The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family's wishes. There he meets a girl, Glasha, who accompanies him back to his village. On returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope.

Shaun lives a supremely uneventful life, which revolves around his girlfriend, his mother, and, above all, his local pub. This gentle routine is threatened when the dead return to life and make strenuous attempts to snack on ordinary Londoners.

A high school swim champion with a troubled past enrolls in the U.S. Coast Guard's 'A' School, where legendary rescue swimmer, Ben Randall teaches him some hard lessons about loss, love, and self-sacrifice.

In a world ravaged by crime, the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a walled prison where brutal prisoners roam. After the US president crash-lands inside, war hero Snake Plissken has 24 hours to bring him back.

In 1931, the Bondurant brothers of Franklin County, Virginia, run a multipurpose backwoods establishment that hides their true business — bootlegging. Middle brother Forrest is the brain of the operation; older Howard is the brawn, and younger Jack, the lookout. Though the local police have taken bribes and left the brothers alone, a violent war erupts when a sadistic lawman from Chicago arrives and tries to shut down the Bondurants operation.

In the town of Blithe Hollow, Norman Babcock can speak to the dead, but no one other than his eccentric new friend believes his ability is real. One day, Norman's eccentric uncle tells him of a ritual he must perform to protect the town from a curse cast by a witch centuries ago.

A briefcase with undisclosed contents – sought by Irish terrorists and the Russian mob – makes its way into criminals' hands. An Irish liaison assembles a squad of mercenaries, or 'ronin', and gives them the thorny task of recovering the case.

A myriad of outrageous calamities befalls an eccentric English clan with more than a few skeletons in its closets when the family's patriarch dies an unexpected death.

The Daywalker known as "Blade" - a half-vampire, half-mortal man - becomes the protector of humanity against an underground army of vampires.

A tale of an inner city drug dealer who turns away from crime to pursue his passion, rap music.

Book superstore magnate, Joe Fox and independent book shop owner, Kathleen Kelly fall in love in the anonymity of the Internet—both blissfully unaware that he's trying to put her out of business.

When he starts dating drop-dead gorgeous Molly, insecure airport security agent Kirk can't believe it. As his friends and family share their doubts about the relationship lasting, Kirk does everything he can to avoid losing Molly forever.

Ideālu pilnais 19 gadus vecais FIB aģents Neits Fosters ir apņēmības pilns sevi pierādīt kaujas apstākļos. Viņš dodas slepenā misijā, kur jāpieveic radikāla teroristu grupa. Attapīgais analītiķis ir spiests konfrontēties ar izaicinājumiem, kas radušies pēc viņa identitātes maiņas, vienlaikus saglabājot savus principus un spējot izlavierēt caur tumšākajiem noziedzības nostūriem.

After their father is called into work, two young boys, Walter and Danny, are left in the care of their teenage sister, Lisa, and told they must stay inside. Walter and Danny, who anticipate a boring day, are shocked when they begin playing Zathura, a space-themed board game, which they realize has mystical powers when their house is shot into space. With the help of an astronaut, the boys attempt to return home.

An extremely wealthy elderly man dying from cancer undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness to the body of a healthy young man but everything may not be as good as it seems when he starts to uncover the mystery of the body's origins and the secret organization that will kill to keep its secrets.

When Claire Spencer starts hearing ghostly voices and seeing spooky images, she wonders if an otherworldly spirit is trying to contact her. All the while, her husband tries to reassure her by telling her it's all in her head. But as Claire investigates, she discovers that the man she loves might know more than he's letting on.

Nekas tā nekaitina temperamentīgo, par ātrumu sapņojošo gliemezi ar skanīgo vārdu Turbo, kā nesteidzīgā ikdienas dzīve, lēnās sarunas un bremzētie kaimiņi. Kaislība uz ātrumu padara Turbo par svešinieku savu lēnīgo sugas brāļu vidū, kuriem sapņi par ātrumu liekas pilnīgs neprāts.

Kad sīvākie sāncenši - daiļslidotāji Čazs un Džimijs pasaules čempionāta laikā visu acu priekšā burtiskā nozīmē saiet matos un pataisa sevi par pēdējiem idiotiem, viņi taisnā ceļā "izlido" no sporta aprindām. Pēc vairāk kā trīs gadu pauzes, viņi nolemj atrast veidu, kā atgriezties sportā. Ja viņiem izdotos tikt galā ar savstarpējām nesaskaņām, viņi varētu uzstāties… pāru deju disciplīnā.

Ekscentrisku citplanētiešu grupa veic eksperimentu, piešķirot kādam cilvēkam spēju panākt pilnīgi visu, ko tas vēlas.

2028. gads Detroitā - kad priekšzīmīgs policists, ģimenes cilvēks Alekss Mērfijs, pildot dienesta pienākumus, tiek smagi sakropļots, starptautiskais robotu tehnoloģiju konglomerāts „OmniCorp" saskata lielisku iespēju uzkonstruēt daļēji cilvēku, daļēji robotu - policistu. „OmniCorp" ražojumi jau gadiem tiek izmantoti militārajām vajadzībām, taču civilajā aizsardzībā to izmantošana līdz šim bijusi aizliegta. Konglomerāta vadītāji cer gūt grandiozu peļņu, taču nav rēķinājušies, ka viņu radītajā iznīcināšanas mašīnā joprojām pukst cilvēka sirds.