Brazil, 1988. An unemployed tractor driver hijacks VASP flight 375 and orders commander Murilo to crash the plane on the Planalto Palace to kill the president - whom he considers guilty for the country's devastating economic crisis.

One day, Nagi Seishiro receives an invitation to the mysterious BLUE LOCK Project. What awaits him there is an encounter with the finest strikers assembled from across the country. Nagi's dream of becoming the best, alongside Mikage Reo, will take this prodigy to a world he's never known.

Bart's chance encounter with the enigmatic Vienna leads to a whirlwind weekend together. The two fall fast and hard, but both carry secrets that could be their undoing or the chance for a fresh start.

Film about the Bahian singer dives into the moment when shy Gracinha becomes Gal Costa, during the violent, innovative and mind-blowing years that helped shape Brazil's greatest singer.

Laura, a specialized psychologist in sexist violence, receives the couple composed by Eva and Pablo when he is reported for abuse, at the same time that she suffers the consequences of trying to protect women from abusers.

In a segregated Texas, five Mexican-American teenage caddies were prohibited from playing at the country club where they worked. Against all odds, they formed their own team, built a one-hole course in the fields, and won the 1957 Texas State championship. Based on a true story.

Аксел Фоули отново ще разтърси Бевърли Хилс с неподправения си начин на работа. Оказва се, че животът на дъщеря му е застрашен, което налага събирането на супер отбор. Фоули и дъщеря му ще обединят усилия с добре познатите ни детективи от филмите Били и Джон, но и с едно ново лице (Джоузеф Гордън-Левит). Четиримата ще трябва да преминат през какво ли не, за да разкрият сложна конспирация и спасят живота на дъщерята на Аксел Фоули.

When a series of gruesome murders hit Seoul, the Korean investigation police has no choice but to ask help from world-renowned French doctor Alice Launey who developed a revolutionary technique for recognizing bodies. With more corpses on the way and a mysterious organ trafficking ring uncovered, things are about to get more dangerous in the land of the morning calm…

Your favourite gamer trio is back! This time, Waldek, Staszek and Delfina will spend an adventure-packed summer in the Tatra Mountains. During the trip, Waldek accidentally finds out that his father – the man he has heard so much about from his mum, the person who abandoned his family a long time ago – lives nearby. The boy is determined to find him and ask him about the reasons for his decision. Together with Staszek, under the cover of night, they set out on their mission. The hazards of the mountain trail, however, are nothing compared to what Delfina will have to do. The creative teenager has to hide the truth about the boys’ disappearance from her aunt, the mother of Waldek and… her new partner. How will this secret mission affect the lives of all the characters? Will Waldek find an answer to the questions that haunt him and understand the actions of his father?

13-годишната Синика изчезва мистериозно в една гореща лятна нощ. Момичето сякаш потъва вдън земя и никой няма обяснение какво се е случило с него. Колелото й е открито на място, където преди 23 години е било намерено мъртво друго момиче. Дали двата случая имат нещо общо и дали настоящият случай няма да разплете отдавна забравени тайни от миналото. Главната роля в тази немска продукция на швейцарския режисьор Баран бо Одар се изпълнява от един от водещите датски актьори Улрих Томсен, познат от хитовете "Празненството" и "Ябълките на Адам".

A mother and her teenage daughter must confront Death when it arrives in the form of an astonishing talking bird.

Maddie's dream guy is days away from marrying her best friend when a wish for true love made on an ancient stone in Ireland magically alters her fate.

In 2016, French writer and photographer Carole Achache took her own life. After Carole's death, her daughter Mona Achache, a film director, discovers thousands of photos, letters and recordings that Carole left behind, but these buried secrets make her disappearance even more of an enigma. Through the power of filmmaking and the beauty of incarnation with the help of actress Marion Cotillard, the director brings her mother back to life to retrace her journey and find out who she really was.

Movie star Charlie Castle draws the ire of Hollywood producer Stanley Hoff when he refuses to sign a new seven-year contract. Castle is sick of the low quality of the studio's films and wants to start a new life. While his estranged wife supports him in the decision, Castle's talent agent urges him to reconsider. When Castle continues to be uncooperative, Hoff resorts to blackmail in order to get his way.

Двама офицери, отстранени от армията с военен съд, се събират отново, за да помогнат на страната си в изключително опасна мисия.

Опитен командос от спец. части Паркър(Джесика Алба)се завръща у дома и поема собствеността на бащиния й бар, след като той внезапно умира. Паркър скоро се озовава в противоречия с местна банда, действаща необуздано из нейния роден град, търгувайки с оръжие с опасни терористи. Проследявайки ги разбира, че смъртта на баща и не е нещастен случай а убийство. Тогава взема на прицел виновните за смъртта на баща и.

Опитният катерач Пам изкачва връх Вашингтон, но се връща преди да достигне върха заради наближаваща буря. По пътя си надолу тя се натъква на мъж в беда и решава да се погрижи за него, като и двамата трябва да слязат от планината преди мръкване и преди да дойде бурята. Филмът е базиран на истински случай.

Pia and Jan have just fallen in love and arranged to meet Pia's friends for a game night. Jan meets Pia's friends for the first time and is under pressure to make the perfect first impression. When Pia's ex-boyfriend shows up and even Jan's buddy's tips can't save anything, everything is at stake: the relationship, the friendship, and the definition of truth.

A father, immersed in a difficult divorce process, embarks on a dangerous mission when his children disappear from their isolated country house.

An unlikely friendship develops between a hitman and a suicidal guy who have both checked into the same hotel for different reasons.