Crotchety retired doctor Isak Borg travels from Stockholm to Lund, Sweden, with his pregnant and unhappy daughter-in-law, Marianne, in order to receive an honorary degree from his alma mater. Along the way, they encounter a series of hitchhikers, each of whom causes the elderly doctor to muse upon the pleasures and failures of his own life. These include the vivacious young Sara, a dead ringer for the doctor's own first love.

Lõbus, häiriv ja üllatav kohtumine äärelinna Ameerikas läbi keskklassi ülemise paari Lesteri ja Carolyni, kelle abielu ja kelle elu aeglaselt lahti hargnevad. Carolyn vihkab oma meest, tütar põlgab teda ja ülemus kavatseb ta vallandada. Nii otsustab Lester oma elus mõnda asja muuta; vabamaks saades muutub ta õnnelikumaks, mis teeb tema naise ja tütre vihasemaks.

After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity, and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness.

Inuyasha and his brother, Sesshomaru, each inherited a sword from their father after his death. However, their father had a third sword, named Sounga, that he sealed away. Seven hundreds years after his death, Sounga awakens and threatens mankind's very existence. How will the children of the Great Dog Demon stop this unimaginable power?

Noor politseinik Jake Hoyt (Ethan Hawke) saab endale paarimeheks karastunud ja karmi kolleegi Alonzo Harrise (Denzel Washington), kes peab õpetama Jake´ile kuidas L.A-s ellu jääda. Tegelik päev kujuneb aga hoopis teistsuguseks kui Jake arvas, kuna teda kistakse kaasa Alonzo ebaseaduslikku tegevusse.

Beth, Calvin, and their son Conrad are living in the aftermath of the death of the other son. Conrad is overcome by grief and misplaced guilt to the extent of a suicide attempt. He is in therapy. Beth had always preferred his brother and is having difficulty being supportive to Conrad. Calvin is trapped between the two trying to hold the family together.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

Following the murder of her father by a hired hand, a 14-year-old farm girl sets out to capture the killer. To aid her, she hires the toughest U.S. Marshal she can find—a man with 'true grit'—Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn.

Indiana Jones on Hong Kongis sõlmimas vahetust kohalike gangsteritega. Kuid neil pole kavatsust Indianat sealt elusalt minema lasta. Lennukiga põgenedes on ta sunnitud lennukist koos kaaslastega lahkuma. Maandudes väiksesse külla, näitab sealne hõimupealik enda rikutud küla. Pealiku väitel on neilt varastatud võlukivid, millega läksid kaasa ka külaelanike lapsed. Juhuslikult avastab Indiana küla all oleva koopa, mis viib läbi keerdkäikude vanasse kaevandusse.

Mänedžer Neal Page (Steve Martin) tahab tänupühadeks New Yorkist Chicagosse oma pere juurde lennata. Kuid lumetormi tõttu jääb lend ära ja tuleb leida alternatiiv. Chicagosse tahab minna ka lobamokast duššikardinate müüja Del Griffith (John Candy), kes teeb Nealile ettepaneku, et organiseerib neile mõne transpordivahendi. Kuid arvukad takistused, millest suurim vast Deli kalduvus äpardustesse sattuda, ohustavad õigeagset kohalejõudmist.

The story of the ascension to the throne and the early reign of Queen Elizabeth the First, the endless attempts by her council to marry her off, the Catholic hatred of her and her romance with Lord Robert Dudley.

When a litter of dalmatian puppies are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the parents must find them before she uses them for a diabolical fashion statement. In a Disney animation classic, Dalmatian Pongo is tired of his bachelor-dog life. He spies lovely Perdita and maneuvers his master, Roger, into meeting Perdita's owner, Anita. The owners fall in love and marry, keeping Pongo and Perdita together too. After Perdita gives birth to a litter of 15 puppies, Anita's old school friend Cruella De Vil wants to buy them all. Roger declines her offer, so Cruella hires the criminal Badun brothers to steal them -- so she can have a fur coat.

Fast-talking, quick-thinking Detroit street cop Axel Foley has bent more than a few rules and regs in his time, but when his best friend is murdered, he heads to sunny Beverly Hills to work the case like only he can.

Nerdy high schooler Arnie Cunningham falls for Christine, a rusty 1958 Plymouth Fury, and becomes obsessed with restoring the classic automobile to her former glory. As the car changes, so does Arnie, whose newfound confidence turns to arrogance behind the wheel of his exotic beauty. Arnie's girlfriend Leigh and best friend Dennis reach out to him, only to be met by a Fury like no other.

It is 1967, and Larry Gopnik, a physics professor at a quiet Midwestern university, has just been informed by his wife Judith that she is leaving him. She has fallen in love with one of his more pompous acquaintances Sy Ableman.

After an unappreciated minister dies, his daughter loses her faith in God, prompting her to open a phony temple with a con man. Can the love of a blind aviator restore her faith and happiness?

Nightclub singer Joan Gordon runs away from her gangster boyfriend to become a mail-order bride to a struggling North Dakota farmer. Their relationship has a rocky start, but just as Joan realizes she's developing feelings for her husband, her old boyfriend arrives to win her back.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

A large spider from the jungles of South America is accidentally transported in a crate with a dead body to America where it mates with a local spider. Soon after, the residents of a small California town disappear as the result of spider bites from the deadly spider offspring. It's up to a couple of doctors with the help of an insect exterminator to annihilate these eight legged freaks.

Tom Leezak and Sarah McNerney fall in love and plan to get married, despite opposition from Sarah's uptight, rich family. When they do get married, and get a chance to prove Sarah's family wrong, they go on a European honeymoon and run into disaster after disaster. They have to decide whether the honeymoon from hell and a few pre-marital mistakes are worth throwing away their love and marriage.