi katerih ga šolski svetovalec nazadnje za kazen pošlje v poletni glasbeni tabor. Obkrožen s tromboni in klarineti, začne Matt takoj načrtovati svoj nov odštekan podvig. S skritimi kamerami bo posnel sočne prizore, v katerih bodo nevede nastopale njegove seksi vrstnice, in izdelal vroč video. Toda stvari se zapletejo, ko se Matt zaljubi v skladateljico Elyse.

The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren.