The cultural phenomenon continues on the big screen! Immerse yourself in this once-in-a-lifetime concert film experience with a breathtaking, cinematic view of the history-making tour.

After his classmate and crush is diagnosed with a pancreatic disease, an average high schooler sets out to make the most of her final days.

Старија кинеска имигранткиња је увучена у незамисливу авантуру у којој сама покушава да спаси свет истражујући паралелне универзуме у којима се среће са животним путањама које је могла да води.

A fictional history of two legendary revolutionaries' journey away from home before they began fighting for their country in the 1920s.

After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, Vale and Alex start crushing on each other without realizing they've met in real life.

Not many people know that every house is secretly inhabited by little monsters! These furry creatures take care of a family’s house but cannot be seen. Finnick is a little monster, who doesn’t seem to care about his responsibility of making a home out of the house. But everything changes after a new family comes to his house. When Finn meets 13-year-old Christine, inexplicable events begin to happen in the city and life will never be the same again!

Након смртоносних догађаја који су се одиграли, породица Абот принуђена је да се суочи са страхотама спољашњег света, док њени чланови настављају борбу за опстанак у тишини. Присиљени да се упусте у непознато, брзо схватају да створења која их лове уколико испусте звук нису једина претња која вреба.

Cherry drifts from college dropout to army medic in Iraq - anchored only by his true love, Emily. But after returning from the war with PTSD, his life spirals into drugs and crime as he struggles to find his place in the world.

After dominating the boxing world, Adonis Creed has thrived in his career and family life. When a childhood friend and former boxing prodigy, Damian Anderson, resurfaces after serving a long sentence in prison, he is eager to prove that he deserves his shot in the ring. The face-off between former friends is more than just a fight. To settle the score, Adonis must put his future on the line to battle Damian — a fighter with nothing to lose.

A young single mother is held captive along with her two children by a violent ex and must plot their escape before it’s too late.

Теса и Хардин су одолевали свим изазовима, али хоће ли им се крај њихове бајке обити о главу? После срећног краја... Живот никада неће бити исти. Никада Теси и Хардину није ишло као по лоју, али сваки нови изазов је њихову страствену везу чинио све јачом. Али када важно откриће из прошлости до сржи протресе Хадинову непробојну фасаду, а Теса доживи трагедију, хоће ли их то поново зближити или раздвојити? Док се појављује шокантна истина о породицама пара, двоје љубавника откривају да се не разликују толико једно од другог. Теса више није она слатка, једноставна, добра девојка каква је била када је упознала Хардина - као што је он окрутни, ћудљиви дечко у ког се она заљубила.

Bill Baker, an American oil-rig roughneck from Oklahoma, travels to Marseille to visit his estranged daughter, Allison, who is in prison for a murder she claims she did not commit. Confronted with language barriers, cultural differences, and a complicated legal system, Bill builds a new life for himself in France as he makes it his personal mission to exonerate his daughter.

Деградирани полицајац је премештен на канцеларијски рад као диспечер на позивима за хитне случајеве. Оно што обећава веома досадну смену постаје напета трка када се јави на успаничени телефонски позив отете жене.

After being involuntarily discharged from the U.S. Special Forces, James Harper decides to support his family by joining a private contracting organization alongside his best friend and under the command of a fellow veteran. Overseas on a covert mission, Harper must evade those trying to kill him while making his way back home.

Живот двоје болничара растргнут је након што су наишли на серију стравичних смртних случајева повезани с дрогом са бизарним, оностраним ефектима.

At the turn of the 19th century, Pugilism was the sport of kings and a gifted young boxer fought his way to becoming champion of England.

Педантно осмишљен живот црнкиње са привилегијама почиње да се расплиће када се два странца појаве у њеном чудном граду у предграђу.

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.

When photographers Erin and Patrick are brought aboard the ship with their young son Lukas, they unleash a series of events that entwines their family with the ship’s dark past. As the terror unfolds around them they begin to realise there is more to this sumptuous ocean liner than meets the eye: its remarkable legacy masking violent secrets.

Decades ago, the USSR developed unkillable sharks and launched them to the moon. Today, a team of American astronauts will endure the fight of their lives.