Since 2014, France's restorative justice programmes have offered a safe space for supervised dialogue between offenders and victims. Grégoire, Nawelle, and Sabine, victims of heists and violent robberies, agree to join one of these discussion groups alongside offenders Nassim, Issa, and Thomas, all convicted of violent robberies. Meanwhile Chloé, a victim of childhood sexual abuse, prepares for dialogue with her own agressor after learning he has moved back into town.

Após deixar a família e ir viver para Paris a fim de trabalhar, a inocente Amélie encontra uma caixa escondida em sua casa. Pensando que pertenceria ao antigo morador, decide procurá-lo e é assim que encontra Dominique. Ao ver que ele chora de alegria ao reaver o objecto, ela fica impressionada e adquire uma nova visão do mundo. Então, a partir de pequenos gestos, passa a ajudar as pessoas que a rodeiam, vendo nisto um novo sentido para sua existência.

No momento em que aparece um inesperado inimigo que ameaça a segurança global, Nick Fury, o Diretor da agência internacional que assegura a paz mundial conhecida como S.H.I.E.L.D, vê-se na necessidade de recrutar uma equipa capaz de salvar o planeta do desastre iminente. Por todo o globo, uma audaz força de recrutamento é iniciada.

Uma luta pelo reino dos monstros, entre o imparável Godzilla e o gigantesco Kong, num mundo onde o homem e os monstros coexistem e os grupos inimigos querem manipular os Titãs para que a guerra comece a surgir sob o disfarce de uma conspiração nefasta, ameaçando acabar com a vida no Planeta.

Cherry deixou a faculdade para servir no Iraque como médico do Exército. A sua única âncora é a namorada Emily. Quando regressa a casa como um herói de guerra, luta contra os demónios de um stresse pós-traumático não diagnosticado e torna-se viciado em heroína. Para sustentar o vício, começa a roubar bancos, destruindo pelo caminho a sua relação com Emily.

“Air” conta a história da visionária parceria que mudou para sempre as regras do jogo. O inimaginável contrato entre o jovem promissor Michael Jordan e a principiante divisão de basquetebol da Nike, transformou o mundo do desporto e da cultura contemporânea com o lançamento da marca Air Jordan.

Um polícia na cidade rural de Green Hills vai ajudar o Sonic a escapar das autoridades, que andam a tentar deitar-lhe a mão.

Michael Dorsey (Dustin Hoffman) é um ator perfeccionista que não consegue emprego devido ao seu temperamento. Quando George Fields (Sydney Pollack), seu empresário, diz que ninguém vai contratá-lo por causa de seu gênio difícil, ele então resolve se vestir de mulher e, com o nome de Dorothy Michaels, consegue um papel em uma novela diurna que se torna um grande sucesso. Mas existe um problema: ele está apaixonado por Julie (Jessica Lange), uma das atrizes da novela em que trabalha, e se ele se declarar a ela revelará que é um homem.

Do Louvre ao Palácio de Buckingham, das sarjetas de Paris ao cerco de La Rochelle… Num reino dividido por guerras religiosas e sob ameaça de invasão britânica, um grupo de homens e mulheres cruzará espadas para salvarem o destino de França.

Young and ambitious Captain Vivés has just been appointed group leader at the Grenoble Criminal Squad when Clara's murder case lands on his desk. Vivés and his team investigate Clara's complex life and relations, but what starts as a professional and methodical immersion into the victim's life soon turns into a haunting obsession.

Os Bélier são uma simpática família francesa em que todos - exceto Paula - são surdos. Incitada pelo professor de Música, Paula descobre um talento para cantar e decide seguir a carreira. Uma escolha que a vai distanciar da família e obrigá-la a crescer.

Toni has spent her entire life putting other people’s needs before her own. When she was 20 years old, she was pushed by her mother to join a TV singing competition, becoming a national star. Twenty years and five children later, she is a full-time mom who spends all her time and effort on raising her teenage kids. As she helps her children plan their future after graduation, she begins to imagine what her life could be if - for once - she did what she really wanted. Will she be able to turn her life around and dare to be something other than a mother and a daughter?

Matthias Le Goff, an Olympic champion at the end of his career, makes a homophobic statement on TV. His punishment: coach the Shiny Shrimps, a flamboyant and amateur gay water-polo team. They have only one thing in mind: to qualify for the Gay Games in Croatia where the hottest international LGBT athletes compete. It's the start of a bumpy and joyful ride - Faster, Higher, Stronger.

Vivendo em meio a hostil território Apache, Angie Lowe (Geraldine Page) insiste em não deixar a propriedade antes da volta de seu esposo Ed (Leo Gordon). Hondo Lane (John Wayne), um frio caubói de passagem, acaba capturado pelo líder indígena Vittorio (Michael Pate) e para escapar da morte passa-se pelo desaparecido marido. Sua missão agora é proteger a mulher e o filho dela, Johnny (Lee Aaker).

Desperate for money and running out of options, Marine veteran Brian Brown-Easley holds several people hostage inside a bank, setting the stage for a tense confrontation with police.

After closing his agency and promising Flo that he would never lie to her again, Greg's new life became quiet, too quiet... Not for long! When he decides to propose to Flo, Greg is up against the wall and has to introduce his family. But with his crooked father and his ex-charm actress mother, this could ruin his future union. He has no choice but to reopen his agency with his former accomplices for an ultimate Alibi and to find more presentable fake parents.

Lila, grows up in the high-rises of the Marolles in Brussels. Along with her sister and her friends, she dreams of becoming a dancer and revolutionising the world of hip-hop. While her friends stay in Brussels, Lila leaves everything - comfort, family - behind to go to Paris, where she is certain her persistence will pay off. Except that life in Paris quickly takes an unexpected turn. The woman who dreamed of being a choreographer ends up as a lap dancer in a rap video, and that’s only the beginning of her disillusionment. After a chance meeting with a drama teacher, she bears her heart and soul on stage and begins doing stand-up. This time, her unusual dedication leads her to find her calling. However, she still has to fight one final battle: convincing her father that she has made the right choice.

A young woman struggling to stay on top of everything in her life meets a married publisher and begins an affair with him.

January 13, 2018. 8h08. Hawaii is in a state of alert: ballistic missiles have just been launched in the direction of the island, there are only a few minutes left to find a shelter. Like every year, a group of friends has come to spend a week's vacation in the hotel of one of their friends, who has left to live in Hawaii. As they think they are living their last moments, years of unspoken words come back and degenerate into a settlement of accounts. Fortunately for them, it's a false alarm. Unfortunately, they still have eight days of vacation to spend together.

Philippe is a well-known writer, whose life was going smoothly: a surgeon wife, a circle of high-ranking friends, a Parisian mansion... And above all, an imminent entry into the Académie Française. Except that Philippe suffers from terrible back pain that plagues his life. When he meets the incredible Martha, who picks him up after a car accident on the roads of Normandy, his vision of the world changes. With her gentle madness and her healing hands, this woman who seems so free is especially concerned with treating others, even if it means forgetting herself. Between these two characters that everything opposes, a surprising friendship is woven, with the opportunity for them to finally seize the best that life can offer them.